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Posts posted by Mikekan13

  1. NECROPOWERS ACTIVATE! I doubt anyone from 8 years is still even on here. I have fond memories of this community! I was quite surprised this site still exists. If for whatever reason anyone sees this: Obviously Favor the Gods didn't happen. Not yet anyway! I moved on to unity and spent the last 5 years or so just making little throwaway projects. If you are interested I just recently started an indie studio with a few people and we are making a go at turning a hobby into a career. Our first game is called [The Wretched](https://www.thewretchedVR.com); it is a VR horror game set in space with a western vibe. [(Facebook Link)](https://www.facebook.com/TheWretchedVR/) We have been working on it for about a year now and will have some playable stuff near the end of the year.

    So what about FtG? It never died in my head. I have a game design doc that I work on every now and then. Once my studio is more established with a couple titles under our belt we will tackle FtG again but on a much grander scale. Probably 4-5 years from now. For now, if you want to give The Wretched a follow on facebook you would be helping the tiny ember of FtG to slowly rekindle. See ya'll around!
  2. RESURRECTION!!! In case anyone cares I was gone because I enlisted in the Air Force and had to go through basic and technical training. Worry not! FtG is not dead! I will probably close this thread in a month or so once I have established a website and an indiedb page. Stay tuned for changes.
  3. > Anyhow it seems like a pretty simple thing to learn. I'd be happy to help with this game when I'm done studying the code inside and out. Or codes in this case perhaps.

    Send me some info about yourself and I will get back to you.
  4. @Jungle:

    > It's called creating your own code. Not everyone copies and pastes code and other people's systems. Of course you wouldn't know that because Eclipse's source section includes everything… but still.

    oookay then… It isn't a tactics game and you really should learn to code yourself. Code splicing won't get you very far.
  5. Vb6 as sad as that is. The plan was to release a single player game with the key features of the online present and then move to a better language. Been thinking about unity but not sure if it is really suited for an mmo. I was waiting for Stephan to release his C libraries but I don't think that is happening anytime soon. I will probably end up with C# but it is still in the air.
  6. Sorry for the delayed absence. Been busy with life. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Been looking a lot at unity lately. Really just trying to get a perspective on things.

    > Can anyone else help to contribute to the game?

    I am always open to the idea. It would have to be the right person with the kind of skills needed.
  7. Building a new PC. Only need my ram and it should be here tomorrow. I will finally be able to take some video of the game in action. Been working on finalizing ramps and half blocks. Almost done with those.  After that I am going to make a quick item editor for Eli and he is going to start pumping out some content. Hopefully we will have some sprites to show off soon. I want to get you guys playing this as soon as possible. I will estimate another month and we will have a pre-alpha to play.
  8. Just so you know! Making a 2d game in a 3d environment is a bitch. Finally tackling the combat and when you have to be able to attack in all directions it makes the controls a bit complex. Here are the controls as they exist. Give me some feed back.

    Movement: WASD
    Jump: space
    Run:shift or toggle with CapsLock
    Tab: toggle throw mode on and off
    R: aim up
    F: aim down
    left click: attack/throw/block left hand item
    right click: attack/throw/block right hand item

    Currently any direction you are facing is the direction the attack will go in. (probably will add swinging to attacks or may incorporate mouse  movement while registering an attack) If you click and hold a mouse button down then that corresponding hand will guard  until mouse is released. If you release a guard right when an attack is coming at you then it will perform a parry. guard radius is determined by the item equipped in the hand. Throw is obvious. while holding r or f you will attack the block above or below you. Oh and also while guarding it activates a sort of strafing mode so that the player will face the same direction until the block is let go.
  9. @Jungle:

    > I hate to nag, but do you mind changing the sprite? I'm not sure if it's a placeholder or not, but the shading on it seems off and slightly annoying.

      hahah. Yes it is a placeholder. Although I have stared at that little guy for so long that I will find some way to put him in the game as an easter egg.

    Remember though the residents are only sort of human.
  10. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/Mikekan13/Buildit.png)

    Been steadily working on the single player FTG. Name still undecided.

    More in depth look at the crafting/building:

    Everything in the game is made of basic elements–just like the real world. Each element reacts with each other to form different materials and complex compounds. The player will mine and refine elements into specific shapes. Cubes, balls, poles, plates are a few of these shapes the player can define the materials with. Using blueprints found within the world, the player will take these materials and craft the items and buildings they need.

    For example: You may have a blueprint for a sword. The blueprint tells you the handle will require a pole the size of 10 units and the blade a pole the size of 50 units. These poles could be made of anything from wood, steel, gold, glass, or hell even paper if you be so bold. That is a very simple example and doesn't even include something called item mods.

    It is a very complex and deep system. A single Element has over 20 variables that define it. a material is composed of multiple elements. Then an item could be composed of multiple materials in addition to more than 10 different variables that define the specific item. Add in unique and rare item mods and you will realize just how crafty the crafting will be!
  11. I have decided to have both half blocks and full blocks.    Also I don't know if anyone remembers me mentioning a single player adventurer but that is a definitive go now. It will be a prequel to FtG and use the Vb6 engine and the current graphics I am using now. Eli is joining in to help with content, narrative and world design for the single player game. More details will be available soon and you can also expect FavorTheGods.com to come back online soon.
  12. @College:

    > Why are you so conservative on the resources this game uses up? I'm sure doubling the texture-count won't kill off the LCD you're trying to reach.

    There are a lot of variables for each block because of the nature of the game. I am not just remembering what type of block it is but a plethora of other things like minerals contained within, health, water level, temperature, ect. its not like another game where I can just say block number xyz is type 4\. Everything is persistent and unique. So doubling the amount of blocks it takes to create a world is more than just doubling the texture count.

    Anyways I put a poll up on the Facebook page regarding the block size. Let your voice be heard–or some cliche shit.

    If for some reason you don't use facebook then put a post here and I will consider the vote.

    >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/Mikekan13/whatif.png)
  13. I'm not entirely sold on it, but I am willing to modify some of the blocks to see how it would look. If all else I could just cut each block I have in half, modify them a bit, add a top and have double my tiles. I also have to think about how it changes some of the mechanics. Now players are the height of two blocks. I would have to consider crouching and shooting over one high tiles.
  14. @Eckhart:

    > Looks much nicer imo. A lot more friendly. To counteract the user having to use more resources, you could just give him two blocks for the price of one.
    > I think if you made them a bit more dull and have slight transitions between the tiles it'll end up alright.

    I don't mean the in game resources. I'm talking about pc resources. To get the same sense of height you have to essentially make double the draw calls as opposed to the taller blocks.
  15. Since I am not one to just pass up logical opinions here is a preview of blocks at half height. I obviously didn't change the graphics and only modified the code but it gives you an idea of what it would look like. I'm not totally against it as it gives a slightly higher degree of height variation my concerns are with the fact that decreasing the size would mean it would take double the resources to have the same level of verticality(is that a word) to my worlds. If enough people think this looks better then I would consider it. It may mean a smaller world in terms of actual pixel space though. It would also mean more objects to render for the user.

    >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/Mikekan13/50height.png)
  16. @MrMiguu:

    > /thinksthegrassoutlinelooksawkward

    I agree. Haven't figured out the grass yet.


    > the blocks are to big in height, i find that ugly. I also dont like the black border around the tiles, otherwise they're pretty.

    The block height isn't likely going to change. The character is a stand-in and will be taller but the blocks are the size I want them. I would prefer to not use the black lines either but they are necessary to help determine cliff edges and height. Without them it can be a bit confusing navigating. I may have an option to turn them off or change their opacity though. 

    On another note my computer died. I'm using my wife's laptop and I doubt she will allow me to put Photoshop and other shit on here. Luckily It is tax return season and I am going to get a new rig which should help considering my old PC is a dell from like 2004.
  17. @Eckhart:

    > There's too much going on in the graphics. It's going to confuse the user, and even might hurt some peoples' eyes.

    Although I think I might have the sharpness and brightness level a bit high I don't think there is too much going on. Honestly the final product will have much more going on when the grass is different heights and objects and items are added in. I don't see how visual variety will confuse the user. I am playing with the outlines and highlights to eliminate height confusion if that is what you mean.

    >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/Mikekan13/grass.png)
  18. Just letting everyone know I am working on FtG more and more recently. Probably will have some steady work flow until summer and then I will be out of action for a few months. Mostly working on graphics and will probably update the Facebook page [http://www.facebook.com/pages/Favor-The-Gods/143308545712373](http://www.facebook.com/pages/Favor-The-Gods/143308545712373) a bit more regularly. I haven't heard anything in regards to  Stephan's C libraries and so I am contemplating alternatives for the engine. Also, check out the Facebook for the final style of blocks. I will be posting a block a day on Facebook for fun. Planning on writing up a little explanation on my item system that I call "elemental composition" (basically everything in the game is made up of natural and unnatural elements–much like the real world.)

    Edit: Also been working on world generation code and since I suck at coding the results have been sub par but I did have a weird occurrence where it created a sweet tunnel.(I haven't done any type of tunnels or cave generation in the code so this is just some kind of random luck.) I did notice that navigating is a bit hard when under blocks. Might need a better way of defining what is above and around you. Haven't thought of a good way to do it yet so I am open to suggestions. I also can't wait to start making plants--so barren. :)

    >! ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/Mikekan13/weirdtunnel.png)
    green arrow is the path it took me under the earth.
  19. @Resaberus:

    > This is very nice looking and extremely unique, I hope to get to play alpha or beta test if the offer still stands. I'm curious though what does it mean to "ascend past the gods"? In other words characters could become god-likes or something spiritual? I see also there are two distinct sides showing a chaotic nature god versus (I'd imagine) an orderly machine god. If say a person were to ascend just as high as the other gods, would they be able to become the kind of god he or she wanted? Rather take to nature another god takes towards shadows or light?

    The two gods are the only gods that still exist during the time of the game.

    The way the god system works is once you become enlightened in a plane (server/shard) you are bestowed a rare "god power" tied to that server. Then your character can choose another plane to exist in–with the ability to phase in and out of each plane he has become enlightened in. There is more to it but I don't wish to reveal any more at this time. There is no white or black simply gaining of power. How you use that power would be up to you. Note many players might never become enlightened in even one plane let alone all of them. Now to lead this into something I have been thinking about lately:

    I have a tremendously large back story/side story that I have been debating on putting into a single player experience. Since I am sort of in a mode of stasis, waiting on Stephan's engine, I could use my current engine and strip it of the multiplayer and focus on some AI/story to make a prequel to the actual MMO. I would have about 2 or 3 months to work on this little project if I decide to do this.
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