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Posts posted by MarkMorris

  1. @Aranshada:

    > I just have one question…
    > How is switching to VB.NET, or anything else that compiles to MSIL, an interpreted language, considered an "upgrade?"
    > I suppose it's "newer," so it might be considered a more "modern" language because it uses the .NET framework, but you can also use C++ with the .NET framework, and it'd most likely be quite a bit faster than VB.NET...

    Very good question, the main reason i'm doing it is to moderize the source and use a newer language, the other reason is i'm doing it for a hobby. Alot of people have been interested in doing a .NET application and i havnt seen a finished source yet, "you can also use C++ with the .NET framework" i'm still a new programmer, even now in VB6 i still find new things out daily. Visual Basic is simply alot easier for me to use right now.

    VB.NET is simply a newer language i'd rather start learning it now rather then later.
  2. **DirectX9 Engine VB.NET 2005 - Managed Code**
    I've decided to work on a new engine rather than the DirectX8 Engine i had its to old. So i decided to upgrade a little and work on a .NET version of Eclipes.

    It's very early but i managed to set up DirectX9 in Managed code and completly replicate the DirectX8 code with proper memory management.

    Not sure about networking yet but ill update the post and hopefully release a simple alpha release. I will eventually make a site or a blog about it and make the project official but at the momment my girlfreind is 3 weeks away from giving birth and finding the time will be hard.

    Any information you can give or sites on vb.net that will be great thanks

    Mark Morris
  3. @momoelz:

    > I got an bug to report, Idk if somebody else did but I noticed that u can attack yourself, idk if its meant to be so xD and I guess u can also attack party members means area spells are a bad idea xD
    > EG Axe on hotbar and than select urself and press hotbar key;

    That should just equip the item.
  4. The reason I said copy the GameAi won't work is because it won't. I was being honest. Bloating your source with 2 Huge Game AIs looping the same data is fail. Adding minor checks and info to anothing Loop make more sense.

    I wasnt trying to be rude, either was I expecting a debate on what I said. Thanks Soul as I was just trying to help. I thought my way would stop players from ruining there source. Most players would agree on the way I said as its ALOT better than copy the whole Game AI again.
  5. Why do it like this? Store the players index into an array, only loop for the total amount of players online.

    MS4 done this time ago, ok it didnt work to well as he removed all the checks for isplaying, also its poor to change the array live in a loop cause lots of errors but if you make sure loops are finsihed and update at end of loop its fine. for it to loop 100 times for 10 players online is weak
  6. The idea of copy NPCAi wont work, thats just a silly way of doing it.  A pet should be have a completly different AI and should be processed in the same loop as the NPC as it is an NPC. My system also has an obedience. If i dont always treat him good he wont obey me has 25 different levels of obedience.

    EO has Npc vs Npc so why not use that as a base? Simple you already basically have a pet. If the Npc Type is a pet then have it find the master(player index) who ever the play is targeting have the Npc attack it obiously checking the obedience algorithm.
  7. @MrMiguu:

    > @Morris I couldn't exactly find the right adjectives to use. My apologies.

    :). No need, i just genuinly wanted to find out why he used longs for all his packets.

    I think the main reason being its 32-Bit and its faster. 16-Bit and 8-Bit are slower and less used on win32 functions. Most functions use 32-bit as there faster. But increasing the packet size by lots i dont see the increase to much.
  8. @MrMiguu:

    > With words like "I dont like the way" and "This is how my game does it"? I don't think so. Those are commanding words. He was being far too assertive to be suggestive.

    No it was sugessions but also at the same time I would like to know why he uses longs. I checked my my packets compare to his even his mapdata everything is a long most of mine are bytes. So before the packet is written im already saving over a two thirds of data, this is before its written to the main buffer which is also a long.

    When I said that this is how I do it cause it is only stating a fact. That's not commanding lol. I think if I was being commanding Robin would have alot more to say then what he did.
  9. hmm half the packet size or a mili second off process speed. Infact I doubt its slower in anyway. the packet size will probly outweigh the speed differerence. I'm not saying im right would like robin to have a say on this cause maybe im wrong.
  10. I dont like the way you handle item spawning, why send unnecessary data to the client? Why not just have the server spawn the item for that player only? after 30 secs spawn to all but the player who beat the NPC. This is how my game does it. Try not to use strings in senddata 2 bytes per character.

    And seriously Robin change your packets headers to Bytes or Integers. Also your writing out the whole packets as long to. I'll give an example. Inside SendData Look at this

            Buffer.PreAllocate 4 + (UBound(TempData) - LBound(TempData)) + 1
            Buffer.WriteLong (UBound(TempData) - LBound(TempData)) + 1
            Buffer.WriteBytes TempData()

    Your writing the entire packet as long! Change to Integer

            ' ****** Write Data ******
            Call Buffer.WriteInteger((UBound(Data) - LBound(Data)) + 1)

            ' ****** Write Buffer ******
            Call Buffer.WriteBytes(Data())

    Thats just how mine looks but your losing so much Bandwidth. I even Change mirage packets into Bytes as some packets in EO are big so the packets flys over 255 causing errors. You obviously have to change the way it reads the packets but once you read the code youll see what to change.
  11. your server is running through the player routines like spells ect everyloop, make the timers for each one seperate then if we need to check the spell set a byte then run the routine. Saves alot of CPU also after i done this to my server players said it made a great difference online. VBGore does something similar but its outdated code. Hard to explain but ask for an example on MSN ill show you. I  spent a week improving server looping ect, even only looped though the npcs for the max amount of npcs on the map at one time rather then loop through max_map_npcs even if theres 1 npc it will try and loop 25? no point right?

    Was going to add make a player high index but you've done it :) like this source mate, got a be the most well thought out source by far. Keep it up.
  12. Thanks for all your comments i am constantly improving the source code, and releasing updates. Also all help is welcome currently looking for help in all areas of the game. I don't need help when it comes to programming as i do all my own work tbh ever one who has coded for me i end up having recode it agian to a better standard.

    Sign up to the site and post in the help topic.
  13. **Seven Kingdoms AA**
    Very old RTS game probly the best RTS game there is. Now its being released again officially by enlighten the original creators.


    For Players who wanna play online in leagues and ladders

  14. I hate the way people set up there vertex rectangle. using Makevertex its poor, like really bad thats why most sources based on mirage are having that same problem. :)
  15. @Robin:

    > It's worth it if you're willing to work on it. I simply think it's not fit for public consumption when I'd need to set up a sprite editor and all that jazz to get dynamic sizes working with it.
    > There's also the very, very annoying +1 width/height bug which comes with the way vertices are set up which always drives me insane.
    > Honestly, I'd prefer to write a dx9 engine from scratch in C than use VB6's dx8.

    +1 is not a bug. Your giving outer dimensions i no longer get this problem at all, you dont have to + 1 if done properly. :)
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