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Posts posted by xweetok59

  1. @Soul:

    > 1\. You make the spell. Then you make an item /itemeditor and then change the type to Spell and change the number to that spell.
    > 2\. Sub HP = Subtract Hitpoints.

    But if i choose a spell with Sub HP, does the spell damage the NPC or player or wtf?
  2. @Soul:

    > So. Let's say your stats were like this:
    > Str: 1
    > Def: 1
    > etc.
    > Points: 1
    > After you added 1 to strength it would be:
    > Str: 2
    > Def: 1
    > etc.
    > Points: 2

    You gotta be kidding me =.=.

    I mean my stat points to give out goes +1 instead of -1 after i added a point like at str.
  3. Hey, does anybody maybe got tips on how to make fast money on the internet? I need some money but i am too young to get a job…
  4. 1\. How can i do that if an NPC has an shop, there is a text above him saying something like "Blahblah shop!"!

    2\. Is there a way to do something like that when someone pays he gets V.I.P and he get access to special zones…
  5. @DrNova:

    > I played it for a while. Didnt get addicted. Got into the game pretty well till the 50's, then just kinda drifted away from it

    If you didn't get addicted to it, you are VERY VERY lucky, believe me…
  6. @DrNova:

    > @Urahara:
    > > I tried out the trial… And I think I am the only one who thinks WoW is shit.
    > You dislike everything.

    I dislike everything what eh has to be eh… "Disliked". By the way, don't play WoW. WoW makes you crazy, just ruïns your live. You are going to think: "No problem, i won't be addicted!" But believe me, you will. And you will go crazy if you can't play. You will even play on the WC, you are not going to sleep etc., trust me.
  7. @bunnyphantom:

    > Thought so.. :P It's a good beginning tutorial but it can be improved! I hope you didn't just download his file, I hope you actually learned how to make it though so you can add cool features :).

    Heheehe,, noo ehh i didnt hehe download eh the eh file hehehe…
  8. @Soul:

    > I know. They don't want their logo on every generic game however. If you are going to create a game like this, you'll need to add something that sets it apart from other games that are like it. Even shooter games are starting to get generic.
    > It's just like creating a medieval ORPG. Unless you have something that sets it apart from other medieval ORPG's, no-one will be motivated to play.

    Well, there is something apart. At every shooter game you have to kill people, but they can shoot back and you can die. At my shooter game, you have to kill as much people as you can in 30 seconds - 1 minute, and there is a training place…
  9. @Soul:

    > It doesn't matter. The whole game is just jumping around and collecting dots. There's thousands of games like that. It's a good start but no-one will pay for it.

    Hmm, then what do you think for an shooter game. By the way, you understand it wrong. It isn't so that people are going to pay for it, it is so that armorgames will pay me to put there logo etc. on the game.
  10. Ofcourse i don't think they will pay so much for it. I don't even think they want it on their website. But this is just the beginning. I am going to change everything etc.
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