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Posts posted by eltony

  1. > The online community is buzzing over a malware virus called DNSChanger, which threatens to lock out tens of thousands of people from Internet access on July 9\. It may also search out private information.
    > The nasty bug was unleashed approximately five years ago by cybercriminals in Estonia, according to CMIT Solutions.
    > The problem was so concerning that the FBI responded by running a computer intervention. (Click here to read more from the FBI on the DNSChanger malware.)
    > Getting the message out to millions of Internet proved harder than expected for the FBI, so the agency elected to keep the servers online a bit longer.
    > Despite several delays, the FBI said it will pull the plug Monday,  so now’s the time to run a check, or risk the chance of waking up Monday without internet service (gasp!).
    > FBI data estimates as many as 277,000 computers are infected worldwide, according to a Huffington Post report. About 64,000 of those machines are likely in the United States.
    > To find out if your computer will still be connected on Monday, visit FBI-approved www.dns-ok.us for a simple online test that will tell you if you're good to go.

    lol supposedly the servers that kept the virus away from pc's was shut off.
    do you guys believe if this is true?
  2. @Lumiere:

    > RPG maker is  for single player and with a game end.
    > or not,depends if you want your game to have a game end.
    > but getting it online will give u a headache,many tried and trust me those are just piece of junk.
    > So for an online game what you will use better a RPG maker or a MMORPG maker ,think before you quote and post stupid things.

    lol im just saying that its possible. i did not recommended it but its possible
  3. hmm no.
    1\. make a new folder name it client
    2.add the data files+Auto Updater + Client + unrar.dll <–-> you can add hamachi installer and runtimes into to make it easier for people to install those to its optinal.
    3\. compress the folder into a .zip or .rar folder
    4\. upload it and share link

    now when your friend gets it if would like to add an update to the game add it to ur webhoster and tell him to run updater.

    oh upload the zip or rar file to mediafire.com and share that link around to friends
  4. well first follow this tutorial it tells u what files u use and ect.
    AUTO UPDATER: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,70013.0.html

    The hamachi will provide u a ip address which u should add in your client config file.
    anyways in order for that work make sure you do this. also they need to install hamachi.

    1\. Make the downloadable zip or rar
    2.add all the files you need in there which tells you in the tutorial above.
    i would also add the runtimes installer for origins and the hamachi in the downloadable zip folder to your game to save them the trouble to
    find em.
    3.send em download link to that client zip or rar make em install both hamachi and runtime's
    extract the folder to idk where ever they want and play.

    this is basically it o.o… post if u have more questions
  5. @lordblackwidow:

    > Im having problems I don't know much about any of this but my updater keeps erroring '53' i dont know what to do, please help

    well for one what kind off error? screen shots will be good.
    also make sure of this.

  6. @Kajamaz:

    > I am about to release my game today, alpha release, and i would like to know, should i delete the visual basic project and workspace before realising it so people cant mod it? Thanks

    make sure you keep a copy of it….
  7. [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/a363e5596e78dcffb445758b33b28088.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#a363e5596e78dcffb445758b33b28088.jpg)

    PSD: http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/85151ece5dbd5ff5cdd4d9ad65eb6831.psd


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