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Everything posted by eltony

  1. well if u dont wish to portfoward witch is way better than hamachi because players need to get the client plus hamachi witch they will probably find it as a big drag. well its simple install hamachi remember user and pass now use the ip thats in the hamachi and put it in your client config and tada simple. now im guessing u know the rest.
  2. eltony


    hahaha true idk why i did that huh
  3. @Gianni: > i really wish he had made this himself… -sigh- > > the source > >! http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs20/f/2007/229/7/a/Runescape_Item_Sprite_Sheet_by_Delgrim.jpg ye but he didnt make em he was just saying that they might be useful to somebody
  4. eltony


    now add a floor and make a grass text and plant the mushroom lols and then animate the grass if like the win was blowing lols and make a bright sun in the back and few clouds lols that would look so bad ass lols but nice mushroom i didnt know there where other programs out there than cinema 4d that could do that huh this is with cinema 4d
  5. well depends i would say re-download engine and transfer all your stuff to the new one
  6. His trying to look at the other side.
  7. lol i think this is better than the last one lol The second one is still a W.I.P. ![](http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb410/eltonez/Heart.jpg) ![](http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb410/eltonez/eotext.jpg) lol well its still in progress. ![](http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb410/eltonez/TextEO.jpg)
  8. um yeah that lol maybe cuz of the pic i mean it happens in other forums too
  9. eltony


    nice lol add background lols like a sky and angels on the sides idk something hehe its nice
  10. lol same here its the first it happen to me idk why
  11. yes i know thanks tho it really was 5 min i didnt do much lols sorry if its shitty im working on a new project i been to busy to work on it lols
  12. lol true i know enough not to use tutorials i just grabbed bunch of materials and lights and added them lols i was just looking how much the program changed since i last own it. lols and idk what it is
  13. lol i barely got cinema lols i miss it been a while since i used it ![](http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb410/eltonez/alien.jpg)
  14. ohh now i see what robin is talking about lols basically is the same CSS i mean u just replaced some things pretty much the same layout. its still good
  15. im sorry i got to exited i was picturing the screen in my head didnt bother to check that i apologize ill be more specific the borders of the screen is a good color all that u need is to round it and smooth it out and add some short of design on the edges. also add detail to the screen like buttons and a light or something and whole on the sides witch represent the speakers. i apologize once more.
  16. @Soul: > Use the "Modify" Button, right next to your post. im sorry i did kinda mess up
  17. my suggestion would be the borders make en like round not flat and add more contrast to it i would add a black color with good relflection on it and umm thats it i mean the screen is good just do that and youll be good or well the gray color is good too just smooth it out round it a little not flat and well make a good lighting on it and ull will b golden if i had cinema 4d i would show u what i mean.
  18. i do get it you made more specific lols
  19. well i think i got it i mean i got errors but ye i think its right im not sure but i added all that it needs i think idk i got head ache``` #include #include using namespace std; int mian() { int random; int guess; srand(static_cast(time(0))); random = rand()%50+1; cout guess; cin.ignore(); if (guess < random) { cout random) { cout
  20. @eltony: > wow lols so pretty much it needs to have a random number between 1 and 50 to generate and youll have to guess umm lols ill figure it out thanks for the challenge oh and good point on the endl lols well i notice alot of my class mates wrote it differently well like u said depends on design lols as long as it compiles for me im good lols
  21. wow lols so pretty much it needs to have a random number between 1 and 50 to generate and youll have to guess umm lols ill figure it out thanks for the challenge
  22. lol so here is my second c++ script its an actual calculator hahaha :) ``` #include using namespace std; int main(void) { system("TITLE Calculator"); system("COLOR 2"); char cChar; double dfirstnumber; double dsecondnumber; char cdoagain; do { system("CLS"); cout dfirstnumber; cout
  23. every time i tried to compile it i get an error omg it deals with the cout
  24. eltony

    Eclipse origins

    im only a freshman who said that i knew alot -_- lols im in college
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