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Posts posted by Lavos

  1. I was browsing over the net and I stumble upon this, [http://www.mztools.com/v3/features.aspx](http://www.mztools.com/v3/features.aspx).

    Maybe this will help you program your games more efficiently as it help me.

    Software is free to use, which is the best part.
  2. Ugh reading it in this format gives me a headache, overall this code is a big mess!


    Public Sub DrawMapResource(ByVal Resource_num As Long, _

    Optional ByVal screenShot As Boolean = False)

    Dim Resource_master As Long

    Dim Resource_state As Long

    Dim Resource_sprite As Long

    Dim rec As RECT

    Dim X As Long, Y As Long

    Dim i As Long, Alpha As Long

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

    If Options.STT = 0 Then

    ' make sure it's not out of map

    If MapResource(Resource_num).X > Map.MaxX Then Exit Sub

    If MapResource(Resource_num).Y > Map.MaxY Then Exit Sub

    ' Get the Resource type

    Resource_master = Map.Tile(MapResource(Resource_num).X, MapResource(Resource_num).Y).Data1

    If Resource_master = 0 Then Exit Sub

    If Resource(Resource_master).ResourceImage = 0 Then Exit Sub

    ' Get the Resource state

    Resource_state = MapResource(Resource_num).ResourceState

    If Resource_state = 0 Then ' normal

    Resource_sprite = Resource(Resource_master).ResourceImage

    ElseIf Resource_state = 1 Then ' used

    Resource_sprite = Resource(Resource_master).ExhaustedImage

    End If

    ' cut down everything if we're editing

    If InMapEditor Then

    Resource_sprite = Resource(Resource_master).ExhaustedImage

    End If

    ' src rect

    With rec

    .Top = 0

    .Bottom = Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Height

    .Left = 0

    .Right = Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Width

    End With

    ' Set base x + y, then the offset due to size

    X = (MapResource(Resource_num).X * PIC_X) - (Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Width / 2) + 16

    Y = (MapResource(Resource_num).Y * PIC_Y) - Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Height + 32

    ' render it

    If Not screenShot Then

    Call DrawResource(Resource_sprite, X, Y, rec)


    Call ScreenshotResource(Resource_sprite, X, Y, rec)

    End If


    If Options.STT = 1 Then

    ' render it

    Call DrawResource(Resource_sprite, Alpha, X, Y, rec)

    ' Semi Transparent Trees ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

    For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex

    If IsPlaying(i) And GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then

    If ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(i)) < ConvertMapY(MapResource(Resource_num).Y) And ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(i)) > ConvertMapY(MapResource(Resource_num).Y) - (Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Height) / 32 Then

    If ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(i)) >= ConvertMapX(MapResource(Resource_num).X) - ((Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Width / 2) / 32) And ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(i)) <= ConvertMapX(MapResource(Resource_num).X) + ((Tex_Resource(Resource_sprite).Width / 2) / 32) Then

    Alpha = 150


    Alpha = 255

    End If

    End If

    End If


    End If

    End If


    HandleError "DrawMapResource", "modGraphics", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


    Exit Sub

    End Sub


    See if this would help….

    Edit: I clean up the code a bit.
  3. This is what I eat and is one of my favorite sandwiches. So if you like fish then this for you Pinoys out there. LETS WIN THE WAR!

    1\. Get about 2 canned tuna and open it with a can openner.

    2\. Strain the fluid or oil from the can.

    3\. Get a mixing bowl, or just some big bowl and dump the tuna in.

    4\. Get some mayo and put about 2 1/2 big scoops and add it to the bowl.

    5\. Cut up the onion(Minced) and throw it in the bowl.

    6\. put a pinch of black pepper and salt, "CONTROL YOUR SPICES!"

    7\. Mix I with the fork, forget that wisk, mix it good! Maybe about 3 minutes mixing.

    8\. Done! put in on some toast bread and add some lettece(optional).

  4. Do this…Get off your lazy ass and go to the kitchen and grabs some bread for your sandwich it doesn't really matter what kind of bread just make sure there is no mold.

    1\. Get some ham, mayo, lettece, no tomato(optional).

    2\. Get a plate and put your bread on it.

    3\. get the ham and put it in the heel of the bread.

    4\. Get the crown and spread mayo on it.

    5\. Go back to your fridge and get the cheese, and put it on top of the ham.

    6\. get some pieces of lettece and put it on top of the cheese.

    7\. Grab the sandwich and come back to touchofdeathforums.com.

    8\. Done!
  5. Here is what you do:

    1\. Go to the super market and buy a box of Hot Pockets.

    2\. Open the box.

    3\. Grab one Hot Pocket.

    4\. Peel the wrapper.

    5\. Remove the Card board box around the Hot Pocket.

    6\. Get a plate and put the hot pocket on the plate.

    7\. Throw in the microwave for about 4 minutes.

    8\. Wait for the alarm to beep and done!

    9\. If you fail, read the back of the box and try again. =)

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