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Posts posted by thezeus

  1. **Who Am I?  What have you done in the past?**
    My name is Rich C.; however, some people may remember me as "TheZeus".  I am the original mapper of Mirage Online (Consty's original version and the first 6 months of Shannara's).  I am over the age of 25 and work in Chicago, IL for a top print/internet/data media marketing company within it's industry.  Forgive myself for not giving absolute answers; however, I don't trust internet trolls.  In addition to working on Mirage, I've also formerly ran Bladetek, which released a few RPGs back in the late 90's. 

    Degree in Business Administration/Marketing from an Illinois University


    **Years of Experience**

    Negotiable; however, I will not work for free. 

    **What you expect of the game you're working for**
    Nothing unethical; however, I don't care.  Business is business. 

    E-mail:  [email protected] (notice there are two i's)
  2. Feel free to contact me for whatever you need.  To my understanding, I'm the only person to work on both Consty & Shannara's team.  Additionally, if memory serves me, Consty stayed on to help Shannara for a short period of time, but I was the only person that stayed on from the original crew.

    e-mail:  [email protected]
    aol:  I Irish 84
  3. @Robin:

    > @Zetta:
    > > @Robin:
    > >
    > > > Soon after Elysium was released. I'm not too sure about Eclipse's early history. I came over here soon after it was opened up, but then went to Mirage for a few years instead.
    > >
    > > thus spoke Robin, the historian of  the interwebz
    > Well, it all started with Mirage Online back in 2001! Consty had an online game he'd created in 2 weeks using VB6\.
    > He later sold the project to Shannara, who kept developing the game. Shan let Kael take a copy of it and release Playerworlds. Then, a cyber-terrorist known as PC came along and _decompiled the source code_! Oh noes! Shan decided he might as well just release the thing as public domain due to all the drama.
    > This is how we got Mirage 3.0.3\. The community loved it, and made quite a few things with it, although no one really knew how to programme so it was mainly basic stuff. Eventually some teenager called Liam came along, registered himself as Coke, teamed up with Sean (GodSentDeath) and some other kid and released _Konfuze!_ Although Sean was an absolutely shit programmer who did most of his stuff at 7am whilst high on crack (Believe me, I was on ventrilo with him whilst he was developing some of this stuff and he had no clue what was going on.), Konfuze did well and became very popular.
    > Sean was the first to create a lot of the features you take for granted now, and ~80% of the features you love so much were developed by him.
    > One night whilst high on crack Sean heard that Liam was shutting down Konfuze so he retaliated by releasing the source code as Elysium. Liam wasn't shutting it down and it was all misunderstanding, but the damage was done.
    > Now everyone and their cat had a copy of the source code, and they all thought they could programme because they could change a few variables. They couldn't, however, and tons of half-baked engines were developed from Elysium. (Eclipse being one of them, I have to say.) I lurked around pretty much all these off-shoots for a while, but I didn't do much with them.
    > This was around the time I started being active on Mirage. I left Eclipse for a good long while. I was just a little kid of course, about 14 or 15 at the time. The first game I created after a lot of lurking was Wind's Whisper, shortly followed by Naruto Realm. Neither of these went anywhere, but a lot of their features were dissected when I released the source code and you can still find the features being passed around.
    > Instead of developing games I decided to just programme with Mirage for fun and released a ton of tutorials. Pretty much all Mirage games around this point in time had some of my code in them. Eventually I registered on Elysium again, which was now led by my old friend Joost. I had lurked around a bit during Luke's reign (Pingu), but I never registered. I went around and did what I did best; insulting people. This naturally got me moderator powers and I eventually lead an attack against Chris' "Chaos Engine"! (Chris was registered as Frozengod at the time. I think he's Xaden or something. What a fag lol.)
    > Elysium was eventually handed over to James and John who merged it with OGC.
    > Anyway, shoot forward a bit and I'm sat on Mirage when Soljah comes over challenging Mirage to a mapping duel! I was all like "You've activated my trap card!" and came over here to troll you lot (Because everyone at Mirage hated you guys at the time.) but I ended up meeting some nice people and eventually came to stay here and released Origins after I managed to trick Evan into giving me moderatorship.
    > Mirage got eaten up by James who merged it with OGC which was closed down at the start of this month. After Jacob stole my place as programmer on Mirage Realms it got closed down and released as a source code.
    > Now the only respectable communities left are Mirage Realms, Eclipse and Asphodel.
    > The end.

    There are a few corrections to your story; however, they for the most part are due to you starting up a little later.  I actually was the head mapper for the original Consty, Mirage Online back in 2001.  You may remember my final town of "Brenan" to the east (I believe it was near the first magic quest???).  Anywho, I didn't complete it all the way before I took a leave (PS, it was named after my cousin Brendan who was going through some issues at the time).

    Consty had originally played Odyssey Classic with me and put together an idea for creating Mirage.  I thought it was an interesting idea.  Being young, I had free time and decided to help out.  Most of the modified artwork was done by me; also, all of the original mapping was done by me.  Consty was great to work.  He gave me tons of freedom to do my own thing.

    It actually took him about 2 weeks to get the chat system & visuals in.  At that time, there was no attacking implemented.  For about a month, it was simply a chatroom w/ moving people. 

    Originally, it was going to look very closely to FF1; however, we decided that taking their sprites was enough.  While some of the mapping was loosely based on it… we gave it our own feel. 

    I don't remember what happened between Consty and I, but it prolly had something to do with Shannara coming into the picture.  I worked on Shannara's team for 2-3 months, but we had a difference in opinion, which led to my dismissal.  I returned for a month or so a year later, but it wasn't the same.

    For some reason, i have a memory of Shannara selling the code to Acer Computers, but I may be wrong.

    I still remember Shannara telling me about living in Alaska... I'll never forget the memories from working on the "other side of Mirage".
  4. Marsh got shoes while he went away from your mom, from you plowing the front of Canadia.

    Then, he banned you for double posting about me, which caused a huge scandal between pokemon and yugioh because your father accidentally killed a hippopotamus with a toothbrush.

    Meanwhile, fireflies weren't real because Eclipse won the fight between various lepers whose pants died.

    Cancer, unable to sustain proper dehydration, began drooling all over a picture of Ninja-Tech who died because of a giant ape god.

    Kreator stopped pixel art, and the world ended! This topic is never ending.

    Meanwhile, Renzo was returning to Eclipse, and screamed "I AM BACK!" But, Mars was inhabited by squares that rofled over their PedoBear overlords, who always raped mathematics with poor long division.

    Renzo saw this and decided to call Marsh up and demand Millions. Blueberry tart tastes like poop because Emblem thinks the cats' pants did something illegal, like losing the game - again.

    Meanwhile Kreator was merrily skipping school when Sasuke started staring Renzo on a giant giraffe emperor while Kreator was riding tornadoes in Mexico's taco land. This angered Ambard, who began a war with non-existent chilidogs. When epic flying chimps chowed on the head of Renzo the PedoBear, children everywhere were crying for chilidogs.

    DrNova exploded by eating a Lesser-Triumphalism, when Buddha appeared in disguise as Chakkra! This astonished Hippoman when he flew out of Bangladesh in white undergarments, frying pancakes. Then Rick Astley smacked Zelcon in the face for rick-rolling. Your mom carefully determined what the meaning of 42 is, as pie flew through the air.

    Then the Asian (Japez) exploded all over the flying pie after Mesmero got up. Not only mass-murdering Gwens worldwide spread hate and deadly sulfuric kitties. Then a mesmerizing Pez-dispensing mass-murdering undeniable unforeseeable chocolate bunny raped Renzo; who laughed because he was getting pwned by your hair.

    Meanwhile, (Panda)'s morphed Chihuahua kitten danced on Gwen while she Bangladeshi (panda)'s mother's nostrils. Now Renzo can finally forget how he was raped.

    Unable to explode, the jealous Renzo slapped Britney Spears with his whatchamacallit.

    Britney killed 'her' cat so she could win another Canadian guy's marijuana!

    Homer Simpson explored Renzo's long green spaceship-looking chihuahua while eating blue-ish meatloaf monster.

    Renzo's zipper flew down. Up stretched the enormous escalating robotic kitten-flavored escalator killing Renzo who
    died but didnt die. He groped Anna's fluorescent pink light bulbs.

    Soljah lost all his sighting-glass filled by maids who only eat Thursdays. Twelve pipers played 13 maids at the milking glass. After Bangladeshi The Banana Republic, which just flew past the pie-shoppe. This love-tacular mating-call cellphone-chomping badger who molested you while making renzo's Popsicles drip, but raped not only renzo, but also Hippoman. Marsh blew his load of tacos right into a stand of poo! While a cow poofter on Waffle, while being flown in by air force one WHILE Waffle ate waffles vehemently while staring at gwen admiring waffles that stared vigorously towards eggs.

    Then while a flying Batman-eating goose typed many unpredictable novels expressing unto Renzo about pineapples endangering many small species of mordor including marsh with malaria and several STDs. This caused my mesmerising glasses to explode spontaneously into oblivion where god didn't exist and Lucifer ruled nothing. Spaghetti was unable to ban Maxac unfortunately because KrauftRolls were the best at everything.

    Suddenly Brick-Wall man krauftrolled Super high pants man pwning the ultimate wrestler boxer fisherman named Duck Chorris. Who would have guessed that Brick-wall man could eat fifty-five hundred and a half tacos while climbing mt. everest.

    Yorty continuously sniffed ice on the shore when suddenly a very omnipotent marshmallow melted into the very thing that Hippoman dreaded which was kreator's left leg. Pedobear blew up in a photo-shoot with Conan O'neil yesterday while KrauftRolling. Krauftrolling expanded to Google Earthâ„¢ which caused the space time BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOM again. Whoever thought that AkselJ was cool, temperture-wise was annoying and needs many animal crackers.

    Global penguin space velociraptors necroposted handicapped Dr. Novas when never did the little peanut think that running away was pancake.

    A Mexican ROFLOLMAOed on top of your house and sang the Ger into a cone of french fries. Instead you wanted a cheese burger, covered in chocolate chip biscuits. Inexorably my tail bone was annexed by the sulfuric acid chambermen. Meanwhile, AkselJ won in "Guess the person that's gonna post below you game" and Hippoman was eating his head. Renzo blew into a box where AkselJ lived as a hobo eating green "That". Evil Cancer ridden zombies flew past the steamy swampy marsh who spammed evil smileys named Hippoman.  "Cool!" Said Hippoman as she I mean he just kidding I do mean she but really AkselJ is so gay because he rhymes with gay. Haha, I gotta stop jokin' AkselJ is not gay. We all know he is. NOT! oh wait I lied, he is gay. Wait, I did not. He is not gay. And Hippoman should stop saying so. then we agree, as Allah really is Alpha just misspelled. Hippoman lol'd because of naked llamas who wore many hard-hats flew through the cave of death.
    ZelconGames screwed up 3.0, by resealing the Java windows of jelly marshmallows.

    Then suddenly Mirror Force appeared, combined with Solemn Judgement, but he had Counter Counter prepared, and Macro Cosmos was on too! Then he activated Dimensional Prison, but his enemy had a Return from the Different Dimension… WOOSH! Chaos Sorcerer back on the field, being unbanned for a few months now, he kicks the opponent's life points to zero, gets the SUPARCARDGAMEPOWA. and then Homo Erectus came in, saying that it now was time to D-D-D...DDDDDDDUEL again!

    Chicken imploded with subtlety as Tiggilyboo anagrammatically anagrammed
    tome of Yorty as Hippoman got the 600th post.
    I am so important that Yorty blew orange chewing gum all over Marsh before he spammed so much Bill Gates died.
    Mcnugget (patrick), dismayed mcnuggets while eating shoes and blowing up.
    Fleshlightman was stupid that day so he fapped a lot that DNA Virus started a new topic.
    Mcnugget also said roflmao when Hippoman went to sleep.
    Therefore, there was pants which mcnugget used to caress himself nightly whilst [THE-KRIS] enjoyed a
    midnight biscuit whilst watching Boobies All-Night, The Show of midgets saw genitals and shot a load of cannonballs in ballie's face.

    I shopped at a brothel for pimps and chocolate sauce.

    McNugget is only supposed to use one new word each post, because he likes Kreator's genitals. Kreator on the other hand, despises biscuits and told McNugget to eat some McCookies, in the hope that he would discover his milkshakes that bring all the boys to the yard. 'Cause damn right! its better than yours.  And this is a story all about how Bone got his saxophone which he stole from Bobby.  Bizarrely enough, whomever is reading this has rabies.

    X Got horny and died of rabies because she actually didnt and was still horny so she fingered herself to a pic of Gwen since she was bi due to poor health.

    Soon [B.I.T.C.H] will form, under the moon, during the Homo Erectus ressurection ritual, fed by the dying carcass of Soljah who has a ear fetish.

    Anyhow, they all settled down at their computers and played Kryce-Online. Though they stopped after about 3 minutes after they saw how shitty it was due to the fact that kreator asshatted it.

    Mcnugget is the best person in the world. He likes chicken, pie, and mcnuggets. He hates teh letter z and lieks mudkipz.

    And they all watched the first episode of Eclipse ville (click here to watch) and Renzo is not a pedophile. But in fact a mass rapist, Marsh, was uncertain if Renzo raped his mom. so he brutally murdered him. Thekris seemed very interested in Marsh's wooden spoon, so he licked it.
    MMMMMM, he said, as the gooey liquid melted on his mouth. Marsh got very erotic over the idea so he went to Toronto.
    The next day, Azkanan bought a cyber cafe and
    enjoyed his profits from Eclipsers, then robin strolled on in watching as his chilidog was flapping all over town. Apple was sold to Linux and Microsoft went bankrupt when suddenly
    a giant (BTW, yours doesn't count unless you include the rest of the story, also, you're only supposed to type one or two words.) DUCK OFF MARSHMELLOW and the GhostBusters appeared! But then Renzo ate them.
    This caused Soul to explode, destroying Venus.

    Now that…
    (I can't believe this is still going... I barely remember helping start this thing, and now BAM!!!! we have destroyed Venus!!!!!!) [Credit me (Xavier Sythe) for bringing it back]

    …Venus was destroyed, only Mars remained intact; Mars is useless, duck it!

    Exactly, we shouted as Renzo's oozing pustules collapsed, showering the Earth in stagnant pond scum that reminded  pedobear that he was slowly falling from a cliff.

    Mcnugget was shouting OH SHI... when a meteorite came and destroyed the walking system of eclipse. Everyone cheered.

    Unfortunately, I remained immobile as the next Eclipse's release date was set back a few months.  Only did Lemon Drops flail in the glory hole until I realized
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