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Posts posted by Tompwnage

  1. @Pikachu!:

    > Um. That's exactly what I was stating; My point was that Chernobyl was much more worse, and that Eastern Europe wasn't obliterated. Unless if I'm misreading something here…I think I am ;/. And I did do some research before responding, thanks.

    How is that exactly what you said though?
    Read the wiki article I posted on the effects of Chernobyl aswell.
    Definitions of Dwarfing on the Web:

    > * Dwarfing is a characteristic in plants and animals whereby one or more members of a breed or cultivar are significantly smaller than standard members of their species.


    > Tom, the reactors haven't hit a full meltdown yet. Hell one reactor meltdown has been pretty much avoided as they have coolant lowing back through it.
    > Again, very small amaounts of radiation have hit the USA, nothing to panic over. Second, though the mainstream media does lie (psst, everybody lies Tom) Infowars is NOT a reliable news site, and never will be. It's a man in a tin-foil hat trying to spread fear to people who will believe pretty much anything.
    > Again, this is not the first time you've spouted utter rubbish like this on the forum. Nothing has happened, you're losing credibility.

    Read what Anthony posted:


    > Sadly I don't speak french, but I did find a video with a [worldwide projection](http://www.irsn.fr/FR/popup/Pages/irsn-meteo-france_19mars.aspx).
    > Not sure how valid it is, though.
    > [Side note:](http://enenews.com/iaea-if-radioactivity-continues-from-fukushima-health-hazard-to-usa-may-have-to-be-reassessed-cnn-video)
    > _CNN’s Matthew Chance reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency spokesperson made very clear that only miniscule amounts of radiation have made it to US and no health hazard exists at this stage, but “if the reactor continues to emit radioactive particles into the air **like it has been**, then that situation may have to be reassessed.”_


    > Infowars is NOT a reliable news site, and never will be. It's a man in a tin-foil hat trying to spread fear to people who will believe pretty much anything.
    > Again, this is not the first time you've spouted utter rubbish like this on the forum. Nothing has happened, you're losing credibility.

    Utter Rubbish? Your very existence is utter rubbish.

    Infowars is not a reliable source of news?
    Dude, if even know this man predicted 911 even before it happened.

    That was July 2001 two months before it happened.

    Hes the man with the tinfoil hat? Dude he tells people to invest in gold and silver.


    He states the country has been hijacked by bankers. And yes it has. Do you even know what the Federal Reserve is? Its a privately owned bank. And they say they are above the law.


    I am not going to get any further into this. I can prove a million things and still there will be some idiot saying that isn't happening cause I say its not.


    > Doesn't matter whether the source is mainstream media or not - basing your opinions on a single news source is stupid.

    I am tired at the moment so here you go:


    > If the american government is hoarding potassium iodide–Which if you got this information from Info Wars it is probably crap--then It is because the government is preparing itself for serious meltdowns. Not for us but for the Japaneses.  America gets involved with anything and everything. As much as we suck sometimes we can also be really awesome. America isn't going to just sit around with sodium iodide up our asses when our bleeding ally might need it. The world is so interconnected nowadays that this affects everyone, not just Japan. You shouldn't be worried about getting too much radiation, you should worry about what greater effects this will have on the world when a huge developer of technology and so many important products is shot in the leg. There is already enough to worry about without stupid false news.

    Yeah don't worry just keep drinking that water with Fluoride in it that you probably don't know about.


    **Why Does Toothpaste Carry a Warning But Fluoridated Water Does Not?**

    >! One of the first things he did was look at a tube of toothpaste, which clearly carries the warning: “Do not swallow,” and “in case of accidental ingestion, contact the poison control center.”
    >! The amount of fluoride they’re talking about is a quarter milligram of fluoride, contained in a pea size amount of toothpaste.
    >! But here is the kicker, This is the same amount of fluoride you find in 8 oz of water. Yet toothpaste carries a “Do not swallow” warning, whereas you’re typically told to drink eight 8oz glasses of water each day, without any concern for the amount of fluoride you will ingest.
    >! One of Dr. Osmunson’s main concerns is water fluoridation for infants. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that infants NOT receive fluoridated water for drinking, nor for making their formula, as fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than mother’s milk.
    >! “We shouldn’t fluoridate water and harm our most vulnerable,” he says.
    >! Personally, I also strongly advise you do not give your children fluoridated water.

    Many Regards,
    Tompwnage :star:](http://img710.imageshack.us/i/88438754.png/)
  2. @Drakiac:

    > Um… The radiation that hit the US yesterday was one millionth the dose of what you get from the sun. I would know, I live in California.

    The first radiation that hit is harmless. There is still more radiation to come.


    > 1\. CAN THIS KILL ME?
    > Answer: Yes.
    > Real Answer: No.
    > The radiation is only harmful within 20 miles around the plant. Flying thousands of miles across the ocean has weakened it considerably.

    Yes that is true, but the radiation from Fukushima is much worse than the mainstream media says it is.  Of-course it won't be as bad as if you lived in japan.

    Refer to the following Quote:

    > Science Insider noted yesterday:
    > > The Daiichi complex in Fukushima, Japan … had a total of 1760 metric tons of fresh and used nuclear fuel on site last year, according to a presentation by its owners, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco). The most damaged Daiichi reactor, number 3, contains about 90 tons of fuel, and the storage pool above reactor 4, which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) Gregory Jaczko reported yesterday had lost its cooling water, contains 135 tons of spent fuel. The amount of fuel lost in the core melt at Three Mile Island in 1979 was about 30 tons; the Chernobyl reactors had about 180 tons when the accident occurred in 1986.
    > And see this. http://www.kyivpost.com/news/nation/detail/6297/print/
    > That means that Fukushima has nearly 10 times more nuclear fuel than Chernobyl.
    > It also means that a single spent fuel pool - at reactor 4, which has lost all of its water and thus faces a release of its radioactive material - has 75% as much nuclear fuel as at all of Chernobyl.
    > However, the real numbers are even worse.
    > Specifically, Tepco very recently transferred many more radioactive spent fuel rods into the storage pools. According to Associated Press, there were - at the time of the earthquake and tsunami - 3,400 tons of fuel in seven spent fuel pools plus 877 tons of active fuel in the cores of the reactors.
    > That totals 4,277 tons of nuclear fuel at Fukushima.
    > Which means that there is almost 24 times more nuclear fuel at Fukushima than Chernobyl.


    > Answer: Have fun.  :cheesy:
    > Real Answer: The radiation is not strong enough to hurt you or else the government would issue a warning. No sirens have been going off here in California. So yes, you can have fun.

    Refer to the answer given Above this one. Also the government issuing a warning, you forgot they tell you that its not going to be as bad yet they are hording Potassium Iodide.


    > Thank you for your hour but don't believe everything you are told.
    > Sincerely,
    > Someone who lives on the West Coast

    I could say the same to you. The government isn't going to give you a Warning once the dollar collapses just their phony recovery crap.



    > LOL. For starters, you're probably exposed to Radiation everyday, anyway, an example is that you're probably exposed to Micro Waves, from TV Aerials, Microwaves, and Phones, Radio Waves, from Radios, TV Aerials, and Phones, and more, etc. OK, so those are near harmless, but whatever.
    > Nuclear Power Stations HAVE broken down in many ways before. Look at Chernobyl. Did Eastern Europe die? No, and to think that's the worst recorded case, from a badly designed station. Fukushima (?) is much better designed, and fortunately, not currently at Level 7, from experts.
    > If you're so scared for yourself over in America, imagine what the people there are living with; scared out of their wits, knowing they can't escape to anywhere.

    LOL, for starters you sir are a complete idiot. Chernobyl dwarfs this one. And asking the question did Eastern Europe Die? Nope but there are effects of Heavy Radiation Just look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster_effects


    > Jesus Christ. Nice scare mongering there.
    > The more it travels the more it disperses meaning the better it is for everyone. Radiation levels in America are not a lethal dose, you cannot die from it.
    > Oh, and the Jet Stream speeds you posted are bullshit. I suggest you start questioning your "real news" source.

    What you were referring too is called Fear Mongering. Yes that is true the more it travels the more disperses it is. But you have realize how bad the radiation is that is coming from Japan.

    The jet stream you say? Yes it is wrong my bad. Here is the real speed:

    > The wind speeds vary according to the temperature gradient, exceeding 92 kilometres per hour (50 kn),[15] although speeds of over 398 kilometers per hour (215 kn) have been measured.


    > I can still hear the frogs; the radiation is at most minimum. You don't have to worry about radiation until you cant hear the frogs. < true fact
    > also I live about 20mi from the coast


    Anyways end in all you make your own decision I just thought I throw it out there.

    Many Regards,
    Tompwnage  :star:
  3. Hey guys I haven't been on in a while, so I figured to take some of my spare time to inform you guys on something extremely important.

    As you all have heard a ton of Nuclear Power-plants have melted down. Spewing radiation into the air. Which the Mainstream media claimed that it the possibility of them ''Melting Down'' was highly doubtful I might add. As you all know Japan is under some heavy radiation as I am writing this. But hey that is so far from the USA why should the people living here worry right? Wrong, there is something called the Jet Stream.


    The wind speeds vary according to the temperature gradient, exceeding 92 kilometres per hour (50 kn),[15] although speeds of over 398 kilometers per hour (215 kn) have been measured. Now don't think for a second because you don't live in the USA or Japan you won't be effected by this. The media claimed once the Meltdown happened that the USA would not be effected one tiny bit by the radiation in Japan. Which could explain why the USA government has been hording Potassium Iodide for the past Week. Also ordering doctors not to prescribe it (It's a over the counter drug). Anyways the jet stream is litterally blowing it toward the USA. (For about two days.) These nuclear power-plants have been Spewing this for days now.


    Better have your Potassium Iodide pills ready (If you can get your hands on them) because this baby is hitting the USA.

    >! ![](http://www.theweatherspace.com/news/images/31411g.jpg)

    Now don't expect the mainstream media to tell you it's going to happen. We all know what happened tin Chernobyl.  :embarrassed:

    For those of you that don't know what Chernobyl is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster

    Check out the Radiation from that:

    Recently the media had to cover their buts and admit that some of the Radiation has hit the California cost. According to them: The radiation ''WE WILL RECEIVE'' (Please note: they previous said this will never reach us) will be totally harmless to humans and Potassium Iodide will not be needed. *COUGH* Yet the USA government is hording it *COUGH* Yeah right.

    For more information on the government blocking Americans to be able to get it: http://www.infowars.com/u-s-government-blocking-americans-from-obtaining-potassium-iodide/

    By now its almost virtually impossible to be able to get some potassium Iodide. But I hear Kelp naturally has natural Iodide in it. (The specific kind to block radio active isotopes from being absorbed by your thyroid)

    For those of you that don't know what kind of radiation this is: if your thyroid is not full of iodide it will absorb any iodide that comes in contact with it. Such as this being Radioactive Iodide coming out the these nuclear powerplants yes your thyroid will absorb this.

    **What does Potassium Iodide do?** It fills your Thyroid gland with good iodide. Once your thyroid is full it will not absorb the Radioactive iodide thus meaning your safe.

    Let me remind you this is no joke in anyway.

    Now to prevent some stupid questions from appearing in this topic. In which they probably will regardless of me writing this.


    Answer: Yes, it could give you cancer.


    Answer: We will all get a dose of radiation some worse than others.


    Answer: A little just tipped the cost of California. It will keep going into the USA.


    Answer: Stay indoors, seal the windows. And definably don't play in the water outside.


    Answer: www.infowars.com


    Answer: Good luck in life.  ;)


    Answer: Have fun.  :cheesy:


    Anyways I took a hour out of my spare time to put this Article together for your benefit. I hope you take precautions and be safe. Don't just listen to me do your own research aswell.

    Many Regards,
    Tompwnage  :star:

    P.S. Feel free to ask any questions.

    **A Message to those Yuppies out there:**

    You Can't Say You Weren't Warned.
  4. @Anna:

    > I'm alive but I haven't played since Janurary. Considering there isn't anything new with the world generator the geography isn't much different so I lost interest pretty quickly.

    Yeah it pretty much is the same as before. But hey its coming out in 3d soon and it looks promising. Horses are still in development aswell.
  5. Hey guys, I started playing on world four for a while now. Who's playing on World 4 now and what are your plans for this fresh start?

    Personally I am  building up a New ''Myth'' with tons of people I know from rl.

    Many Regards,
  6. @Jungletoe:

    > I need to write a paper on something I've noticed about society. Give me some ideas!
    > Most people talk about internet addiction, and I want to slap them. Something original would be nice.

    Here is something to write about:

  7. @shadowchris:

    > Lol jungle your screwed. unless You get a macro and grind up to 961 str your trapped in myth until you.starve cuz brick walls and palisade s dont decay anymore XD. That explains why most of your stuff is still In tact

    Not really, my main kept most of his strength + I got tons of pumpkins in my garden. I could probably take it down when I get some time.


    > I gave Rusher the keys, but I haven't seen him on eclipse in ages.

  8. @Anna:

    > one newbie who joined off Kris' old hearth, she was alright but she was sort of stupid; when the village bug hit she thought I died, and so she killed the two best milk cows we had for LP, and then later after getting the village idol re-lit and forgiving her, she winds up running off, swiping 2 of my LCs and most of my coal.

    ROFL  XD  XD  XD

    What a show… lol


    > But whatever, I asked Ken for some help, he was hunting anyway so he asked me to add him to the village; he filled Elandor's authority in about 15 minutes. XD

    Nice, and yeah I heard about the village idol glitch thing.


    > I also brought Marona's descendant back to Elandor last night, since I needed a nature character and there was nothing left for me up in N1E1 (Orin is still there but Snimmy hasn't had time to play and won't for awhile). So right now I'm redesigning Kris' old place so I can maintain animals and crops (and the village authority level) by myself.
    > Oh, we also have a CR link to Nople; you need 90 agility or so to use it though; also have one to Odditown (I've been becoming friends with Oddity and Monkeytofu), and another CR link to a regional trade market which I think is about half a SG directly east of the southern Myth location.

    Snim is rarly on. I remember when I usto play she would be on once a week. XD
    I had a nople sign too, its crazy how much agi we need to get there.

    It must suck being the only one active. I remember when I was running Myth I barly had time to do anything. Most of the time it was me doing all the paving/building/farming/mining. Man, it was hell. XD

    I don't know if I am going to start playing again. Although I have had the strangest erges to play again. (Its not even funny. )
  9. @Anna:

    > Which Myth? The one in the center of the SG or the one at the southern border? I haven't been south for some time, but I remember someone leaving a runestone at Myth-on-the-Lakes saying someone did still live there; and it would explain the palisades at one of the main settlements staying maintaned over the months.
    > If the Myth to the south still has an active Village idol lit, I'm very surprised. Considering the village bug that happened last week, and how long it's been there relatively inactive, I couldn't imagine the original idol still being lit.
    > @Tom, when you make a new character and choose an ancestor, the new character gets ownership of the ancestor's claim stake. You're not automatically induced into a Village if the ancestor was, however.

    (ITs the southern Myth)
    Well the village idol is gone but everything else inside is intact. No new hfs or anything my gates are all still palisaded up. Pretty strange that the palisade inside is nearly in full shape, because I havent been on since they day I suicided in there.

    Aside from all this, hows elandor?


    > Ram time?

    Sure I still have a pickaxe and I kept most of my stats in my main.  I owned a iron mine deep south western from the new myth. Maybe I will set up my camp inside the old mine I have hidden away. (If its still up that is)
  10. @Jungletoeâ„¢:

    > I'm still trapped there….  XD

    All I know is I made a new character and I spawned in my house then my whole land was claimed by my new character. It was weird… Then my alt has some keys to my claim, atm I am trying to figure things out cause there's other things in here now.
  11. @[PIE:

    > Rodriguez link=topic=66535.msg717297#msg717297 date=1291176511]
    > I love that this entire topic is filled with people that have no idea how international relations and politics work and just write random shit that they have heard over their televisions.
    > - Adulese

  12. @SoiWilliamSoi:

    > I say we get him a conventional oven. No one wants their sandwiches cold. XD haha god I just made myself laugh so hard.



    > Be sure to remember and set up a hidden HD camera in your Honeymoon Room.

    I'll keep that in mind.


    > Awesome Tom. Gratz. I thought you got married already though. XD

    Haha, thanks Legend. Before she was fiance but now we officially getting married.  :azn:


    > Vitin â„¢ link=topic=65902.msg709801#msg709801 date=1289071370]
    > Gratz Tom!I wish you and your wife good things! ;D

    Thank you, Vitin.

    2 and a half hours before the wedding, i am nervous as hell. XD
  13. @Hyperion:

    > I thought you were like 16.

    I am 18.


    > Rodriguez link=topic=65902.msg709739#msg709739 date=1289060161]
    > Have a good time Tom. Try not to get too drunk, you'll probably want to remember what you did tonight. ;D
    > - Adulese

    Haha, thanks and I'll keep that in mind.


    > Congrats, she's a looker!

    Thanks bro.


    > I'd send you a wedding gift, but you know how it is, no money and no idea at all where you live :P



    > So that's what Anna/Ingrid looks like!
    > Well congratulations!
    > Regards,
    >   Stephan.

    (No Comment)

    Ps. Thanks for the congratz though


    > Rodriguez link=topic=65902.msg709764#msg709764 date=1289063910]
    > A microwave? That's your best idea for a gift? How about a ball and chain. ;D
    > - Adulese

  14. @Robin:

    > Try not to get drunk and run amok.

    I'll try. XD


    > Grats man. Enjoy yourself.

    Thanks, William.


    > yah, grats man. have fun and kick back.

    Thanks Riley


    > PICS AFTERWARDS!!! of course after the honeymoon etc, lol.

    Yep I am going to put up some pics after the whole thing.  :azn:
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