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Posts posted by Slasheree

  1. the maps (structure and such), item data, npc data, whole game concept are copyrighted because that's our work, you can take the rpg maker graphics all you want, but not our work. And in that copyright notice, you cannot make stuff based on our work.
  2. They are the ones who are willingly infringing copyright (when they installed EverEmber it got shown to them, beyond that point everything they do, they have to be sure they don't infringe copyright law.
  3. > I don't need your consent. If I follow your logic, such as what you used when you claimed you didn't have to give credit to what you are using, I can even claim EverEmber as my own.
    > But I won't.
    > I repeat, I don't need your consent to make a game entitled 'EverEmber Online 2.0'

    You really like twisting the story, I never claimed anything I ripped/copied as my own, I'm just not gonna bother creating a new image everytime I do it  ._.

    If I did I'd have a whole image filled with names, trust me. If anyone asks me 'did you make this feature' I'll gladly say "I ripped from an eclipse tutorial, or It's someone elses.", but claiming as your own it's bad, and that's what I don't and never will do.

    > Indeed anyone can impersonate anyone and anything. 
    > Even you impersonating yourself just to blame others
    > Seems very suspicious, since you are the one with the most hate towards Sky, and Sky is calm.
    > Since EverEmber is not Trade Marked, you cannot do anything about it, or if it is, then show us the proof.

    I've been told your friends with Skyward, so beyond this moment your comments are irrelevant, and no I've been trying to stop this whole EE vs Skyward thing since he got banned, but he always kept coming. You don't even 'sound' like a person your age
  4. > Slasheree replied to the Guest - There is a new ever ember version
    > Then
    > Slashere replied to Slashere [same person] - That is a plagiated game
    > So you 2 share the same Slasheree account?
    > ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/1589386e315008b3cc9c459cb990fa77.png)
    > You replied to Yourself

    I used to post in guest because I didn't want to link anything to the mmohuts page, anyone can post in anonymous and chose any nickname, and in this case, someone was impersonating me

    [EDIT] fake ones are shown here:

    >! ![](http://s18.postimg.org/spmt3yxgp/mmohut.png)
  5. > Cause you whined soooo much, we're changing the name. It was never a 'fake version'. It is an improved version.

    The Everember Team did never in any moment consent with other versions of the game, either 'improved' like you say or whatever, just reminding you.
  6. > Any proof that the Guest is Sky?
    > It's like seeing an alien and believeing that is a demon, because your head is full of lies.
    > People are evil for fun, they might get entertained seeing you guys fight.
    > The interesting thing is that you might be that ananoymous guy.

    well, SkywardRiver is having lots of fun with the fake EverEmber I guess  ._.
  7. > No, we took a game that was dead and neglected, and made it better. Then I threw in the comment that we created it in 3 weeks to let everyone know you were lying (once again) when you said you work oh so hard.
    > Not true. But you ARE dictators and liars, but that's okay. Admitting it is usually the first step in getting over it.
    > That's a lie, you and your programmer have BOTH attacked us, then lied about us saying that WE were the ones attacking everyone else…
    > Cause the ip matches the ip of his account on my website....

    1- You don't own EverEmber Online, so you have no right and cannot go out there claiming a game is dead when it isn't, that's being an a**, even if the game was neglected (which wasn't, just because updates got out slowly doesn't mean it's neglected) you don't have nothing to do with it you're not even a staff member, you can't just make a fake and pretend the game isn't online when it is.

    2- I still don't get the part of dictators, and we surely aren't liars, you're the one who has to get over it, you're still blinded by hate

    3- As I said above, we don't need to do literally anything, your game will fail on it's own because it was fundamented in revenge, Kajamaz doesn't even know how to program, and hacking is way out of my league, stop creating ghosts

    4- woohoo, ip matches  :)  It's true I have an account on your site, I was afraid you'd hide stuff from non-members, but apperantly you have no shame on yourself, and you even go around posting this kind of stuff: [http://i.snag.gy/SkU9r.jpg](http://i.snag.gy/SkU9r.jpg)

    > I get along with EVERYONE with the exception of you

    funny, I get along with everyone except you too.
  8. > I have your ip.
    > You really need to stop lying to my face, even when I HAVE THE PROOF!

    It's true that I connected to your game several times because of your autoupdater but because I'm forced to because of the Server Status check thing you have, you can see I never got ingame in any moment, I was just trying to see that you really stole EverEmber's GUI (which Rory gave me permission to use in the real EverEmber, not some fake replica of the game [that doesn't give you the right to use it]), and my devil wing's paperdolls (I drew those for EverEmber)

    I really don't have nothing to hide, I really want you to show me if you really have any concrete evidence that I even attempted to attack your game (which I didn't do, and which I don't even have knowledge for such task…).
  9. dude you really have some real issues / paranoia with us, I spoke to all EverEmber staff and noone is doing anything, If you found an IP from Portugal, that was me updating the game to see what files you kept 'really stolen' (my paperdoll [https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=665546856824861&set=a.245145468865004.59423.100001086596794](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=665546856824861&set=a.245145468865004.59423.100001086596794)), the gui you have was given me permission by Rory to use in EverEmber ([http://www.everember.com/](http://www.everember.com/)) (making a fake one doesn't give you the right to use it), no one is attacking you, you're just blinded by so much hate dude, you need to chill out, if you could see we are way too busy working in our game (with the few players that haven't been stolen to your fake), you're the only ones I see 'attempting' to attack us:

    >! ![](http://s14.postimg.org/iun2u11f5/no_lives.png)

    I don't think it's right what you're doing with this fake EverEmber, but that doesn't mean I want to attack you, imo your game will fail by itself ._.

    Now please, follow Seb's example and leave us alone, I'm not gonna argue anymore about this nonsense, I've explained myself, I just want you to get over the hate. Share the love, peace :)

    [PS] EverEmber also had many attackers, and we didn't end up blaming everytime on you O.o (for example a guy who made a farming bot)
  10. It's EverE
    mber (aka EE)… just kidding  ^_^

    Anyways I would advise you to quit using XW and try to 'convert' your project to an Eclipse Engine if already started (don't think you'll have much luck finding XW programmer in Eclipse forum  :x). Best of lucks with your game  :)

    [EDIT] Like the name btw  :D
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