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Posts posted by Slasheree

  1. Just showing off a very basic program I made today that can encrypt an image file (works with any file though, but I made it to encrypt the image.png
    for demonstration) (Encrypted file has .enc


    Side notes:

    This program was inspired by the recent 'Graphics protection' post  :P

    This program was not made to compress files, only encrypt them.
  2. Just another of my 'quick' inventions, a maze game made very simplistic and in which you can 'import' your own created mazes to play them.

    [Download Link](https://mega.co.nz/#!jAZ33biJ!Wi5SDxIRfqNIA-Syivlj7iGdiiglIc3Ebd6cuI-3ut8)


    >! ![](http://s24.postimg.org/4bo8yvkj9/screenie.png)
  3. Was browsing eclipse forums and got inspired by seeing "[**[EO 3.0]Random Logo Guild System[v.0.2]**](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/131561-eo-30random-logo-guild-systemv02/?view=getnewpost)" in the latest posts, I think the optimal size to draw an icon near a name is 16x16, so I made this program based on that. Hope it's useful for anyone or at least funny  :)


    -Leftclick brush and Rightclick brush

    -press Shift to absorve color (MSPaint's Pasteur pipette)

    -clicking the #FFFFFF will change color (useful when using darker colors)

    [Download Link](https://mega.co.nz/#!TNR3BJQJ!akFUmhp5CkkIPCZkhaPPBF0TRn9dCYwJVvv0GZXG2UM)

    Sample screenshot:

    >! ![](http://s14.postimg.org/ovhjzivhd/example.png)
  4. > With both teams agreeing to this, Kajamaz's team is allowed to keep the name, Ever Ember. Original topic updated.

    don't want to seem much of a grammar nazi, but it's EverEmber (without the space really  :o)
  5. > you know slasher kid came on as a spy and tried to delete all of our maps

    I've already shown my ip to Skyward in the shoutbox, you can clearly see I didn't even enter the game at any time, nor would I have admin rights for that. Did you mess up the access checks in your game ?  O.o

    And I don't have time for those stupid games, I'm already way too busy programming for EverEmber and University… and grow up a little, you seriously need it

    And the fact that you renamed/remade the maps doesn't take the fact that you insulted the EverEmber Team by going out there spamming EverEmber was dead (which we never said it was [only we can say when it's dead, which is when we quit it, which we didn't]) and that was being continued by you as the fake EE2.0, and now changing the name of the game takes your insult back ? that's like "You're a bit**, no offense :)" kinda thing  ._.

    I understand that since you are the dev of said game (yes, you can see that without entering the game ._.), you don't want to see your game sink, but maybe they could 'hire' you for their other 2 projects… just saying...

  6. You're the one spamming the EE Staff has anything to do with your game's "attacks" (when it doesn't). I'm just defending my image here on eclipse, since you've already 'poisoned' your forum's people with lies ('thieves' 'liars'), I'm not a thief, I don't claim other's work as mine and never did, and I'm now a liar, never have been cause I don't need to I have nothing to hide. (even showed you my full ip once in shoutbox)

    And Abhi, you shouldn't be here since you left EverEmber's engine in a terminal state when I joined the team…

    I really have to go now, bye
  7. I'd like to continue talking, but it's 2am here in Portugal, and at least I have classes tomorrow morning, I just hope EE's topic doesn't continue getting flooded (too much) while I'm gone. Good night to everyone
  8. > I'm not trying to help you anymore. If I was trying to help you still, I would give you our game.

    You didn't in any point help us in any way, just so you know, you only got on our way, stole some of the already few players we had, and left us with the reputation of 'thieves' and 'liars' all across your website

    [EDIT] I've already explained myself, and you can see by the ip I sent you, I'm not the 'hacker'
  9. you can install the game again if you want to read it, you cannot create stuff based on our game, and from what I heard you copied the whole EverEmber runescape kinda feel concept, the maps are only 'modified versions' of EE's (even it started from 0, you based on our work)
  10. > Let's say
    > I code myself a game, and I call it EverEmber, and I use Enterbrain graphics.
    > What can you do to me ? :)

    nothing :)

    but that's not what they are doing, that's the problem
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