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Posts posted by Domino_

  1. ```

    Dim Msg As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim partynum As Long
    Dim i As Long

    can also make bit shorter like


    Dim Msg, s As String
    Dim partynum, i As Long

    Thanks for tutorial ;)
  2. Start with myltiplayer game, and when you will  find some good coders for your multiplayer game slowly start project on single player and afther releasing sell it for some 6 eiro. Dunno, soon in Latvia will be eiro so actually dont knwo is it mutch or no, but more than 10 eiro i dont suggest to ask. :D
  3. Its all possible, just need vb6 and some tutorials if ur newbie in coding.
    About player movement speed I have seen tutorial in this forum,
    for 2nd will need vb6 and add soeme new stuff afther player info in both server and client I mean afther level stats inventory and other theese stuff, thwre you will need to add similar function to stats, but this will decrease meele ,magic damage from npc or players, its all source coding.
    3\. You can customize just by changing and modifying pictures in data files -> GUI or agn source code in frmMain.
    4\. Yes this might be alrdy in EO engines.
    5\. Yes buy dunno who would twll you how to do that :D
    6\. Yes player can learn skills from items, also you can make check afther player level up if player level is x, then get his class and give spell if x = true.
    7\. Yes, and I have tryed to make talent tree, its not hard actually, only bit how to say… booring :D
  4. Found that when you are in map and attack to enemy he is slow, but when you open map editor and attacking to enemyes theyr fast and smooth…

    p.s. found out that when gui HUD lets call it like that is visiable then fps is lower and enemyes walk slower, when the hud is invisiable than everything and ping is faster/higher.
  5. arent you ruining fps by this?
    tmrPM = tick + 1000 'check every 1 seconds

    ```Just do check afther leaving party, if he leaves next what command comes is check in what map is he. ;)
  6. > Hello developers, I want to talk about EO4, its a nice engine but there is some suggestions for making people to get Gold service.
    > We know its closed source but I think of you should be give permission to edit every pictures (like before loading screen its says Eclipse origins, even changing loading page its show that for a second and another one is server.exe). If you are paying for gold service you might be edit those sections. (Obviously not like open source)

    That's why people decide, buy or not to buy stuff(EO4 engine in this case), because other engines may like them better who might even be for free.

    You pay for that what they have done and what they allow to do you with theyr work.

    If there will be fully customizable menu,gui with some standalone programm then it will be afther year maybe. . .. I dont know im not dev xD
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