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Everything posted by Tzeny

  1. Tzeny

    Map cloning

    How can you clone a map?
  2. Tzeny

    Ambient music

    Where must I put rain.mp3 and thunder.mp3 for the game to use it?
  3. Tzeny

    Ambient music

    Where must I put rain.mp3 and thunder.mp3 for the game to use it?
  4. Tzeny

    Popup window

    Ok, so I need to know how to make a popup window when I talk to a npc or step on a scripted tile. I'm not sure what's the command for it. And I would also need to display a certain image in the background.
  5. Ok, so you basically have 6 item templates and 4 paperdolled, right? Now, I need more space. How can I do that?
  6. Tzeny


    What is sadscript closest match in programming?(like C++ or VB)
  7. Tzeny


    Thanks a lot guys!
  8. Tzeny


    Ok, guys, so how can I actually make a script extract a variable from an ini file and use it. Please bring an example code, like What do I need to put in a scripted tile to give x life(taken from the ini) and to say you have been granted x hp.
  9. Guys, what color the tile, spirite, item etc. needs to be? I tried black, but when I made a new tile 7 the black acted as a color, covering the grass beneath it. Can you please leave me color sample?
  10. Hi, can somebody say me how to give someone a spell? For example, from a rare and powerful monster? And, how do I put a spell in a class inventory(from the beginning of the game, so when they first start playing the will have that spell, like for example fireball). Sorry if this question has already been answered. Thanks a lot guys, I figured it out! :azn:
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