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Posts posted by Egon

  1. I've been thinking of ordering a little set of them featuring some of the classes and monsters from the game.

    But I would like some input on what you would like to see if I got these made.
    Each sheet would have six stickers that are 22mm x 22mm (Just under an inch) in size.

    So, out of the list which six would you like to see most in sticker form?

  2. I think you can learn a lot just from trying to draw a picture. I had to do stuff I've never done before while drawing that face. Photorealism or not, I'm just happy it's some form of realism. While a model would be fantastic to have, pictures do nicely when a model isn't around.


    This is my new subject.
  3. @Grizzy:

    > ![](http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg204/scaled.php?server=204&filename=screenone.png&res=landing)
    > How does this look?

    You know, I've been looking at this for about five minutes now. It isn't terrible. There is a lot that I like.

    The grass and its different grass tiles are great.

    The rocks are also fine as they match well with the grass.

    The big triangle trees would look better to me with a root on each side removed to thin it down some.

    The odd four shade green circle tree's leaves just aren't doing much for me. Maybe if you made the separation a little more random than just four sections horizontally across. The trunk is really great though.

    The smaller circle trees, I think I'd leave them be for now even though they are at an odd angle.

    The weeds and mushrooms need the most work though. I'd try to just make a whole different weed. As for the mushrooms, try to make their stalk a little smaller and not side by side.

    Also, add some shading circles under everything. Not BLACK but maybe the dark green grass.

    Another thing, that dirt is far too textured to work with the simple flat grass in my book. But keep working at it, I could be wrong.
  4. Alright guys. I think I'm done with it. I might feel like coming back a bit later and adding a bit of color to it, but we'll see. I scanned it in two pieces so you could get a clearer picture.


    If you want a larger size click here: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxfrear/7292937818/sizes/m/in/photostream/](http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxfrear/7292937818/sizes/m/in/photostream/)

    I think it turned out really nicely for my first photorealism experiment.
  5. That is one of the best voices, in my book. So please, stay a while and listen.


    I mostly finished up the charcoal layer. Still have to smooth out some rough edges and the shading on the face. After that I get to use the edge of a small eraser and remove the charcoal to bring out the hair.


    I think I'm done with it for tonight. I need to get a finer eraser.

  6. Thanks guys. I worked on it a little bit more tonight. I couldn't find my camera so I had to use my terrible phone.


    All I have to do now is touch up a few of the wrinkles to make them look a little more wrinkly, black out pretty much all of the left side/bottom and then use a thin eraser to bring out the white hair. After that hard dark shadows.
  7. I just started work on this guy. I hope to have another two classes and a big bad pixely dragon for them to fight.

    >! Old front:



    This is the size that they truly are.
  8. I noticed that it had a picture mode, so I went out side and did the old moon test. After a bit of brightness reduction I'm actually really amazed at how well it did.

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