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Posts posted by evilbunnie

  1. No, Growlith, you're wrong.

    You can run the server on a GNU/Linux. Use Wine. The server needs basically nothing to run. With the specs you've stated, that's /waaaaaaaaaaay/ more than needed. I'd say 256mb RAM with a celeron processor would run fine.

    Also, yes you do need to portforward. After that it's just clicking on the EXE. However using Wine on GNU/Linux would work fine.
  2. @𝕆ℝ𝔼𝕆𝕊:

    > But around 6x faster because of how much more optimized C++ is and the way it is compiled.

    No shit. I'm pretty sure VB6 was /programmed/ in C++.
  3. @Jungle:

    > Erm, I had that error too. Does it only happen when you run into an enemy and die?
    > I was. Now I'm attempting freeglut with OpenGL, so I probably won't be returning to SDL soon, if at all. What's wrong with SDL's renderer?

    It's ducking terrible. Use OpenGL. Also; I'd suggest not using glut.
    Also your formatting is very inconsistent. I'd be working on brushing it up to make it look nice.
  4. It's like a person who's been hiding in Africa and knows nothing about the rest of the world, then travels to America and on the first day complains that the American's are getting fatter than they were before.
  5. The whole point of Eclipse is so people LEARN and CREATE their OWN games. Having everything you could possibly need would never make anyone bother to LEARN programming because there's no need.

    Go back to RPG Maker, son.


    > **jaxx**,jungle anna these people come up

    You clearly haven't been on here for very long.
    Eclipse isn't dying, we've been having 400~ people on at any time during the day. That's much better than it used to be, look at Owen's signature.

    You've been here since March, who are YOU to say this community is dying?
  6. @Sawamura:

    > I was messing around and found this
    > ![](http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/7496/beztytuugex.jpg)
    > I try fogs but dont render like this so what is it?
    > I found a d3d function called .setLight
    > but I dont know how use it,anyone can help me or give directions about the screen? thanks

    Take a look at the DirectX SDK Documentation..

    Furthermore; I suggest you use fake lighting, simply because this is a 2D game and doesn't actually require full lighting, which will decrease your performance a lot.
  7. @Jungle:

    > IKR!? They didn't show half of the gore scenes. For example, they didn't show the full surgery. I wouldn't have wanted to watch that shit anyways, but it's called gore for a reason. Oh well, at least it gave the conservative pundits a lot to female dog about on late night TV.

    "Their mouths.. went into the other's anuses"
    "You mean.. no.. no.. the bible doesn't fucking say that!"
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