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Everything posted by Olimar72

  1. @Anna: > Oh boy it's this thread again! :D Sigg'd @Jungle Just wondering, why do you have 1867 posts, but are an "Eclipse Newbie"? OT: Don't we have a shoutbox and a forum already? What else do you want?
  2. Well, Eclipse isn't made by the same people as RPGMVX, it was made by Robin and the rest of the Eclipse team. There isn't that many on the team though. Anyway, this engine is mostly a basic one, and if you look through the tutorial/source section, you will see lots of tuts on expanding the engine. RPG Maker was designed as a basic RPG engine for newbies who don't know how to code. It has more features, and a more user-friendly interface. Eclipse is like RPG Maker for more advanced scripters I guess you could say. Well, that's my understanding anyway. Also, WOOT! 100th post!!! WOOP WOOP! EDIT: WOOP WOOP, ALSO JUNIOR MEMBER, WOOP WOOP!
  3. @Zonova: > Just in case you're not naturally gifted with the ability to quickly learn and understand computer languages, i would recommend googling for some VB6 tutorials, just to get a hang of the basics. Thanks, but I'm good. I've done many other languages, Sadscript and stuff I just never really focused on.
  4. @SeeingBlue: > Find the port forwarding options in your router's control panel, then forward the correct port(7171?) to the computer(this will be an interal IP (192.168~)) that will be running the server. If he can't figure it out with a step-by-step tutorial, what's the point of giving the gyst of it and hoping it will all magically come to him?
  5. Yes, I know you're having problems port forwarding, but what step are you at? Or have you not figured out anything yet?
  6. Well, what exactly don't you understand? Where do you get stuck?
  7. Been looking for a tutorial for a while. Thank you!!
  8. Have you went to portforward.com? It is really simple to follow.
  9. I'm using the latest Origins. Also, I can provide more details if you need. Also, I'm assuming at least 1 of these would need sourcing, so if it does, please let me know (And point me out a tutorial if you know of one please). 1\. Key attribute isn't working? I place a key attribute, and when I use the key, the sprite doesn't go away (It's on the mask layer), and it stays open forever. SOLVED: Unfinished, need to source it in (Thanks Ryoku Hasu). 2\. Is there a list somewhere of the experience needed per level? SOLVED: It's actually a formula based on your level (Thanks Ryoku Hasu). 3\. Certain items I make are invisible when dropped… What would cause that? FIXED: Made all the items 64x32 4\. Can you make non-currency items stackable? 5\. Can you make multiple drops / a range of the number of items dropped (I.E. a blob can drop 5-25 Gold Coins, and a 1/10 chance of a blob goop)? 6\. While I'm moving left or right, a black dot appears at the back of my character (2 pixels) on the third frame, no matter what sprite I use. It only happens when I use the paperdoll of my axe, but I checked it, and it contains no dots whatsoever. I tried recolouring the whole transparent part of the paperdoll, but I still get that dot… See the attached file for an example of what I mean. FIXED: The paperdoll was misaligned and was interfering with itself (Thanks Becky). 7. I tried putting in an OGG file, but it won't let me select it for the theme of a map… Yes, it is in the right folder. SOLVED: Need to add in OGG support through source (Thanks Ryoku Hasu). 8\. When I play a WAV sound on my computer, it runs fine. When it plays on my client, it's silent. I zipped up my client and sent it to a friend. It worked just fine for him. What's wrong? FIXED: My sound was off (Thanks Ryoku Hasu).
  10. Olimar72


    Just out of curiosity, which one did you choose?
  11. Olimar72


    I usually just go with a random meaningless name. My current game is called Dekari RPG. Anyway, here are a few random ones, ending with "ia", I just thought of (Just listing off all of them in case you like one of them): Amenia Kerolia Tesonia Mia Pokilia Zania Zakia Yukia Tangia
  12. @eric125: > here a tutorial how to add it http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,73708.0.html Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks! ^_^
  13. Alright, thanks. This can be locked now.
  14. So I'm using the latest version of EO, and I can't figure out how to make a bow or arrows. Do they exist in EO or do I have to source them in?
  15. Hum, unfortunately, I can't give you enough information either. The only thing I could think of that I'm not using now, but was before, is a recoloured axe my friend made… I don't know what could possibly be wrong with it though... I mean, I was using it for quite a while and it didn't crash back then. I still have the file in my client, but I don't use it anymore. I'm attaching it in case you want to examine it or something.
  16. So in other words, when they are set to randomly spawn, they can't spawn on blocked or NPC avoid attributes? OK, thanks!
  17. OK, thanks for all your answers guys. Anyway, you said earlier on that you had a tut on mp3 support. Would you mind giving that to me? This is more of a private game I'm making, and if I actually distribute 5000 copies, well, then I will start taking lessons on how to ride a giant space frog chasing after some flies on Mars. So I don't think a license is any of my concern.
  18. @Robin: > Happens when you use a dodgy resource. What do you mean by "dodgy" resource? Wrong file format? Wrong size? Wrong… Something else?
  19. @Ryoku: > 1) there is a tut on adding mp3 support if you want it. > Can you give me the link? I can't seem to find it. > > 2) there ia a way but you wont like it, use Photoshop or gimp to make a grid and you rearrange them yourself > OK, I guess that's my only option. > > 3) use 24 bit BMP > Sweet! Perfect colour now! > > 4) CSDE is another engine, but you need to know a lot more before you even think of using it. > OK, got it. > > 5) Holding down shift is for walking/running > It slows me down rather than moving faster… Thanks! I added a little footnote under all your answers. EDIT: Right, I forgot 1 question. What do each of the 5 skills do?
  20. 1\. So I know that MP3's are not supported (Because of the hefty license fee). I have some MP3 songs that I would like to use. I know I can't convert them to MIDIs, so is there anything I can convert these to so Eclipse can handle them? 2\. I have some sprites that are formatted xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and I need them to be xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx I have looked around, but haven't found anything that can do that, which sucks, cause they need to be that format to run on Origins. 3\. So I downloaded some tilesets in the form of a .png, but when I converted them to a 256-colour Bitmap, most things didn't change much, but sand looks like a discoloured water now! Is there any other formats Eclipse will accept (Or some way to make it not be discoloured?)? 4\. I keep hearing about CE:DE. What is it? 5\. My friend keeps "Dashing", but he won't tell me how. What's the default hotkey for that? Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you need to me to provide any more information, please let me know.
  21. So I keep getting Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range Whenever I boot up my server. It didn't happen until now, when my server suddenly crashed with that error. Now I can't open it up again without getting that error. I'm using the latest version of Origins. EDIT: Wiped server, works now.
  22. I'm not sure if this is a source question or not, as I do not know what the fix would be, but anyway, when I use the "Spawn NPC" attribute and I'm standing on the square they spawn on, they will spawn on top of me. It's not anything critical, but kinda annoying. EDIT: Same thing happens with just putting NPCs on the map spawn, but they can even spawn inside of blocked attributes.
  23. Alright, it seems to work fine now (I restarted my computer). I'll need to wait a bit more to see if it was actually fixed, as the runtime error doesn't seem to have a specific trigger. EDIT: Ok, it's fine now. Thanks!
  24. OK, thanks. You can lock this now if you want.
  25. @Robin: > Forget everything you ever learnt. > > Now go read through the various source tutorials and learn where everything is. > > About 90% of the work is knowing where things are in the source code. OK, got it. Is there any "Basics of Source" tutorials around? I looked but I can't seem to find any. Not anything in particular, but some basics of playing around with the source.
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