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Psychic Vampires Real?


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Could [Psychic Vampires] Be Real? I don't mean Blood Suckers…

Psychic vampires, also known as energy vampires, are emotionally immature individuals who drain the time and energy from those around them. They are usually highly self-interested and lack empathy. The relationships they form are largely self serving.

So Appearently they are people with the ability to drain energy by just being around Them

does anyone think this could be legit? there have been people proven to be born with

the sensitive instinct of sensing "Spirits" and Energy So i Mean anything is Possible Right?
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No, that's called negativity. Negativity can drain your positive energy making you depressed and hate life. Some humans like me are not affected by this though, although it is not being a vampire. You are giving a fancy word for something that is just a brain disorder. I do believe some brain disorders are not bad though. I don't like being controlled by other people or being open to being controlled. Maybe it isn't even a brain disorder, it could just be a wrong name given by doctors and actually be a self inflicted treatment - you make yourself who you want to become.
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> @'Helladen':
> > Some humans like me are not affected by this though.
> ![](http://s2.favim.com/mini/140822/black-kawaii-potato-white-Favim.com-2014212.jpg)

Cause we all know how well Helladen handles negativity… Lol.

Anyways, yes I do believe there are people who have distinctive auras that greatly affect other's happiness.
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I personally tend to believe more in mystical stuff, purely because we never really know what's true and what isn't. Science has been proven wrong time and time again, even with major/important stuff, so sometimes it's just never a good idea to put all your faith into how 'factual' science is.

But in the long run, yes. Auras, spirits, energy, psychic vampires, deities, etc. Why wouldn't they be real?
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> A great numb feeling washes over me as I let go of the past and look forward to the future. Pretend to be a vampire. I don't really need to pretend, because it's who I am, an emotional vampire. I've just come to expect it. Vampires are real. That I was born this way. That I feed off of other people's real emotions. Search for this night's prey. Who will it be?

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> Because you're arrogant and get things wrong? Also because a lot of the trollers hate you. Just clearing up your rhetoric question, not siding with either case.


> > I can affect other people's auras. Why do you think everyone tries to troll me.
> Everyone tries to troll you Seth because you can't take a lighthearted joke and you're one of the biggest narcissist's on this forum.

Nah man. You guys get trolled by me, I usually post things knowing people are going to try to troll me. I had my fun and done with it from the past couple of years. I typically say stupid things just to stir the pot and know very well, that the trolls will come. It is funny to me doing this, but I will quit it since it really serves me no more purpose anymore.
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> @'Mohenjo:
> > Because you're arrogant and get things wrong? Also because a lot of the trollers hate you. Just clearing up your rhetoric question, not siding with either case.
> @'Ranqe':
> > > I can affect other people's auras. Why do you think everyone tries to troll me.
> >
> > Everyone tries to troll you Seth because you can't take a lighthearted joke and you're one of the biggest narcissist's on this forum.
> Nah man. You guys get trolled by me, I usually post things knowing people are going to try to troll me. I had my fun and done with it from the past couple of years. I typically say stupid things just to stir the pot and know very well, that the trolls will come. It is funny to me doing this, but I will quit it since it really serves me no more purpose anymore.

that's why when your debates came up you always got made felt like a retard #coveringupmistakessince2013
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> Nah man. You guys get trolled by me, I usually post things knowing people are going to try to troll me. I had my fun and done with it from the past couple of years. I typically say stupid things just to stir the pot and know very well, that the trolls will come. It is funny to me doing this, but I will quit it since it really serves me no more purpose anymore.

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> @'Helladen':
> > Nah man. You guys get trolled by me, I usually post things knowing people are going to try to troll me. I had my fun and done with it from the past couple of years. I typically say stupid things just to stir the pot and know very well, that the trolls will come. It is funny to me doing this, but I will quit it since it really serves me no more purpose anymore.
> ![](https://i.imgur.com/sHt5q.jpg)

You remind me why I love these forums. I remember back in the day we used to have posts like this all the time- I used to laugh like crazy on this site.

Thanks for giving me the massive laugh, woke my dog. Haha.
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Sure people like to poke fun at me, but I am not as stupid as people think. I have improved myself considerably. Mostly thanks to Robin, Abhi, and Rory. But honestly, I always joined debates cause I like attention. Looking back at myself with hindsight, sure I was wrong a lot and not really covering up my mistakes. People generally don't believe you regardless of the viewpoint you are arguing over, whether you have all the evidence in the world or not. Humans are very biased. I learned that the hard way. ;) No point arguing over silly worldviews it is a waste of effort.

It takes a lot to get people to actually agree with you, respect and all that nonsense which I don't care much for. But I don't go around boasting myself anymore cause people take it the wrong way. Which is why, I changed myself to just do everything better than just saying I am better.
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