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Right-klick PlayerMenu

Wortel Angels

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> You don't have the real Spirea source, not the one Genusis used to make his game.
> You have a older version that was released by DFA on echostorm.

ohh gotcha
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> **AddOns**
> >! >! [Add this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82165.msg879824.html)
> >! And youll walk to the Left-Click position
> >!
> >! First add this [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82036.0.html)
> >! Then change
> >! ```
> If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then
> >! If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And myTarget <> MyIndex Then
> >! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level)
> >! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1))
> >! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2))
> >! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3))
> >! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4))
> >! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5))
> >! Else
> >! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False
> >! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed
> >! End If
> >! Else
> >! End If
> ```
> >! to
> >! ```
> >! If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then
> >! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level)
> >! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1))
> >! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2))
> >! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3))
> >! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4))
> >! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5))
> >! Else
> >! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False
> >! End If
> ```
> >! Then
> >! Klick on the Label which opens the picPlayerInfo
> >! And delete the Code
> >! Then
> >! Delete the Label
> >! Then Add to picMenu an label
> >! Name: lblMViewPlayer
> >! Caption: View Player
> >! Then klick on lblMViewPlayer
> >! and add
> >! ```
> If myTarget <> MyIndex Then
> >! picPlayerInfo.Visible = True
> >! picMenu.Visible = False
> >! Else
> >! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed
> >! picMenu.Visible = False
> >! End If
> ```
> >! The End ;-)
> >! ummm those links aren't working ? or i'm missing somehting…
> >! because when i press the blue letters "here" it redirects me to home page ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png)
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