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Right-klick PlayerMenu

Wortel Angels

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I got an Request from daxterxx and made it for free so ill make it Public

This is Just the Basic ill add some AddOns to it if i got Ideas ;-)

**How is it Working?**

Step 1\. Target an Player

Step 2\. Right-Klick the player

Step 3\. Choose ;-)


>! >! [Add this](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82165.msg879824.html)
>! And youll walk to the Left-Click position
>! First add this [Here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82036.0.html)
>! Then change
>! ```
If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then
>! If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And myTarget <> MyIndex Then
>! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level)
>! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1))
>! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2))
>! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3))
>! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4))
>! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5))
>! Else
>! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False
>! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed
>! End If
>! Else
>! End If
>! to
>! ```
>! If frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = True Then
>! frmMain.lblPlayerName.Caption = Trim(Player(myTarget).Name) & "- Level" & Trim(Player(Index).Level)
>! frmMain.charstat(0).Caption = "Str: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(1))
>! frmMain.charstat(1).Caption = "End: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(2))
>! frmMain.charstat(2).Caption = "Int: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(3))
>! frmMain.charstat(3).Caption = "Agi: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(4))
>! frmMain.charstat(4).Caption = "Will: " & Trim(Player(myTarget).Stat(5))
>! Else
>! frmMain.picPlayerInfo.Visible = False
>! End If
>! Then
>! Klick on the Label which opens the picPlayerInfo
>! And delete the Code
>! Then
>! Delete the Label
>! Then Add to picMenu an label
>! Name: lblMViewPlayer
>! Caption: View Player
>! Then klick on lblMViewPlayer
>! and add
>! ```
If myTarget <> MyIndex Then
>! picPlayerInfo.Visible = True
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! Else
>! AddText "Invalid target.", BrightRed
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! End If
>! The End ;-)
>! >! First add
>! [This](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78441.0.html)
>! Then add an new Label to picMenu
>! Name: lblMGInvite
>! Caption: Guild Invite
>! Klick on it and add
>! ```
If myTarget <> MyIndex Then
>! Call GuildCommand(2, Player(myTarget).Name)
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! Else
>! AddText "Cant invite yourself", BrightRed
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! End If
>! The End ;-)
>! >! First add an new Label
>! Name: lblMWhisper
>! Caption: Whisper
>! Klick on it and add
>! ```
If myTarget <> MyIndex Then
>! txtMyChat.text = "!" & Trim(Player(myTarget).name) & " "
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! Else
>! AddText "You cant Whisper yourself.", BrightRed
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! End If
>! >! First add [This](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,82035.0.html)
>! Then add an new Label to picMenu
>! Name: lblMPVP
>! Caption: PVP
>! Klick on it and add
>! ```
If myTarget <> MyIndex Then
>! SendPVPRequest (Player(myTarget).Name)
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! Else
>! AddText "You cant fight yourself.", BrightRed
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! End If
>! >! Change
>! ```
If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
>! If Button = vbRightButton Then
>! picMenu.Top = Y
>! picMenu.Left = X
>! frmMain.picMenu.Visible = True
>! End If
>! End If
>! ```
If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
>! If Button = vbRightButton Then
>! picMenu.Top = Y
>! picMenu.Left = X
>! frmMain.picMenu.Visible = True
>! If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) > 1 Then
>! frmMain.lblMGM.Visible = True
>! End If
>! End If
>! End If
Add to frmMain at bottom
>! ```
Private Sub lblMGM_Click()
>! picMenu.Visible = False
>! picMenuGM.Top = picMenu.Top
>! picMenuGM.Left = picMenu.Left
>! picMenuGM.Visible = True
>! lblMGM.Visible = False
>! lblMGMBack.Visible = True
>! End Sub
>! Private Sub lblMGMBack_Click()
>! picMenu.Visible = True
>! picMenu.Top = picMenuGM.Top
>! picMenu.Left = picMenuGM.Left
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
>! lblMGM.Visible = True
>! lblMGMBack.Visible = False
>! End Sub
>! Private Sub LBLMGMClose_Click()
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
>! End Sub
>! Add to picMenu an Label
>! Name: lblMGM
>! Capton: >>
>! Visible: False
>! i put it at the right from Close
>! Add picMenuGM to your frmMain
>! [Download picMenuGM](http://www.file-upload.net/download-4629560/picmenugm.frm.html)
>! >! Add an new Label to picMenuGM
>! Name: lblMGMKick
>! Caption: Kick
>! And add in it
>! ```
SendKick Player(myTarget).Name
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
>! >! Add an new Label to picMenuGM
>! Name: lblMGMBan
>! Caption: Ban
>! And add in it
>! ```
SendBan Player(myTarget).Name
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
>! >! Add an new Label to picMenuGM
>! Name: lblMGMMake
>! Caption: Make GM
>! And put this code in it
>! ```
SendSetAccess Player(myTarget).Name, 3
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
```Why 3 Because else you cant remove the access ;-)
>! >! Add an new Label to picMenuGM
>! Name: lblMGMRemove
>! Caption: Remove GM
>! And put this code in it
>! ```
SendSetAccess Player(myTarget).Name, 0
>! picMenuGM.Visible = False
>! More Ideas ? PM me or write it here



Private Sub picScreen_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Add under

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then

If Button = vbRightButton Then

picMenu.Top = y

picMenu.Left = x

frmMain.picMenu.Visible = True

End If

End If

At Bottom of frmMain add

Private Sub lblMClose_Click()

picMenu.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub lblMInvite_Click()

If myTarget <> MyIndex Then


picMenu.Visible = False


AddText "Invalid invitation target.", BrightRed

picMenu.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

Private Sub lblMTrade_Click()

If myTarget <> MyIndex Then


picMenu.Visible = False


AddText "You cant Trade yourself.", BrightRed

picMenu.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

Copy the picMenu

To your frmMain

The End ;-)

**Menu must be at the Front of picScreen else you dont see it**



This is my FIRST self-made Tutorial

So all Credits to me ;-)


[PicMenu & PicMenuAdmin](http://www.file-upload.net/download-7341808/Form1.frm.html)
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Well done mate! The only thing I want to see is when you want to trade, you actually auto walk up next to the person and begin trading or auto attacking.
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Yanno looking at your code, this could easily be implemented to right click on resources, items ect. Fishing mining woodcutting. Im going to look into this. Excellent, excelent job man. Im also try a forc walk to target method to walk over to another player
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