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Silverdale Online Classic


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**Silverdale Online Classic** features four unique classes, each having their own Equipment and Skills. We try to keep all the classes very different, that probably makes some classes a bit harder to play than others, but they all should have they're own advantages and flaws.. The game also features alot of Bosses which drop unique drops.. To make the game more enjoyable we make special events now and then, which gives players currently playing a chance to get Special events only available through the event. The game will also feature Trading Skills and other activities other than increasing your level.

![](http://i.imgur.com/q1t2RnW.png)  ![](http://i.imgur.com/IbhTKCQ.png)

![](http://i.imgur.com/0sXP5bc.png)  ![](http://i.imgur.com/jerHN3O.png)

![](http://i.imgur.com/ndqqeeu.png)  ![](http://i.imgur.com/CK7HVxr.png)

![](http://i.imgur.com/NKjcj54.png)  ![](http://i.imgur.com/N4aZ1L5.png)

What changes have been made from the old version?

* Uses Xenforo rather than MyBB for online account.
* Fixed a bug with login that would stop menu music. Also, changed the links on the menu buttons to go to my site rather than Skideria.
* Changed menu music and a few tracks from the maps to the older music found in the much older Silverdale before Justin took over as owner.
* Faster leveling with a default of 5x experience boost that will be kept on forever.
* 2.5x more Gold from mobs.
* New installer with built-in runtimes installer post-install. I didnt want to recreate the runtimes for this specific game, since it was already made by someone who wrote the engine.

The game is completely free to play with no cash to experience it completely. All you have to do is register on my site.

Justin has given me the game to take control of and do with as I please. I plan to make it better than it was designed to be, since I love the idea of Silverdale and never wanted to quit making the HD version.

**Try to enable DirectPlay in your Windows Features if you get lag.**

[**You can play the game by going here.**](http://www.hitsparkinteractive.com/resources/silverdale-online-classic.5/)
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Oh sweet! Silverdale is an amazing game and is what originally inspired me to start doing pixel art in the first place. Too bad I have to go to work or else I would soo be online. I will for sure be online either later tonight, or tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing others there!
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  • 2 weeks later...

> [Update 1.9.0 is live.](http://www.hitsparkinteractive.com/threads/patch-notes-1-9-0.170/)

I can't register at site :/

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> @'Helladen':
> > [Update 1.9.0 is live.](http://www.hitsparkinteractive.com/threads/patch-notes-1-9-0.170/)
> I can't register at site :/
> Please correct the following errors:
> 1. Sorry, you must wait longer to create an account.
> 2. Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the administrator.
> 3. Please enter a name that is at least 3 characters long.
> 4. Please enter a valid email.
> 5. Please select a valid time zone.
> 6. Please enter a valid password

Sounds like you're experiencing a PEBCAK issue. They're fairly common.
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