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Revelation - The Awakening


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Be sure to follow my stream ([http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw](http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw)) so you can see the development as it happens!


[Revelation - The Awakening](http://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg) is a dark, post-apocalyptic themed text-based, turn-style game based around numerous AD&D and Werewolf: The Apocalypse mechanics. In the early stages of its conceptual design, [Revelation - The Awakening](https://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg/home) mirrored games such as Vagabond's Quest and VQ+.

The development of [Revelation - The Awakening](http://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg) is slow and time consuming, most likely due to the fact that, though I have a passion for game creation, programming will always be nothing more than a hobby to me. That being said, I hope the people who play the game can garner enjoyment from it.

I will be maintaining this site as a development blog of sorts as a way to relay useful information and to keep the project as transparent as possible for those who are interested. I wish everyone the best in their endeavor to conquer the world of my creation and build strong, long-lasting relationships with other players in the process, for it is certainly a world that is filled with fright, peril, and darkness where companionship lends strength.

Please note that [Revelation - The Awakening](https://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg/home) does not have a relationship or affiliation with any religion, belief, or a particular ideology or philosophy; it is simply a game:

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition used in this particular context is:

Definition of REVELATION **:**

**b :** something that is revealed; _especially_ **:** an enlightening or astonishing disclosure revelations> ([Merriam-Webster](http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/revelation), 2012)

**Project Tidbits**

* [Revelation - The Awakening](http://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg) is being developed by one individual.
* Developed in Visual Basic .NET 2010 Express.
* Uses a pre-built networking library (Wunnell.Net).
* Non-graphical with exceptions.
* Player vs. Player oriented.
* Will have Single Player functionality, but will require an online connection and account.
* Free-To-Play.
* Zero-dollar investment towards development.

**Current Project Needs**

* Concept Artist (Races)
* Pixel Artist (Items)
* Writer (Dungeon)
* Public Domain art that closely resembles the style of Luis Royo.

**Timeline & Benchamrks**

* August 27th, 2012 - Development begins.
* September 12th, 2012 - Asynchronous Client/Server complete.
* September 17th, 2012 - Principle game mechanics complete.
* December, 2012 - Projected start date of closed alpha.
* June, 2013 - Projected start date of closed beta.
* August 15th, 2013 - Projected date for full release.

**Works in Progress**

* **Clans**​: Creation, Adding/Removing Players, Message of the Day, Uniquely Colored Identifier (e.g. [ [/color]ClanName ] [[/color] PlayerName ]: TextSent).

* **Player Created Chat Rooms**: Creation, Administrative Control, Password Locked (e.g. IRC-esque).
* **Purchase Incentives**: Experience Boost, Unique Items, No Gating (e.g. Content, Character Slots [Up to an Additional 5 Slots]).
* **Crafting**: Items (e.g. Common, Rare, Unique, Mythical).
* **Multi-Character Creation**: Up to 5 Characters Per Account.
* **Uniquely Generated Items**: Literally thousands of uniquely named and rolled items to choose from.

**​Additional Information**

**​Screen Shots of Development**
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> Looks neat, it thought it was funny how you had a link for every [Revelation - The Awakening](http://sites.google.com/site/revelationorpg)
> Good luck with the project.

Well, the idea is to provide the link to the projects website as well as make the title contrast with the rest of the body of text without increasing the size or altering its state (bold, italic). And thanks.

> I feel bad because the first thing I thought of was Revelations 2012.

That's why I placed a disclaimer at the bottom giving a firm, cited definition of what the context is for the project.
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I've attached a screenshot of the Race Editor. Simple and straightforward. The search function, saving, and loading is all operational. This is something I had to create (as well as the class and level editor) in order to get the registration process completed.
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I've made it a habit to stream every time I add something to the game. I feel that it aides in keeping the development of the project as transparent as possible and allows individuals to see working examples of how things are done internally while they're being written. If you have any interest in the project or the stream, you can visit it here: [http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw](http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw)
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Registration is now complete; all that's left to add is the images for the last 4 races and descriptions for all 10 classes. You can now register, login, and chat; you can also view other players levels, race, and class by selecting "Get Player Info" from the context menu that appears upon right clicking on their name in the list of players in the chat room. Here's a screenshot:
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Added to the first post:

**Works in Progress**

* **Clans**​: Creation, Adding/Removing Players, Message of the Day, Uniquely Colored Identifier (e.g. [ [/color]ClanName ] [ [/color]PlayerName ]: TextSent).

* **Player Created Chat Rooms**: Creation, Administrative Control, Password Locked (e.g. IRC-esque).
* **Purchase Incentives**: Experience Boost, Unique Items, No Gating (e.g. Content, Character Slots [Up to an Additional 5 Slots]).
* **Crafting**: Items (e.g. Common, Rare, Unique, Mythical).
* **Multi-Character Creation**: Up to 5 Characters Per Account.
* **Uniquely Generated Items**: Literally thousands of uniquely named and rolled items to choose from.

**​Additional Information**
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Make sure to follow my stream ([http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw](http://www.twitch.tv/purgatorylw)) to see the development as it happens!

The project, at the time of this writing, consists of 1,900 lines of code not including the networking library. I've written at least half of it while streaming. So if you think nothing happens on twitch.tv, you're dead wrong! As a side note, Jungle streams as well ([http://www.justin.tv/jungletoe#/w/3891644304](http://www.justin.tv/jungletoe#/w/3891644304)). Although I don't know him nor do I care to advertise for him, I do advocate the use of streaming as a tool for two reasons: To maintain transparency in your work and to educate others. Anyone that is interested in a C++ project should check him out.
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Added Commands to Client/Server:


* /whois - Lists currently connected users with the number of connected clients.


* /get <_username_> - Unfinished functionality; can return any data concerning the logged-in player.
* /kick <_username_> - Removes the desired logged-in player from the game using the username associated with the connected client.

Added Error Handling to the network wrapper:

* ObjectDisposedException
* NullReferenceException
* IOException
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> Good luck!
> And twitch.tv is for gaming streaming only not game developments.

I appreciate it, but you are entirely wrong. Before spreading false information on my project topic, please read the twitch.tv Terms of Use and other legal documentation concerning what is and what is not allowed to be streamed, uploaded, or otherwise disseminated through the service; I and other users would appreciate it.
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> Ummm
> Well for knowing some admins and i got partnership with 2567 followers over 100k viewers i should know this or they changed the terms.

Notch streamed his programming on it and has 10 times the amount of followers that you do. How about you read the actual terms?
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Added Commands to Server:


* /ban - Bans a connected player by username and provides a reason for the action. [Requires Additional Support]

**Planned Updates** for the Week of October 14, 2012:

* [ Server ] _ContextMenu_ - Additional functionality for managing connected clients and logged-in players.
* [ Client + Server ] _Chat Rooms_ - Additional functionality for managing chat rooms; _create_ and _administrate_ capabilities for players.
* [ Server ] _Stand-Alone Editor(s)_ - Migration of Server-Side editors to a stand-alone solution.
* [ Game Mechanics ] _Skill Tree(s)_ - Design and implementation of the remaining class skill tree's.
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Added to Server:

* Clan Names - Players who are affiliated with a clan are now distinguished when sending a player message in a chat room.

Edit: Changed the color scheme of a few items. The screenshot depicting a white back color reflects changes, and also shows off the scalable nature of the chat room.
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