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[VB6] Programming Contest


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Hey guys, sorry this has been so long in the making. I was stuck at home for 2 weeks then i was waiting on some responses trying to get some prize money from a couple different sources. Bad news is, no prize money. Good news is at least we can still have a contest. Its about the Epic Skills right? The mad respect?

1st Place: Gold Programming Trophy Displayed alongside avatar and Custom Name color for 1 month or Will Sticky a topic of your choice for a week (within reason)

2nd Place: Silver Programming Trophy Displayed alongside avatar and Will Sticky a topic of your choice for a week (within reason)

3rd Place: Bronze Trophy (depending on number of entries this may be dropped)

No full engine submissions please. Post a tutorial or a engine with a specific feature added. You may submit as many different additions as you want. If you are already working on something you can release it as a entry only if you havent already released it to the public yet. This is for brand new source only. Source code must be supplied. This is to help the community.

Deadline is two weeks from now. (October 15th).

Hope to see some great submissions.
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> Why does the custom name colour only last for a month?

Becouse it can get super out of hand after a year when almost everyone has a different custom name color. It takes a custom usergroup to do so we end up with tons for each member. May up it to 3 months or something. 1 Month does seem a tad short.
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> Becouse it can get super out of hand after a year when almost everyone has a different custom name color. It takes a custom usergroup to do so we end up with tons for each member. May up it to 3 months or something. 1 Month does seem a tad short.

I guess the only solution to that is having less contests a year or something but I'm not one to decide that. Also, can the submission be a framework, something that can be put into any engine without a tutorial per se, just guidance?
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> Ok gonna release Particle system (i wanna that award ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) )

Release it !!! it would be awesome, i'm waiting to see that system since you started your custom engine ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
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> The work has to be yours, didn't you just rip that from Vbgore?

Ripping it from VBgore is like 5% of the actual work. I believe that he intends to do is release a version of the particle system with an addition to the map editor so you can map with particle elements. I think you will agree if this is the case than its a much greater work-load then simply re-compiling VBgores code in eclipse.

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"No full engine submissions please. Post a tutorial or a engine with a specific feature added. You may submit as many different additions as you want. If you are already working on something you can release it as a entry only if you havent already released it to the public yet. This is for brand new source only. Source code must be supplied. This is to help the community." deathbeam how is that your entry?
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I have a question about the **"only if you havent already released it to the public yet."** part. So if I make a new system/feature that I want to submit, does this part mean I cannot also release that system/feature until after this contest is over? Or is that rule mainly so people don't submit things they released months+ ago and make new code for the contest.
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> I have a question about the **"only if you havent already released it to the public yet."** part. So if I make a new system/feature that I want to submit, does this part mean I cannot also release that system/feature until after this contest is over? Or is that rule mainly so people don't submit things they released months+ ago and make new code for the contest.

Its simply means that things that you may have submitted prior to the competition are not valid entry's and only new ideas and code can be used. I guess its a motivator to get people to be original and inventive instead of recycling their old code to try and win.
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> "No full engine submissions please. Post a tutorial or a engine with a specific feature added. You may submit as many different additions as you want. If you are already working on something you can release it as a entry only if you havent already released it to the public yet. This is for brand new source only. Source code must be supplied. This is to help the community." deathbeam how is that your entry?

But here isnt any engine with DX8 supported, official version is 2.3 with DX7 and event system ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) So i gonna make tut then
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> Or is that rule mainly so people don't submit things they released months+ ago and make new code for the contest.

Yea thats basically it. I am fine if you release it here and somewhere else. I just dont want people resubmitting stuff they made a month ago.
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Heres my submission. A full out web integration system made entirely out of vb6\. You can even conrtol/monitor/view EVERYTHING with logs and control the HTML from within the server source! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

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> Heres my submission. A full out web integration system made entirely out of vb6\. You can even conrtol/monitor/view EVERYTHING with logs and control the HTML from within the server source! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
> [media]http://youtu.be/s6_MDLVbhX8[/media]

Since most of the people who use Eclipse are hosting their servers on their daily drivers (home computers) this seems like it'd be an amazing resource with a lot of potential. I'm assuming it would even translate very well over to a VPN and SQL Server. I love the idea of web-based registration; it allows you to set a great number of variables (subscription, content privileges at purchase time, etc) that you otherwise could not do.
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Now, the question is, are you going to release the source code and tutorials for it (or have you already?). It is the main requirement for this content for your submission to be valid. Otherwise you are simply showing off which this is not the place for, no matter how cool the achievement may be.
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Looks nice Dax!

Did you do this with the DHTML integrated into VB6, or is this something like PHP or ASP.NET running on Apache or another web-server on your local PC.

The easiest, and I mean, very easy way to do this would be have your Windows Server running IIS, put your Eclipse Server in your httpdocs directory, or just the char folder in that directory, and create a simple ASP.NET page using FileIO to write the basic char file to that location.
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@JCSnider, I will add it to the thread, a compiled source and client.

@Rob Janes, Yup exactly DHTML, and yea you could do that too. I just figured for what I was doing just to throw everything in 1 main folder.
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