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Eclipse - Some Unique Name Here

Rob Janes

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> So that let's say I have a cave and I want whoever dies in the cave to respawn in front of it. I put a checkpoint on the ground in front of the cave entrance so the person is forced to step on it before they enter the cave. The server keeps a record in a file of the last checkpoint each player has stepped on, when the person dies they teleport to the last check point they stepped on, being the front of the cave in this example. It's a very useful thing!
> Oh, and for the item interface check out Dragon Eclipse same with the checkpoints!

This is doable, very doable.
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> I'd love to have a new UI, but I am HORRIBLE with Photoshop.
> if someone wants to design a new user interface, I will impliment it. It can look, feel however they want as long as it looks professional.
> I just finished an Anatomy and Physiology exam, and heading to work tonight, so I may not get a chance to work on or upload the engine tonight. Though my goal is to get the quest system live for people to test by Wednesday.
> Thanks !

Gratz on your exams.

Also, do you have any particular idea how should the ui look?
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> So that let's say I have a cave and I want whoever dies in the cave to respawn in front of it. I put a checkpoint on the ground in front of the cave entrance so the person is forced to step on it before they enter the cave. The server keeps a record in a file of the last checkpoint each player has stepped on, when the person dies they teleport to the last check point they stepped on, being the front of the cave in this example. It's a very useful thing!
> Oh, and for the item interface check out Dragon Eclipse same with the checkpoints!

Why dont you use use the boot map setting under the map properties? what that does is when you die on the map it warps you to the Boot Map number, x, y. if you leave it as 0, 0, 0 then it warps you to your default death point.

and keep up the good work rob looking great. point of advice delete the error logs from the client before ziping after it unzips its close to a 1gb file
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Hey everyone,

As promised here's another build. Here's what you can expect in this build.

Download Link!


A. Fixed bug with projectiles on WarpTiles thanks to Peaverin

B. Items now have a 'Stackable' setting in the Item Editor, non-stackable by default.

C. Some minor changes to the /who who's online list and /inspect command for players.

D. Quest System

1\. Two types of quests (a 3rd in the works). QUEST_TYPE_KILL, QUEST_TYPE_COLLECT

2\. NPCs have new behaviour, NPC_BEHAVIOUR_QUEST

3\. Use the Quest Editor from the Admin Panel to create quests.

4\. In the NPC Editor, choose the behaviour as 'Quest Giver' and select the quest you want them to offer.

5\. Quest Givers will render with a Yellow ! for new quests, a white ? for incomplete quests and a yellow ? for completed quests not turned in.

6\. I am working on a QUEST_TYPE_TALK variable for the next build.

7\. Quests can reward XP, Currency (Item num: 1) and Items





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Great work Rob ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)!

Maybe Can You add select character screen with limit for example 3 character on one account and auction system ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)?
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Anyone looking for the latest build but ran into errors can you try these 2 for me?





I'm using a shoddy Wifi connection tethered from my iPhone so maybe the uploads were never actually completed properly.

Try those and let me know how you make out.

Still looking for someone to design a new UI for this default client. (I would like to run it at 800x600 - with a small Heads Up Display, just not a clone of CS:DE)
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Just a suggestion, in my Create 3d device function… add a render mode option into the options.ini, and when the device is being created it will have a number 1-4 to force a specific render mode with 0/1 going through the loop so as Deathbeam said, his computer will not support hardware/software... he can at the very least edit that 1 number in the config.ini.....
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> Just a suggestion, in my Create 3d device function… add a render mode option into the options.ini, and when the device is being created it will have a number 1-4 to force a specific render mode with 0/1 going through the loop so as Deathbeam said, his computer will not support hardware/software... he can at the very least edit that 1 number in the config.ini.....

I think that just moving that case to the bottom and changing the case numbers that problem is solved (or at least it worked with me)
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This is looking so good…

I just wanted to ask a question, post official release (source and all) will you be releasing frequent updates? Because I want to use this right when it comes out and I have some of my own custom stuff that I don't want to keep moving over every time, if you will (frequent updates), will you be showing us (giving us the code changes) how to manually update or not? Just curious.
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Hey Rob i am very excited about your engine, im sure that i will use it.

Just a few questions:

-Will i be able to change easily the amount of max buffs?

-Will you create NPC's spells?

a few small bugs reports:

-This one: [http://postimage.org/image/68y0fywx9/](http://postimage.org/image/68y0fywx9/)

-The other is that the buffs affect the monsters. I tested giving a +200str buff to a bee. Without the buff, his max hit is 11\. With it, his max hit is 21\. Maybe the amount of damage isn't much higher but this will allow players to cast buffs to monster and then let the monster kill other players easily.

And the last one, a suggestion:

I think this maybe works for make players walk slowler when they walk diagonally.

When they are walking in diagonal decrease his speed using the same metod that the shift button use to reduce the speed of players with low agility.

I don't know if this isn't posible but maybe…

Thx for all you're engine is exciting! keep doing good work ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
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@TheLordOfTheManor - After I release the source (around the time of the new head developer selection), I will likely still make updates and new functions as necessary. What I will do is as I add new features, include step by step instructions on what was changed in a seperate rtf file included with each build so people can upgrade their existing version.

@Peaverin - Thanks for the bug catch! I've fixed the Quest Desc textbox in the next build so it's locked. This UI will likely change anyway when the time comes to add a new UI. I will look into buffs for NPCs, I hadn't realized that you could buff and NPC at the moment. What I will do is make a flag for each NPC such as 'Buffable' which you will be able to enable or disable per NPC. People keep asking for NPCs spells so I guess I'll add it ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png) As for the number of buffs, right now it's stored as MAX_PLAYER_BUFFS = 2\. You can simply change this to however many buffs you'd like, the only thing you will need to do is add the extra picBuff(index) picture box to the frmMain client side and on the sub DrawBuffs just render the new buff on the new picturebox. It's well commented so you will find it easy to add.

I'm at work again tonight. As long as it stays quiet, here's tonight's agenda.

1\. The Options Window - Vastly improve the Options window and make it available from the Login Screen as well as within the Game. Inside the Options window, you'll be able to change various in game features, WASD movement, Mouse movement and all the basics, plus an advanced tab which will allow users to modifying Engine Settings to increase performance. Features that can be changed from Advanced Options. (Render NPC Names, Render Map Titles, Number of Onscreen Text Lines - Chatter, Render Blood, Adjust Max FPS, Set Foreground/Background FPS, and Toggle render method)

2\. NPC Spells - Give NPCs the option to cast up to 3 spells as well as a % for each spell as to how often they cast each one.

3\. Note / In-game Forum System.

4\. Start an Auction House system.
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