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I need some help with Damage over time

Justin Knight

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I'm having a weird thing happen with spells that do damage over time.

The first attack does like 260 damage and every bit of damage over time after that does 3100.

Here's my damage over time code.
Public Sub HandleDoT_Npc(ByVal mapnum As Long, ByVal index As Long, ByVal dotNum As Long)
With MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(index).DoT(dotNum)
If .Used And .Spell > 0 Then
' time to tick?
If GetTick > .Timer + (Spell(.Spell).Interval * 1000) Then
If CanPlayerAttackNpc(.Caster, index, True) Then

Dim Vital As Long
Dim Intel As Long
Dim Will As Long

Vital = Spell(.Spell).Vital
Intel = GetPlayerStat(.Caster, Intelligence)
Will = GetPlayerStat(.Caster, Willpower)
' set the vital

' scale spells edit
Vital = Round((Vital * 0.7)) * Round(((Intel / 2) + Will))
PlayerAttackNpc .Caster, index, Vital, , True

End If
.Timer = GetTick
' check if DoT is still active - if NPC died it'll have been purged
If .Used And .Spell > 0 Then
' destroy DoT if finished
If GetTick - .StartTime >= (Spell(.Spell).Duration * 1000) Then
.Used = False
.Spell = 0
.Timer = 0
.Caster = 0
.StartTime = 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

And here's a snip of my normal cast spell sub.
' set the vital
Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital

' scale spells edit
Vital = Round((Vital * 0.7)) * Round(((Stats.Intelligence / 2) + Stats.Willpower))

If Spell(spellnum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_HEALHP Then
Vital = Vital + Round((GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Willpower) * 0.6))
End If

If Spell(spellnum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_DAMAGEHP Then
Vital = Vital + Round((GetPlayerStat(index, Stats.Intelligence) * 0.6))
End If

Thanks for any input you may have :)
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