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[C#] Lupus Engine - The first Complete open source c# engine

Nuclear Wolf

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*The Sharpest Engine....*

Lupus Engine (Previously known as Orion+#) started as a project to convert Orion+ to c# just to see how fast I could do it.
I succeeded in about 4 days though it was quite unstable. After a lot of work the engine is starting to become stable and useable!
I Have fixed many bugs while also intoducing many new features and improvements!

Dynamic Lighting and Shadows
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425462385696833537/625409591580164101/unknown.png)
Toggle Between Tile-based and Smooth
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605725027018604546/625376506075414548/unknown.png)
Differant Light Sizes and Light flickering:
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605725027018604546/624470432417841152/unknown.png)
Colorful server to help find stuff easier:
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/425163801944391682/626690771898204161/unknown.png)
Dynamic lighting in a cave:
![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605725027018604546/626653926795640832/unknown.png)
Smooth 8 Directional Movement - Can be turned off

Lots of new Major Features!
 - Multiple Characters per account
 - Party
 - Discord Rich Presence
 - Trading
 - Housing System
 - Crafting System
 - Event System
 - Quest System
 - Instanced Maps - Per player/party map, great for dungeons
 - Emotes
 - Leveling Skill system 
 - Randomized Items
 - Procedural Random Maps
 - Toggleable Auto Attack

Major Improvements on movement, much smoother gameplay
 - Fixed jitteryness on the edge of maps, Gives for a much smoother gameplay (Most eclipse engines have this bug)
 - 4 Directional Movement
 - 8 Directional Movement - Toggleable

Day/Night cycle
 - Brightness Value for Indoors (Override day/night)
 - Basic Lighting system
 - Advanced Lighting system with Shadows
 - Both Lighting rendered in Editor
 - Light sizes
 - Light Flickering

NPC improvements
 - NPC Stat generator - Support for Boss's
 - Adjustments to Npc Drops
 - NPC Pathfinding- Supports 8 and 4 Directional movement

 - Diagonal Projectiles - for 8 Directional Movement

 - Pet Evolve
 - Pet Pathfinding - Supports 8 and 4 Directional movement

 - Cached Maps for huge performance boosts on the client - Up to 300+ fps
 - Adjustable Resolution
 - Auto Tiles, Normal and Animated
 - Knock-back and screen-shake on Critical hit
 - Toggleable V-Sync
 - GUI Drawn to screen, including chat
 - Working Weather
 - Customizable Main Menu layout by UI Config - More will be added

Server Improvements!
 - up to 40x more server performance then some existing Engines!
 - New Server Commands
 - Shutdown Countdown command
 - Server maintenance mode
 - Global Experience Multiplier

**Download:** [Github](https://github.com/michaelsakharov/OrionPlusSharp)

**Testing Discord:** https://discord.gg/9Fu8EZq



This is only a Rough log, For a full detailed log check out the Commits in the Github
Cleaned up forum post a lil more
Started the Projectile Overhaul
Added some basic UI Configuration - Currently only the main menu is supported
Diagonal Projectiles (Rotated projectiles)
Cleaned up Forum Topic
Added 8 Directional movement - Toggleable
Moved the Toggle for Smooth light and 8 Directional movement into a server sided config (No longer require recompiling the project to toggle them)
Added NPC A* Pathfinding
Added Pet A* Pathfinding
Pathfinding works for both 4 and 8 directional
Fixed pets in Instances maps
Fixed pets in Houses
Pathfinding is compatable with Instances maps and Houses
Added Maintenance mode - Only staff can join
Added shutdown command - 30 second countdown to server close
Fixed many bugs and 3 server Crashes
Fixed some server issues
Fixed Client Jittering on edge of map
Fixed some client bugs
Fixed some editor bugs
Added V-Sync
Added Discord Rich Presence
Added a Data Formar version which allows me to add backwards compatability
Adjusted movement speed
Players can walk thru pets
Extreme server performance boost, 200k cps to 4 million cps on my computer
Finished implementing Crafting
Added dynamic lights with shadows - Experimental
Added lots of new Event Message Placeholders
Fixed a few Server Crash's
Server now handles errors and should no longer crash unless the error is related to ASFW in which case it will
Fixed being able to accidently place a tile on the map while selecting a tile
Fixed pets being extra retarded
Fixed major server crash
Text above npc's events and players should move smoother
Updated ASFW to latest
Fixed Crafting
Fixed some editors not working
Major map performance by Caching maps
Lots of Cleanup
Minor Performance boost
Fixed Client not instantly connecting to the server
Server now has Colored text
Cps now shown in realtime on the title of the server - Removed /cps command
Lots of new Graphics
Fps Calculated now gives much more accurate results
Auto Maximize map editor on start
Fixed Weather in Map Editor
Fixed a ton of bugs in the Map Editor
Drastically Improved Editor and Client performance
Fixed Weather
In Map Editor you can how move your view with the MouseWheel
Map Editor Selection can no longer be smaller then 1
Ingame Map Editor Fix
Map Editor Fix Crash on Start
Fixed Saving maps and Changing Maps
Improved NPC Editor
Fixed Error on Adding Quest Task
Fixed Unable to Save on Pets And unable to Reopen Pets Editor
Fixed Unable to Reopen some Editors without a Restart
Added Pet Example
Added Arrow Key Movement
Fixed Typo
Huge Server performance boost, Went from 42k cps to 220k cps
Camera bound by map agian (Not sure why i turned it off so soon)
Losing Connection or Manually quitting the game now exits to the Main Menu
Levels are no longer tied to Bytes, you can now level beyond 255
Auction house has been removed (For some reason it was so very broken  )
Camera no longer is confined by the map (Preparing for Seamless maps)
Added Auction House (Needs a bit of work) - Removed
Added NPC Stat generator
Fixed lights dissapearing when at the egde of the screen.
Added Toggleable Auto Attack.
Added Light around player.

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  • 6 months later...
Having tried this, it is /HIGHLY/ unstable. This engine needs a testing group with constant attention from the dev, which I'm given to understand he doesn't have the time to spare towards testing this.

NOTE; If you choose this engine, be aware you will most likely have to fix the bugs yourself or wait until the github issue you post is addressed and patched, which as I said may take a while..
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Wolf has set up a testing group here ( https://discord.gg/9Fu8EZq ) for using the engine, it will help find the bugs.
I retract my earlier recommendation- you should use this engine because the Dev is actively working towards fixing bugs. The more of us there are, the greater number of bugs will be found and the more stable the engine will get. Come along and help wolf to help you!
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