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Rank Level System - 100% Functional


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**Sorry my english**

Hello friends, I think we all know how a system of rank, something essential for a true MMORPG, know that there are some systems rank around and perhaps many of you already have, but this is a simple and complete do- so, system fully tested and approved.

**Open Client**

**1 -** In frmMain, create a Picturebox called **picRank**


**2 -** Within the picRank create a ListBox called **lstRank**


**3 -** Create a button called **cmdRefresh**


**Obs.:** It should stay like this:


**4 -** Select the Option Visible False in the picRank


**5 -** In same button **cmdRefresh**, double-click and replace:

Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

End Sub
**6 -** By:

Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler


' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "cmdRefresh_Click", "frmMain", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub
**7 -** In **modConstants**, search for:

Public Const MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS As Long = 4
**8 -** Below add:

Public Const MAX_RANK As Long = 10
**9 -** At the end of **modClientTCP**, add:

Public Sub SendRequestRank()

Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

Buffer.WriteLong CRequestRank

SendData Buffer.ToArray()

Set Buffer = Nothing

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "SendRequestRank", "modClientTCP", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub
**10 -** In **modEnumerations**, search for:

' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
**11 -** Above this line and below of:

**12 -** Add:

**Obs.:**It should stay like this:


**13 -** Still in **modEnumerations**, search for:

' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
**14 -** Above this line and below of:

**15 -** Add:

**16 -** In **modHandleData**, search for:

HandleDataSub(SPartyVitals) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandlePartyVitals)
**17 -** Below add:

HandleDataSub(SRankUpdate) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleRankUpdate)
**18 -** At the end of **modHandleData**, add:

Private Sub HandleRankUpdate(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)

Dim Buffer As clsBuffer, i As Byte

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

Buffer.WriteBytes Data()


For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

frmMain.lstRank.AddItem i & ":Level: " & Buffer.ReadLong & ", Name: " & Trim$(Buffer.ReadString)

Next i

Set Buffer = Nothing

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "HandleRankUpdate", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub
**19 -** In **modInput**, search for:

' Whos Online

Case "/who"

**20 -** Below add:

' Request Rank

Case "/rank"


frmMain.picRank.Visible = Not frmMain.picRank.Visible
**21 -** In **modGeneral**, search for:

frmMain.picParty.Visible = False
**22 -** Below add:

frmMain.picRank.Visible = False

**Open Server**

**1 -** In **modConstants**, search for:

Public Const MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS As Long = 4
**2 -** Below add:

Public Const MAX_RANK As Long = 10
**3 -** In **modEnumerations**,search for:

' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else
**4 -** Above this line and below of:

**5 -** Add:

**6 -** Still in **modEnumerations**, search for:

' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else
**7 -** Above this line and below of:

**8 -** Add:

**9 -** In **modHandleData**, search for:

HandleDataSub(CPartyLeave) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandlePartyLeave)
**10** - Below Add:

HandleDataSub(CRequestRank) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleRequestRank)
**11 -** At the end of **modHandleData**, add:

Sub HandleRequestRank(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)

SendRankUpdate index

End Sub
**12 -** At the end of **modServerTCP**, add:

Sub SendRankUpdate(ByVal index As Long)

Dim i As Byte

Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

Buffer.WriteLong SRankUpdate

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

Buffer.WriteLong Rank(i).Level

Buffer.WriteString Trim$(Rank(i).Name)

Next i

SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray()

Set Buffer = Nothing

End Sub
**13 -** In **modPlayer**, search for

Sub CheckPlayerLevelUp(ByVal index As Long)
**14 -** Beneath of:

Dim level_count As Long
**15 -** Add:

Dim RankPos As Byte
**16 -** Beneath of:

SendPlayerData index
**17 -** Add:

' check rank

RankPos = CheckRank(index)

If RankPos > 0 Then

ChangeRank index, RankPos

End If
**18 -** At the end of **modPlayer**, add:

Private Function CheckRank(ByVal index As Long) As Byte

Dim i As Byte

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

If GetPlayerLevel(index) > Rank(i).Level Then

CheckRank = i

Exit Function

End If

Next i

End Function

Private Sub ChangeRank(ByVal index As Long, RankPos As Byte)

Dim i As Long, ClearPos As Byte

' if not change position in rank

If GetPlayerName(index) = Trim$(Rank(RankPos).Name) Then

Rank(RankPos).Level = GetPlayerLevel(index)


Exit Sub

End If

' search player in rank

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

If GetPlayerName(index) = Trim$(Rank(i).Name) Then

Rank(i).Name = vbNullString

Rank(i).Level = 0

ClearPos = i

Exit For

End If

Next i

' down clear position

If ClearPos > 0 Then

For i = ClearPos To MAX_RANK

If i = MAX_RANK Then

Rank(i).Name = vbNullString

Rank(i).Level = 0


Rank(i).Name = Rank(i + 1).Name

Rank(i).Level = Rank(i + 1).Level

End If

Next i

End If

' open space in rank to player

For i = MAX_RANK To RankPos Step -1

If i > RankPos Then

Rank(i).Name = Rank(i - 1).Name

Rank(i).Level = Rank(i - 1).Level

End If

Next i

' put player in rank

Rank(RankPos).Name = GetPlayerName(index)

Rank(RankPos).Level = GetPlayerLevel(index)


End Sub
**19 -** At the end of **modDatabase**, add:

Public Sub SaveRank()

Dim filename As String, i As Byte

filename = App.Path & "\data\rank.ini"

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

PutVar filename, "RANK", "Name" & i, Trim$(Rank(i).Name)

PutVar filename, "RANK", "Level" & i, Val(Rank(i).Level)

Next i

End Sub

Public Sub LoadRank()

Dim filename As String, i As Byte

filename = App.Path & "\data\rank.ini"

If FileExist(filename, True) Then

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

Rank(i).Name = GetVar(filename, "RANK", "Name" & i)

Rank(i).Level = Val(GetVar(filename, "RANK", "Level" & i))

Next i



End If

End Sub
**20 -** In **modTypes**, search for:

Public Party(1 To MAX_PARTYS) As PartyRec
**21 -** Below add:

Public Rank(1 To MAX_RANK) As RankRec
**22 -** Beneath of:

Private Type OptionsRec

Game_Name As String

MOTD As String

Port As Long

Website As String

End Type
**23 -** Add:

Private Type RankRec


Level As Long

End Type
**24 -** In **modPlayer**, search for:

' Send Resource cache

For i = 0 To ResourceCache(GetPlayerMap(index)).Resource_Count

SendResourceCacheTo index, i

**25 -** Below add:

' Check Rank

For i = 1 To MAX_RANK

If Trim$(Rank(i).Name) = GetPlayerName(index) Then

Exit For

End If

If GetPlayerLevel(index) > Rank(i).Level Then

Rank(i).Name = GetPlayerName(index)

Rank(i).Level = GetPlayerLevel(index)


Exit For

End If

Next i
**26 -**In **modGeneral**,search for:

Call SetStatus("Loading animations...")

Call LoadAnimations
**27 -** Below Add:

Call SetStatus("Loading rank...")

Call LoadRank


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> can you explain what this kind of rank system is? different ways you can look at it.

I agree I was looking at the code and guessing its something to do with party ranks…. maybe???

or maybe like after your reach a level you will be come called something else???


at level 1 your a Noob

at level 100 your an EPIC
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> my rank system is completely different from this x3
> Mine uses a point system. and when you complete a mission, it gives you points.

That's kinda irrelevant here.

This is a ranking list of the highest levels in the game using words like Noob > Pro > God. Hopefully that's clear.

I was actually going to make this once I release my game but this will save me time. Thanks for the submission.
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  • 1 year later...
> what is the use from * ACCOUNT_LENGTH ?

To make sure that the String have defined length when saving.. I don't know how to explain it since i'm not english person, my grammar always mess up so.. i'll just say it in a simple way

You need to define the length of a string before saving it on a file or a text (This answer is base on my experience, probably wrong or correct.. )
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