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looking for full and source for Eclipse 4.0 or newer


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Hi, I'm looking for Eclipse 4.0 or newer with source code and full program, does anyone have a link to this, I downloaded Eclipse 4.3.2 and the source does not work, Ok why the source is not working.

Hi, I'm trying to open a project but its not just that one project its everyone I have, so whats happing is that when I open visual basic and open a project the form comes up as a modules and not a form. Please help me fixs this, I dont know what happed it was just fine for weeks then It started to happing and I did not change any setting. Here are some pic.

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To open the code (assuming you have it, and that it works), you need to open the `client.vbp` or `server.vbp` file. This will open the *whole* project with VB6 instead of the one file lik your image shows (you might need to launch it with admin permissions).

If you do need the source, then here's a link to [EO 4.2.2](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A2vZ08ujIOF5wMU5r6Jzoz9gP0TR6W_b)
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