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Robin Dissapeared


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He is still sometimes on the forums, I even saw him posting a few days ago.

He's just too busy with his job and Crystalshire.

And he quit out of EO because it was 'finished' in his oppinion I believe, or he got sick of people stealing his work without crediting.
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> He's still here. He's just being stealthy about it. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

like a ninja ![B)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png)
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Robin went off to work on his new version of Crystalshire and Nin Online with Rory. Robin did what he was supposed to and moved on, he retired from his developer position and it was handed off to JC Denton and later Rob, Exc, And Sek.
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> Robin went off to work on his new version of Crystalshire and Nin Online with Rory. Robin did what he was supposed to and moved on, he retired from his developer position and it was handed off to JC Denton Denton and later Rob, Exc, And Sek.

Yeah and then me and General Pony quit 2 days ago ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png).
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The project had run its course.

Previous generations of Eclipse had devolved in to stagnation due to inactive developers and moderators clinging on when they had no interest in the project any more. I didn't want to do the same.

I handed development over to J.C, sold the rights to the project and wiped my hands clean of it all. It would be unfair of me to stick around and complain about the state of a project I didn't want to actually develop. We had too much of that before from other people.

I still work on Crystalshire in my spare time, but with a job, house, car, family etc. I haven't much time to do that kind of thing. All the old friendships and teams are still around, we're just a bit more spread out due to people getting jobs, going to university and otherwise moving on with their lives. We still have huge skype conversations, we'll still get people together for gaming on the weekend and we'll constantly plan games which will never take off the ground. The medium has simply moved on to GTalk and Skype.

I'll log on every few months when someone links me to a thread (like the whole J.C vs Robin rubbish) but I don't really come here any more otherwise.

Anyone is free to hit me up on Crystalshire or by e-mail. It's pretty humbling to hear all the great things people have gone on to achieve with my little engine & tutorials.
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