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Grey's Konfuze guide ( Work's With Eclipse )


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Made by: Unknown_Raven

Zexty (Providing a large list of ingame commands)
Bwoch (Providing a list of script commands with definitions and examples.)
Malikona (Providing some basic scripting information)
GrimSk8ter11 (Providing some basic scripting information)

Part A- Installing
Part D- Players & Admins
Part C- Graphics & Sounds
Part D- Game Editors
Part E- Scripting Basics

PART A: Installing
Installation just consists of downloading the eclipse engine and extracting its contents into a new folder. One thing you should notice is that there are two folders, Client and Server. The Server runs on your computer and holds all the key files of the game such as the npcs, maps, items, spells, shops and accounts. Players connect to the Server using the client files which are located in the client folder. For now just go into the Server folder and open up the Data.ini file. Your notice a spot that says Port=4000\. That is the port the client will connect to to access your server. You can change that to a different port if you like but remember that the client must also be set to that port. Now there are other things located in this file that you might find useful to change at later times such as the Max_NPCS and Max_Items. **Once all your server is set to the settings you want it to be on then save the data.ini file and go to the server.exe file and run that. As long as you did not mess up any ini files then your server should load up correctly.**

Now go into the client folder and check the config file. Your notice a spot for placing an IP and Port.

Below is the Data.ini File Located in your server. I put info next to each of them. View it but ignore it for now

GameName= This is where you put the name of your game.
WebSite= If you have a website for the game put it here.
Port= This adjusts the port the server runs on. Default is 4000.
HPRegen= If set to one then HP slowly regenerates. If set to 0 it is disabled.
MPRegen= If set to one then MP slowly regenerates. If set to 0 it is disabled.
SPRegen= If set to one then SP slowly regenerates. If set to 0 it is disabled.
Scrolling= If set to one then your maps will be larger and have scrolling ability. If set to 0 your maps will be smaller and without scrolling.
AutoTurn= If set to one then your character will face whatever is attacking it. If set to 0 then this feature will be disabled.
Scripting= I believe if set to one then scripting is enabled and if set to 0 the script files are ignored.
MAX_PLAYERS= adjusts the max number of players
MAX_ITEMS= adjusts the max number of items you can make on the server
MAX_NPCS= adjusts the max number of NPCs you can make
MAX_SHOPS= adjusts the max number of shops
MAX_SPELLS= adjusts the max number of spells
MAX_MAPS= adjusts the max number of maps
MAX_MAP_ITEMS= adjusts the max number of items that may be dropped on a map
MAX_GUILDS= adjusts the max number of guilds
MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS= adjusts the max number of guild members
MAX_EMOTICONS= adjusts the max number of emoticons
MAX_LEVEL= adjusts the max level a player can reach

PART B: Players & Admins
In order to actually begin mapping and developing your game your need to have an Admin status. You must first create an account and then a character. Next go to the server folder and look for the folder 'Accounts'. Find your accound and open it up. If you scroll down it your find something called Access=0\. Change your characters access so it says Access=5\. This will give you access to every Admin command that is available.

Access=0 -Player status, no admin abilities.
Access=1 -Moderator status
Access=2 -Mapper status
Access=3 -Developer status
Access=4 -High Admin status
Access=5 -Owner status
**Now log onto Eclipse and Press F1 and start developing your game. have any more questions? ask on forum's**

Commands & Controls

Player (name color is yellow)
- hyphon is the emote command. example: -sits down. Output: Grey sits down.
' single quote is the broadcast command. Its text is purple and it allows broadcasts their message over all maps.
! the exclamation mark is used to send private messages to players. Syntax: ! Example: !grey hello
CONTROL- this button is used to attack
ENTER- action button, picks up items off the ground and activates certain attributes.
ARROW KEYS- these move your character around
END- this will rotate your character one direction clockwise.
SHIFT- when held down your character is able to run
INSERT- first open up your spells and double click on one. Your spell will become memorized. Just hit INSERT to cast the spell. *Your spell will become unmemorized when you log off*
F5 opens up the Guild leaders menu. *must be a guild leader to use this*
/help (this will display some commands for you.)
/info (displays account name and player name.)
/inv (this will open your inventory)
/who (this will show you whos online)
/fps (this will show you your ping)
/stats (this will display your stats)
/train (this will open up the train stats menu so you can distribute stat points.)
/party (this is used to team up with another player. Exp dropped by the NPCs will be cut in half though.)
/refresh (this will reload the map your on. Use this if your character gets stuck and is unable to move.)
/trade (opens up the player to player trade menu. You must be standing next to the target player)

Moderator (name color is grey)
(has all the commands listed above including these)
" double quotes is the global message. It is just like broadcast but only moderator status or better can use it.
= equals sign is used for admin chat. Only other admins can hear these messages.
F1 opens up admin panel which has most of the admin abilities built into it.
F4 opens up Guild creation menu
/kick this will disconnect the targetted player from the game.

Mapper (name color is Teal)
(has all the comands listed above including these)
/warto (warps yourself to the designated map number)
/warpmeto (warps yourself to the designated player)
/warptome (warps that player to yourself)
/setsprite (changes your sprite into the target sprite)
/setplayersprite (sets the sprite of the target player)
/mapeditor (opens up the map editor)
/mapreport (opens up a database of all the maps. Displays each of their names and you can warp to a map by just double clicking on the name or numbered slot)
/loc (displays the map number, and the x & y coordinates of your current location.)
/respawn (respawn all npcs, all item attributes and clears the map of anything on the ground like dropped items.)

Developer (name color is blue)
(has all the comands listed above including these)
/edititem (opens up the item editor)
/editnpcs (opens up the npc editor)
/editshops (opens up the shop editor)
/editspell (opens up the spell editor)
/editemoticon (opens up the emoticon editor. This is ofcourse used to make emoticon commands like /smile which will display a 32x32 graphic above the sprites head)

High Admin (name color is fuscia)
(has all the comands listed above including these)
*ability to use access command located in the admin panel*
/ban bans player by their name
/banip bans player by their ip

Owner (name color black)
(same powers listed above)
*One thing to remember about access levels is, you cannot change the access level of anyone that has either the same access as you or greater. Having owner status means that you can take away any High admin status but they cannot take away yours. That is the real purpose of this rank.*

PART C: Graphics & Sounds
All the graphics and sounds the players will experience in the game are located inside the client. There are various folders that each hold the components of the games enviroment and I'll breifly explain each one to you.

Client Folders
GFX- (this folder has all the graphics for the game with the exception of the GUI.)
Items- (this is all the item graphics. The items are divided into tiles of 32x32 pixels.)
Sprites- (this is used for some npcs and any character graphics you might have. They are divided into rows of 12 32x32 tiles. You have an animation for walking, standing still, running and attacking.)
Tiles- (these are the actual graphics of your game. All the tiles are 32x32 and the first one is the default map tile. This is what your map will becovered with if you have placed no layers on it. It is usally best to leave this one all black. The next tile which is the one to the right of it is the map grid tile. This will show up if your both in the mapeditor and have enabled the map grid. It is best to have this tile make a grid on its edges.)
Emoticons- (these are special graphics that will apear above your characters head when their assigned command is hit.)
BigSprites- (these are just like the Sprites except they can be up to 64x64\. Only npcs are able to use these graphics. No player can have their sprite changed to them.)

GUI- (graphic user interface or inother words the graphics your client will display in the background.)
Music- (place the music of your game in here. Right now music is limited to only .midi files.)
SFX- (these are the sound effects of the game. They are wave files that may be changed to other sounds but you must keep their names the same.)
Flashs- (this is for flash videos to use in your game)
Maps- (this stores just the map arrangements. When you first enter a map, your client takes a quick second to download the map graphics so next time when you enter the map it has no loading time. It is safe to delete the map files inside when sending someone else the client. This is infact a good way to lower the client size.)

PART D: Game Editors

Layers- (layers are used to display your map graphics. Just select the layer you wish to use, select a tile and left click to lay the tile down. Right click will delete tiles on the currently selcted layer)

ground- (this is bottom most layer, often used to lay down the background such as ground, and walls.)
mask- (this goes over the ground layer and is used for things such as tables, chairs, dressers and other scenery)
animation- (this will flash the tile on and off when layed down. You can special effects such as burning wood or candles this way)
mask2- (this mask is used to go over top of anything above.)
animation2- (same as first animation except this will layer over everything above)
frindge- (frindge goes over all other layers including the character. It is good for making trees so it looks as though the character has walked behind them)
animation3- (same as other animations)
frindge2- (higher layerd frindge)
animation4- (highest most animation)

Attributes- (these are used to give your world more life by adding boundaries and things for players to interact with.)

Block: (These create a barrier that players and npcs may not cross. Often used to make walls.)
Warp: (When stepped on, the player is warped to the set coordinates.)
Item: (This will place an item on the map that will respawn after it has been picked up. Items takes about 3-5 mins to respawn and there must be no other player on the map throughout the entire duration of the time before the item respawns.)
Npc Avoid: (These act like blocks but only apply to NPCs. Players may freely walk over them.)
Key: (This is a special block that can disapear temporarily when a player uses a Key_Item on it. When you lay this down you will beable to select an item from the item database to be the key and check whether that item is taken away after it is used. If this attribute is overtop of a mask layer when a player uses a key on it, then the mask layer will disapear just until the Key Attribute reapears. This is often used to make locked doors that appear to open and close. To get this effect simply make an opened door graphic and lay it down as a ground layer, then place over it a mask layer of the closed door graphic. Upon unlocking the Key attribute, the mask layer will disapear and allowing the player to see the graphic of the opened door.)
Key Open: (This is a switch that will unlock a Key attribute when stepped on. To use it you simply lay it in the desired location and set its coordinates to that of a Key attribute.)
Heal: (This will fully restore a players health when stepped on. Does not refill MP.)
Kill: (This will instantly kill any player that steps on it.)
Play Sound: (This will play a SFX from the SFX folder. All players on the same map will hear the sound. When the attribute is stepped on.)
Scripted: (This simply runs the script associated with it when stepped on.)
Class Change: (This will change your class into another class when stepped on.)
Notice: (This attribute will display text in your chat box when it is stepped on.)
Door: (This is just like a Key attribute except it activates by touching it rather then using a key_item on it or the Key Open attribute.)
Sign: (This attribute will display text in your chat box when the player walks up to it and hits enter.)
Sprite Change: (This will change the players sprite into a new sprite. You may make it free to use or cost an item. Activates by touching it.)
Shop: (When walked on, it will open up a shop from the shop database.)
Class Block: (This block will limit certain classes from walking through it.)
Arena: (The arena allows players to combat each other and not suffer any item or exp losses upon death. Lay this attribute down where ever you want the arena's foundation to be. Only players that are standing on the Arena attribute will beable to attack and be attacked.)

Properties- (In here are special properties of the map itself such as its moral, map links, music and npcs.)

Map Name: (Put the name of the map here)
Map Switchovers: (These connect your map sides to other map sides for instance if you put in the number 3 on the east slot then it means, if a player touches the east side of the map he will get warped to the west side of map 3\. This allows for maps to be linked to each other.)
Dungeon: (A dungeon simply is a place the player will warp to if they should die while on the map.)
Music: (This allows you to assign a song that will play while players are on the map.)
Map Morality: (This refers to pvp and pvm status. No Moral=pk zone where players can attack other players along with any monsters. Safe Zone=players may only attack monsters. No Penalty Zone=players may only attack monsters. If the player dies then there is no penalty. Players lose no items or Exp.)
NPCs: (Select Npcs you wish to have on the map)


Much of the Item editor is pretty self explanatory so I will not be posting info on every single item property.

Item Types

Weapon: (These are the items used for attacking.)
Armor: (These items are used to protect you by adding to your defence.)
Helmet: (These items add to your defence as well.)
Shield: (These will every now and then block attacks.)
Potion: (These items restore or take away HP, MP, or SP points when used.)
Key: (In order to unlock a KEY attribute, you must use an item with this Item_Type.)
Currency: (These items are stackable and are used to represent your gold, silver, or money in game.)
Spell: (This is actually a book like item that you assign a spell to. When the player uses it, they learn the spell.)


Repairing: (The 1st item slot should be set to a currency item because that is the item that will be used to repair the item when you take it to a shop. I always reccomend making this item slot something like Repair Tokens. This way players buy the repair tokens and then turn around and use them to repair their weapons/armor. By doing this you can adjust the cost of repairing using simple ratios like 1 gold = 3 repair tokens or 3 gold = 1 repair token.)


The shop editor is really simple to use and figure out. Simply select the item you wish to use as the cost in the trade and set how much of that item must be given. Then select the item the player will get when the above condition is payed. Hit the update button and that is it.

Fix Item Check Box: (If you check this box then players will beable to repair their items at this shop.)


Name: (This is the name of the spell.)
Level Req: (This sets a minimum level the player has to be before they may cast the spell.)
MP Cost: (This is how much Magic Points are used in casting the Spell.)
Spell Type: (This changes what the spell does whether it heals or damages.)
Vital Mod: (This is the strength of the spell. If it is healing then it determines how much your healed. If its damage spell then its how much you are damaged.)
Sound: (This will play a sound when the spell is cast.)


Name: (This is where you place the name for the NPC. Names will appear above the NPCs head)
Speak: (When the player hits control on the NPC then it will display this text in the chat box. The NPC will also say this if they are attacking you.)

Range: (This is mainly for Guards & Attack On Sight npcs because it limits how close you have to be before they notice and begin attacking you.)
Strength: (This is adjusts how much damage the NPC will beable to do.)
Defence: (This adjusts how much damage will be reflected.)
Starting HP: (This is how much Health the NPC has.)
Exp: (This is how much Exp is given to the player when he/she kills the NPC.)

Spawn Rate: (This is how many seconds it takes before the NPC respawns.)


Attack on Sight: (When the npc sees you it will instantly begin attacking you.)
Attack when Attacked: (These npcs only attack after they have been attacked by the player.)
Friendly: (It is impossible to attack these NPCs and impossible for them to attack you.)
Shopkeeper: (Same as a friendly NPC except these ones will not walk anywhere.)
Guard: (They will only attack players that have PK status. This means their name is red because they pked another player)


These are little 32x32 graphics that apear above your characters head when a command is typed in. You set the word that must be typed. To edit the emoticon, you must type /editemoticon.


Inorder to make a new class you just copy one of the default ones and paste it on the bottom. You must be sure to edit a few things like the [INIT] and [CLASS#]

MaxClasses = (this is where you put the number of the very last class.

[CLASS0] (the number next to the word CLASS has to be changed each time you add a new class. This is also the class number.)
Name= (place the name of your class here)
MaleSprite= (sprite for male version of your class)
FemaleSprite= (sprite for the female version of your class)
STR= (starting strength)
DEF= (starting defence)
SPEED= (starting speed)
MAGI= (This is the starting magic)
MAP= (Starting map for this class)
X= (Starting X coordinate for the class)
Y= (Starting Y coordinate for the class)
Locked= (if set to zero then players may select this class while making a new char. If set to one then the player may not start out as this class.)
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  • 4 years later...
This guide is actually more like 5 years old.  It is the guide I made for Konfuze Milestone ages ago though whoever posted it here I believe has modified parts of it for the original Eclipse Engine.  I think its about time I remake the guide though it would likely be for EO since that is the only source I like to use.
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