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[C++] Solids Area & Surface Help


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I need help wiht this program.

It continues to run even after one of the cases is met.





using namespace std;

//Declare functions

float gPrismSurface(float lenght, float width, float height);

float gPrismVolume(float lenght, float width, float height);

float gCylinderSurface(float radius, float height);

float gCylinderVolume(float radius, float height);

float gSphereSurface(float radius);

float gSphereVolume(float radius);

//(main) fuction(program))

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


//Declare Variables

char sChoice, cChoice;

float lenght = 0, width = 0, height = 0, radius = 0;

cout << "Solid Selection. Choose From Below\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "[P]rism [C]ylinder [s]phere\n";

cout << "Entry : ";

cin >> sChoice;

switch (sChoice)


case 'P':

case 'p':

cout << "Solid Selection. Prism (Area)\n";

cout << "Cal. Selection.[s]urface [V]olume\n";

cin >> cChoice;

switch (cChoice)


case 'S':

case 's':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Surface] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Length. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> lenght;

cout << "Enter a Width. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> width;

cout << "Enter a Height. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> height;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Surface Of Prism : " << gPrismSurface(lenght, width, height) << endl;



case 'V':

case 'v':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Volume] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Length. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> lenght;

cout << "Enter a Width. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> width;

cout << "Enter a Height. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> height;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Volume Of Prism : " << gPrismVolume(lenght, width, height) << endl;




case 'C':

case 'c':

cout << "Solid Selection. Cylinder (Area)\n";

cout << "Cal. Selection.[s]urface [V]olume\n";

cin >> cChoice;

switch (cChoice)


case 'S':

case 's':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Volume] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Radius. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> radius;

cout << "Enter a Height. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> height;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Surface Of Prism : " << gCylinderSurface(radius, height) << endl;



case 'V':

case 'v':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Volume] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Radius. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> radius;

cout << "Enter a Height. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> height;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Volume Of Prism : " << gCylinderVolume(radius, height) << endl;




case 'S':

case 's':

cout << "Solid Selection. Prism (Area)\n";

cout << "Cal. Selection.[s]urface [V]olume\n";

cin >> cChoice;

switch (cChoice)


case 'S':

case 's':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Volume] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Radius. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> radius;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Surface Of Prism : " << gSphereSurface(radius) << endl;



case 'V':

case 'v':


cout << "Cal. Selection.[Volume] Area Cal.\n";

cout << "----------------------------------\n";

cout << "Enter a Radius. (Numbers Only!: ";

cin >> radius;

cout << "---------------Results------------\n";

cout << "Volume Of Prism : " << gSphereVolume(radius) << endl;








float gPrismSurface(float lenght, float width, float height)


return 2 * (lenght * width) + (width * height) + (lenght * height);


float gPrismVolume (float lenght, float width, float height)


return width * lenght * height;


float gCylinderSurface(float radius, float height)


return 2 * M_PI * pow(radius, 2) + 2 * M_PI * radius * height;


float gCylinderVolume(float radius, float height)


return M_PI * pow(radius, 2) * height;


float gSphereSurface(float radius)


return 4 * M_PI * pow(radius, 2);


float gSphereVolume(float radius)


return (4 / 3)* M_PI * pow(radius, 3);



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