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Your favorite Games!


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If you couldn't tell, I created this topic so I can discuss with everyone the games I have as favorites and theirs.

I won't be harsh on my details "against" others games and if I haven't played it I'll tell you I haven't. If you're

going to post your favorite game here, I'd like you to leave an explanation on why it's your favorite.

My favorite game is Final Fantasy VII. There are quite a lot of a reasons why I like it, but I'll tell you just a few.

One reason is because of the battle system; sure it's boring to wait for your turn, but when it comes to fighting,

it keeps the results dynamic. I also enjoy the story line; A world that's being destroyed by people that constantly

suck the energy out of it. The main problem was Shinra with their SODLIERS. Shinra was in control of Midgar mostly,

but they were opposed by AVALANCHE. In short it's a pretty generic, people destroy the world and you fight to stop them.

Then you come to, I would say somewhere in Disc 2 if my mind serves me correct, when you're faced with a new threat. Sephiroth,

a nightmare from Cloud's past. Not only did he end up injuring both him and Zack, but he was technically the reason he died.

I could go on forever with my opinions, but I'd love to hear your guys' as well.
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It's either gonna have to be Deus Ex 1 or 3\. 1's storyline was somewhat more interesting and a lot more dynamic whilst 3's level design, characters (hell, out of the 50 or so characters in Deus Ex 1 only 5 of them are memorable) and the quantity of ways to approach objectives were a lot better.
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  • 2 weeks later...
> Final Fantasy 6 and 7\. I like the characters and story more in 7 (most of them anyway), but 6 is generally a better game overall.

Personally, 6 is my favourite, but I believe 4 is the best. Fav != best, in this case.

'Though in terms of all video games, I'd have to say minecraft. I really can't pick anything else. Runners up include Aquaria, Dungeon Defenders, Legend of Grimrock… I could go on for hours.
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My favourite games are the pokemon ones,

and my favourite online game would be League Of Legends, add me: Summoner Name: "Bobtob"
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Oh, this is going to be interesting. Lets see of how many I can think of.

I cant really choose one game, since I have different moods and love all following:

RPG: Mass Effect series, Witcher 2, TES series,

Strategy: Civilization series, Lord of the Rings: The battle for middle earth,

Shooter: Counter Strike, Battlefield, Left 4 Dead,

Sports game: I dont play those.

MMOs: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2,

RPGs and strategy games are my favorite.
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  • 2 weeks later...
> Runners up include Aquaria, **Dungeon Defenders,** Legend of Grimrock…

> All of the god damn Pokemon games. The graphics inspire me to do pixel art and I love the storylines and grjgjrngj pokemonnnnnnn

> World of warcraft because I played it for nearly 5 years lol

Nearly sums it up. I'd sadly have to say the Pokemon series has always been my favorite game. Playing them as a kid, they will never lose its nostalgia.
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