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Someone would have to take it upon themselves and make it a custom engine. I have some sexy isometric sprites I payed for that are now available for public use.
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Actually I don't think it'd be that hard, you'd just have to rewrite the rendering engine as Jungle said. The math is pretty simple for it IIRC, and nothing serverside changes at all(obviously). If someone really had the motivation to do it it'd probably just take 5-10 hours– possibly significantly less if you're experienced with the engine. I bet one of the head developers could crank it out in 2-3.
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It won't be that hard2do. Just replace normal movement with diagonal and modify map editor. It is only pseudo way how to do it, but it should work. But i think it is not good feature for new engine. If i will have (tons) of free time to waste, i can make some isometric CV, but now i am a bit busy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
> Why would it have to be re-written? Using tiles and characters like Reiners sets and proper mapping would do it. Wouldn't it? What else would be needed in the engine for iso to work?

The actual ability to walk diagonally, which adds a whole new set of things into the game.
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> Why would it have to be re-written? Using tiles and characters like Reiners sets and proper mapping would do it. Wouldn't it? What else would be needed in the engine for iso to work?

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> ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e21c2b0c2952cdb7517896f844b370b4.png)

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Isometric is ridiculously easy. Allow me to provide some pseudocode for your input and rendering calculations.

For j = 0 to MaxMapX

For k = MaxMapY to 0 Step -1

Tx = (j * TileWidth / 2) + (k * TileWidth / 2)

Ty = (k * TileHeight / 2) - (j * TileHeight / 2)

RenderTile Texture, Tx, Ty, blah, blah, blah.



What you need to do in terms of layers should be obvious, but in case if you don't know, offset the layer's y by half it's tile height.

Then, change your movement processing to reflect that, item/resource/blood rendering, and bingo.

And try not to desperately struggle, otherwise I'll have to reinstall VB6 - which I'm trying to resist - and do it for you all. x_x
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Thats true, it would be rendering, because all movement really is, is rendered graphics. If you wanted REAL and FLUENT isometric, I'm sure it would take some time though. Walking diagonally, and attacking and having everything work with diagonals changes alot. Like how would projectiles work? You have more to edit than just the way it renders the character.
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> Well we need a iso engine done then. If a coder could take this on we could probably get artwork to use for the example engine.

I've said this time and time again, I have sprites that ICT made, isometric, with diagonal walking paths. If I can find them, I'm willing to release them. They were paid for by mwa.

EDIT: Found them,

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