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Turn Based?


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I used to hate Turn Based Combat, but after a few years using old eclipse engine and the new ones, I realised that I miss that Turn Based combat.

Eclipse lacks a decent combat system.

When attacking you actually just move, no sword swing, no other awesome animations, just a boring walking frame.

I messed up with some codes and followed some tuts to be able to use 1 or more extra frames used as attacking animation.

The problem is that you can't really use bigger frames on the same sheet because it will mess up the walking frames.

I don't know what developers thinks about the actual combat, maybe they just don't care because they don't use any of engines.

New custom versions appearing, but all are the same, promising better function, clean versions, or those filled with many things.

But not even one, with some nice features like improved combat (attacking animations while attacking) wich in my opinion would make the engine much better and the games resulting much more interesting.

Then I tought, how about a Turn Based Combat?

Would be just perfect.

The only problem is the amount of code that needs to be rewriten.

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I've grown fond of the Eclipse Origins combat system ![^_^](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.png) Attack frames would be nice, but other than that I wouldn't change it.
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> i could easely make a turn based system, hell, i did it before with pokemon, problem i always encounter are the graphics and the implemention of it… i suck at blitting >.<

If you want any help, then PM me, tough I still don't know what I could help with since I'm an artist.

But I would really like to see a Turn Based engine.
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> like the picture above

I know, that type of turn based system in an mmorpg, orpg, etc is HORRID. I rather have a tactical turn based squad battle system like the one from FFTactics or Dofus and Wakfu. Example:
>! ![](http://screenshots.en.sftcdn.net/en/scrn/58000/58295/dofus-arena-15.jpg)

>! ![](http://staticns.ankama.com/wakfu/portal/img/discover/landing/screen/004.jpg)

>! ![](http://www.jeuxvideo24.com/screens/ds/1023/large/screenshots/68560_final-fantasy-tactics-a2--grimoire-of-the-rift.jpg)
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> A tactical one will be just harder to make, I think…

Hard but good time spent.

> .
> Why that Turn Based system is horrid ?

Look at it. Join someone's battle and it's like that, wouldn't it be awkward a bit. I can't put my finger on it but I know there is something bewilderingly strange about having that type of system. But I guess I recommend you to try making it, people won't know what they hate about it unless they try it.
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If you hate it doesn't mean everyone does ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

You want a tactical one, I don't think there are any members around here willing to do that, I'm not even sure if Damian will start working on this, but it would be far easier to make it how I said.
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Thinking about trying to make something like this and either sell it, or release it in the source section. Will work when the free time is presented. I don't think it's a bad idea, for rpg expansion in some of these games, definately has more of an RPG feel.
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Get real? Excuse me if I confused you, I was talking about a turn based system like that of rpg maker or like 'the one you're asking for' is this not what you want? I understand like anyone else does that words can only go so far. Please don't make it seem as if it were an impossible task though, I'm just as qualified as anyone else here.
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lol… you wont get far with forum money ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

i would not make it for that anyway ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

takes a few months to get it working right...
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