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Eclipse - The Final Frontier


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~The Final Frontier~

-Official Release Page-

What I have for you here is a highly modified version of Eclipse Mega, which is a highly modified version of Eclipse Origins. You may not notice any cosmetic changes, but if you look under the hood, you'll find a 400 horsepower Cummins engine with edge juice, quad x2 race box, smarty sr, and ppe box, upgrades. Now I have no idea what any of that means, but I know that's one hell of an engine. And that's what I have for you here. So take a gander and see what it's like to be behind to most stable, feature packed gaming engine Eclipse has ever seen!! And it only gets better from here.

_Working On Consistently_:

**Find and fix any and all bugs/errors that I can**

August 20, 2013**

**Client.exe UPDATED:
May 11, 2013**
**- Fixed hotbar not re-displaying after opening map editor.**

**Client.exe UPDATED:
May 5, 2013**
**- Fixed ReType-Password-Box being focused when clicking on the Register button on the main menu.**

Now the UserName textbox gets focus first.


~~**Expected Release Date: 08/20/2013**~~

**RELEASED: 8/20/2013**

**I am very sorry to announce that as of now, the new NPC multi-drop feature requires you to wipe your NPC data files and make new ones. I will try to develop a quick NPC Converter executable but that's not a for sure thing because it will only work for NPC's created in EFF.**

**- GIVE ME IDEAS!!! I need new work, new ideas, new features to add. Throw em at me guys! I want what YOU want!! If it's what the people want, it's what I'll give you. So reply to this topic with your ideas and reviews. Thank you all!**

**-** **(IN PROGRESS)****ENHANCED GUI. Courtesy of DarkMatchFlame and ArmlessFiddler for their magical graphic skillz**

**- (IN PROGRESS) New Item Type: Books. (WILL include GUI for the book, WILL include pages, MAY include book editor)**

Maybe not immediately, but if a book editor is made, the option for the user to easily add photos/gui into the book will be implemented.

**- (DONE) MiniMap and Buttons On/Off toggles in the Options Pane.**

**- (DONE) Ranged weapons such as bows and mage bolts.**

**- (NOT STARTED) New Combat Capability : Possibility of 'Reflecting' damage back to the dealer.**

**- (DONE) Quick fix for NPC Criticals.**

**- (DONE) Quick fix for maximum number of item drops.**

**- (DONE) NPC Multi-Item Drop feature. Can now allow NPC's to drop more than one item.**

**-**** (DONE) Featuring a dinky new GUI for the health/mana/exp**


>! Basic Idea drawing for the new Main Menu background. I apologize for the amount of time it took to get it. However,
>! the actual image has been completed and is now implemented. It's fantastic artwork by a new member of our community
>! known as ArmlessFiddler. Can't wait for you to see it in the next update! The basic idea was to display an Eclipse. This is
>! to behold the legacy of the name. The actual image you'll seen in the update shows the comparison of
>! the beginning and modern day eclipse. Referring to the beginning of the engine up to now. I hope you'll like it, I know I do.
>! Now for the actual image XD
>! As for the new book item type, here's the basic GUI. It has an opening animation and page turning animations.


>! **- Make a converter for items/npcs/quests/players**
**- Marriage System(**Only an Idea. I feel variations in qualities this feature would require for certain games make the system too difficult to generalize**)**
**- Make different Chat Box sizes**
**- (DONE)My own variation of a Conbination System(**I want to have items brighten when you 'Single' click it then allow you to 'Combine' it with another item.**)**
**- Resource Stages for different activities/tools/items required/given**
**- Achievement System and Accompanying Client Editor.**
**- Full Screen capabilities****-**
>! ^ More Good News About These Additions ^
>! You can start using this base to create your game right now!!. I will update this engine as I continue with it BUT, and as you can tell that's quite a large but, I'll simply allow the download of the updated and compiled Sever.exe and Client.exe so you won't have to delete players/quests/npcs/or items unless otherwise notified. That's easy enough right?? You're welcome. ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png)
>! ~Additions and Edits to the Engine~
>! **- Added a nice new way to toggle main buttons/minimap. Featuring a dinky new GUI for the health/mana/exp**
>! **- Added projectiles - Wabbit.**
**- Changed item damage scroll bar max value to (32,767)**
**- Added Drop Items On Death option to map editor properties.**
>! **- Removed target requirement for AOE spells**
>! Will automatically target NPC's, must target a player to cast on players.
>! **- Added NPC random respawn times**
>! **-** **(IN PROGRESS)****ENHANCED GUI!!! Courtesy of DarkMatchFlame and ArmlessFiddler for their magical graphic skillz**
>! **-** **Add combat elements to spells.**
>! **- New combat system for elements and damage knock offs (Credit for concept: Wizzy)**
>! * Basically just allows different kinds of attack strengths and defence for items
* It's also unique to every player (can be manipulated during gameplay)
* This system allows all equipment items to have three basic damage addons: Light, Dark, and Neutral
* These addons include a resistance to the very same elements.
* NPC's can also deal and resist against this damage.
>! **- Make quests capable of giving skill exp.**
>! **-** **Added Shop Editor and Combo Editor to Editor Run-Through feature…**
>! **- Combination System, whiten items, click to combine, client-side editor.**
>! -
>! **Made 'E' toggle through editors with nice and simple GUI (ADMIN_MODERATOR and up.)**
It's nicer and more useful than you may think. You'll see
>! **- Added 'Quest Progress' Conditional Branch option in the Event Editor**
>! -
**Server Panel Option for dropping items on death.**
>! -
**Created a Friends System with working private messages and GUI ('B' opens the Buddy List)**
> If you have a player targeted, the letter 'B' sends a buddy request.
>! > Buddy list updates upon arrival of data.
>! > Displays Online/Offline status beside name.
>! > GUI for Messaging/Editing friend status(Delete)
>! > Double Clicking Name opens panel with Friend Details such as lvls and other stats
>! > Only friends can PM each other./deactivate.
>! > Server panel option to activate/deactivate the system
>! > Limit to 5 requests per every 30 minutes
>! (Avoid stalking so to speak.)
>! (You get 1 request point back every 5 minutes.)
>! -
**The button that opens the inventory has been switched to the letters 'V' and 'N' for whichever you prefer**
The letter 'B' is now being used for the Friend System
>! -
**Added custom Success/Empty message colors in the resource editor**
>! **- Skill System is now easily customized Server-Side in modSkills with simple directions and easily noticable notations.**
>! -
**Darkened up the background colors of the editors a bit.**
I like it better this way since it's not so bright. And when you're making games all day, you're looking at these forms quite often.
>! Hard to tell a difference unless you know what you're looking for, but trust me, your eyes will thank me.
>! -
**Added skill levels/exp for crafting, mining, woodcutting, and fishing.**
Events can give exp to any of these skills.
>! Resources can give exp to any of these skills.
>! Events can require a certain skill level.
>! Resources can require a certain skill level.
>! Items can require a certain skill level.
>! -
**In case of accidental Rand function misuse, this function now corrects the high and low values**
To MAKE SURE the high is the high and the low is the low. If they're mixed up, it simply switches them and continues.
>! -
**Pressing enter after entering password on the login screen will now log you in.**
>! -
**GUI hidden when in map editor**
Health bars and such along with chatbox and minimap)
>! -
**NPC Avoid tiles now block events too.**
>! -
**Added HasItems(index, itemnum, itemamount) boolean function**.
>! Returns true/false
>! Used in give/take event processing
>! -
**Added feature to allow resource to give more than one of an item**…
>! -
**Added feature to allow spacing resource reward amount throughout the attacking/damaging process**.
>! -
**Added feature for resource health to be random between user set numbers**.
>! -
**Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlCool.Max AKA spell Casting time capabilities from 60 seconds to 300**
Which is 5 minutes
>! -
**Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlCast.Max AKA spell cooldown time capabilities from 60 seconds to 300**
Which is 5 minutes
>! -
**Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlVital to a texbox**
To allow numbers higher than 32767.
>! -
**Changed frmEditor_Spell.lblDir caption to "Dir: Up"**
Because that's the default Index on startup.
>! -
**Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlDir.Max to 3**
Because that's all it should be. Otherwise an error occurs.
>! -
**Changed NPC death exp given calculation**.
>! Random within 5, 10, or 20% of set value, options included within npc editor. (Ex. 150 = 142-158) The higher the original number, the greater the difference.
>! -
**Added Random NPC Health feature**
Took a good bit of work.. Nothing like the resource was.
>! -
**Added damage cap**
Will not show damage higher then the amount of hp the npc has(for players who like to know how much health the kill had)
>! Will probably make this a player option Client-Side
>! -
**Removed ability to delete or edit currency type item on item 1**
What's the point? It's always currency lol
>! NOT a big deal though.
>! You can still edit everything else about the item just not the type of item and you can't use the delete button on it.
>! -
**Added damage boost using the combat level of the currently equipped weapon**
>! -
**Added Walkthrough Toggle**
Command "/walkthrough"
>! Button on admin panel
>! For ADMIN_MONITOR and up
>! To allow/disallow above average players to walk through objects
>! -
**Changed heal button on admin panel to heal self when no name is entered**
>! -
**Add kill counter/death counter. Have not made any ways to display them yet**.
>! GetPlayerKills(Index) or GetPlayerDeaths(Index) or
>! SetPlayerKills(Index, Value, True/False) or SetPlayerDeaths(Index, Value, True/False)
>! True adds the value to the current value, False sets the current value to the value you inputted.
>! -
**Added 'OPTION' for random currency drop, include random percent…**
>! -
**Brought back ability to attack npc without a weapon**
Still have polearm capability(which I don't like how it's done but it works so 'll keep it)
>! -
**Added dynamic colors for player's health decreasing during attack**(70%hp+ Green, 35%hp+ Yellow, 34.99%hp- BrightRed)
>! Shows Players Health before the hit and the damage done by the npc(Ex. 66 -22)
>! Not sure if it would be better to show the what the player's hp was before the hit; then damage, or show what it is after
>! and probably not show the damage.
>! -
**Add follow feature. Uses the target system. Must be beside the player you want to follow**
Automatically corrects direction, doesn't just MOCK the other player (that would be silly
>! Stops following if more than 2 spaces away.
>! Unfortunately if your connection is slower than the player that you are following, you will be likely to fall behind
>! and stop following the player due to that. You have to be next to the player to follow them. If you want to cancel
>! following the player yourself, just move in a different direction.
>! I'll be adding the capability to move to the player, follow the player, and back and forth until canceled so you'll be
>! able to follow the player no matter the distance bewteen you. Just like NPC's do during attack but faster
>! -
**Added TopKill Event on the Server**
1st through 5th placements are available
>! Custom exp rewards
>! Dinky/nifty server gui
>! 3rd, 4th, and 5th placements are optional
>! Custom start message
>! Custom end message
>! Custom Action Message after every kill (optional)
>! Custom Player Message after every kill (optional)
>! Custom messages have built in data inserts:
>! (1)
>! will automatically be replaced with the name of the player who was in first place.
>! (2)
>! #2ndname#
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place.
>! (3)
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place.
>! (4)
>! #4thname#
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place.
>! (5)
#5thname #
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place.
>! (6)
>! will automatically be replaced with the amount of kills first place had.
>! (7)
>! #2ndkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place ^
>! (8)
#3rddkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place ^
>! (9)
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place ^
>! (10)
>! #5thkills#
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place ^
>! (11)
>! #1stexp#
>! will automatically be replaced with the amount of exp awarded to first place.
>! (12)
>! #2ndexp#
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place.
>! (13)
>! #3rdexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place.
>! (14)
>! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place.
>! (15)
#5thexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place.
>! (16)
>! will be replaced with all of the kills added up.
>! (17)
#getkills# will be replaced with the amount of kills needed to end the game.
>! (18)
#placement# will be replaced with the player's current placement (only for action/player message settings)
>! (19)
#playerkills# will be replaced with the player's current kills (only for action/player message settings)
>! Custom Msg Colors. All ingame colors available
>! Built with default Messages (Just leave the message box's blank)
>! At some point this might have the capability to give away more than exp, idk yet. I like experiece
I like the idea of an option to play an animation on the character after each kill, during the attacking process,
>! and/or when the game ends. Thinking about it. Won't be hard I think, just not sure if I want to release it to the public.
>! –------------------------------------------------------
>! –-----------------Release Info----------------------
>! –-------------------------------------------------------
>! (Eclipse - The Final Frontier) symbolizes singularity among many. What sticks out in a crowd. I'm running through
>! every little nook and cranny and getting out any bug/error there is while adding some rather pleasant and beloved
>! features for game makers everywhere. Features that'll bring regular RPG's to the online world. The beginning of
>! an exciting journey has begun. Let's work together and create the best booking engine around ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png)
>! ~Bug Fixes~
>! **- Fixed HotBar not re-displaying after opening the Map Editor.**
>! **- Reviewed r****eported bug** **with stackable items; appears to be working properly as is.**
>! **- Fixed Spell Editor bug when damage textbox was empty**
>! **- Fixed blockVar bug in CheckDirection.**
>! Subscript out of Range because the Map.Tile array range wasn't reset to fit the parameters properly.
>! **- Fixed lstCommands in Event editor staying above everything when changing graphic/variable**
>! **- Fixed editing event conditional statement for player level**
>! **- Fixed player/map/global event load for Add Text**
>! When editing, global was selected sometimes even after it was just set to player or map.
>! -
**Fixed Spell Class not having 'None' option**.
>! -
**Fixed Healing Spell with not updating HP**.
>! -
**Fixed Quest copymemory error**.
>! Server/Client QuestRec's were different. Causing an improper placement of variables.
>! Quests appear to be 100% error free now.
>! -
**Fixed Spell editor array data being all screwed up…**
Wiped all spells and started over, works fine now, something wasn't saved right
>! - **Fixed**
**un-equipping shields.**
Wasn't allowing it because another GUI cancelled out the sub before the For-Loop reached it.
>! -
**Fixed item (amount needed) event condition**…
>! Wasn't working for taking more than one of an item that wasn't stackable
>! -
**Fixed polearms able to attack through blocked tiles**
>! -
**Fixed Quest Dialog visibility leaving when the space key is pressed, but popping up above all other dialogs**.
>! Can no longer pick up an item while the Quest Dialog is open.
>! -
**Fixed little bug with event chat bubble text -Event- option not correctly setting to true when needed**.
>! -
**Fixed NPC Check movement error, Subscript out of range.**
MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num was coming in as a 0
>! -
**Fixed Index check error, Subscript out of range.**
Functions weren't making sure index was > 0
>! -
**Fixed PM's.**
>! **- Fixed player target when the target logs out.**
>! -
**Fixed GUI occasionally still visible after logout and log back in.**
>! ~Info on Previous Releases~
>! **Unfortunately, if you don't know what you're doing, these updates may require you to wipe your accounts, character list, quests, items, npc's, maps, and the works. Then again, it may not.**
>! **To use the client.exe
and server.exe
without re-downloading the whole base you must make a secondary file for all of your items that have an "_s" after the numeral. (ex. 1_s.png)**
**The _s files are the pictures that will be used when the item is highlighted.**
**Highlight an item by clicking on it in your inventory.**
>! **TEMPORARY items download available from 4/12/13 - 4/17/13**
>! To clarify, the Combination System is a system that allows you to highlight items in your inventory. If you click on another item while you have one highlighted, the system will match the two items to a combination that you have previously made and allow you to trade out items, give experience, and more. Someone said to me that it's like Alchemy. Well they're not wrong. But that's not all. Imagine a fletching skill. You don't want your knife to disappear when you use it on wood. Well try out the new Combination System and see for yourself how powerful it really is. And get this… It's just a start!! There's much more that can be done. Are you excited?? Me too ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png)
>! ~Downloads~
>! **If this is your first time downloading, please download the Complete Base and the Runtime Files.**
>! **Run SetUp.exe first to install the runtime environment and then your server and client should run flawlessly.**
>! ~Complete Base~
>! Updated: 08/20/2013 - 9:05 PM
>! **[http://www.mediafire…gx2tpskawft41j9](http://www.mediafire.com/?gx2tpskawft41j9)**
>! ~Runtime Files~
>! By: Robin & Crystalshire
>! [http://www.mediafire…92cmw299pf6nlzd](http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?92cmw299pf6nlzd)
>! ~Server.exe~
>! Updated: 08/20/2013 - 
>! [http://www.mediafire…39c9g1z2xbhixl7](http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?39c9g1z2xbhixl7)
>! ^Included in the complete base.^
>! ~Client.exe~
>! Updated: 08/20/2013 - 
>! [http://www.mediafire…nx6999thq8ery8r](http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nx6999thq8ery8r)
>! ^Included in the complete base.^
>! ~Starter Tutorial Text File~
>! Updated: 08/202013 - 
>! [http://www.mediafire…pc3r6dprvv36g5b](http://www.mediafire.com/view/?pc3r6dprvv36g5b)
>! ^Included in the complete base.^
>! ~Items Folder with items built for the combo system~
>! [http://www.mediafire…sqjfvfa3iv4gupp](http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?sqjfvfa3iv4gupp)
>! ^Included in the complete base.^
>! ~Keep in mind if you don't already have the base, you may have complications using Server.exe and Client.exe~
>! ~To avoid unnecessary downloading, I will label the date that I have updated any of the above downloads~
>! ~Server.exe or Client.exe MAY include a text file with updated item details in your download~
>! ~A safe habit of scanning all newly downloaded files for viruses BEFORE USE is a
>! great habit to have. Even if the post is honest like mine, all downloads are
>! potential targets for hackers and the like. Just a heads up for those unaware.~
>! ~If you have an issue with the safety of your computer and EFF, please PM me and I will do my best to make sure you get a clean copy.~
>! ~Credits~
>! Sephir0th
>! &
>! Anyone else that had to do with the creation of Eclipse Mega
>! Wizzy for combat system upgrade concept.
>! Me (escfoe2) for the additions and edits you see above.
>! Link to:
[Eclipse Meg
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Not my strong point. If I posted like I coded I believe it would be beautiful ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

I originally just pulled it out of my text file that I use to keep track of my work.
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Not sure if you've cleaned up the post or not but to me it looks pretty neat ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Is it just me or haven't you added the list for what you're planning on adding?
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> Not sure if you've cleaned up the post or not but to me it looks pretty neat ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Yes, It's been cleaned up. It did actually look pretty bad at first.

> Is it just me or haven't you added the list for what you're planning on adding?

I'm pretty much deciding what I want to add as I go. Most of what I've come up with has to do with what I've already added. Underneath of something I've changed/built you'll see something like "I might do this" or "I plan to change this to this" and so on and so forth. I don't actually have a list of things to add. Other than that, what do you think?
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Nice to see you fixed the quest thing. After death put it in I lost access to a PC and wasn't able to look into the quest systems bug to figure out what was causing it. Also ya, the Polearm system was put in quickly and again I lost access to a PC before I could fully make the system so its very basic right now.
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You have no idea how long it took me to fix that lol. How many hours I was stumped. I've worked on other things since then, but if I remember correctly, while the person who made the quest system was adding things to it, he/she had made a saved file, added more things, and then the old values couldn't be buffered properly. I could be wrong, but it's pretty much my only thesis since just wiping the quests fixed the problem. It just took me so long to come up with the idea to wipe them. I was looking everywhere, checking everything… Pisses me off just thinking about it lol

As for the Polearm code, it works. Not perfectly, but well enough. Yes, it needs revised, but it's okay for now ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

**Thank you for your reply.**
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Ya, all I really did with the quest system was re-design the quest window players view, I used the code that Death put into the engine for me as I didn't have the time to put it in on my own.

The polearm system works as a basic system, but it should be revised so you can't hit through blocks so you don't have players attacking through a wall or something lol.
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> Ya, all I really did with the quest system was re-design the quest window players view, I used the code that Death put into the engine for me as I didn't have the time to put it in on my own.

You did well sir. There's still some more tweeking to have it fully bug-free, but as of now I haven't come across any other hard errors.

> The polearm system works as a basic system, but it should be revised so you can't hit through blocks so you don't have players attacking through a wall or something lol.

Exactly, I completely agree. Not gonna be too difficult really. I just see adding a few more If/Then statements taking care of that.

I'm going for harder things first. I come back to the easy parts when I get too frustrated with something else ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

> I think you've done a pretty good job. I'm just looking for something that will set this custom engine apart.

Where have you seen or heard of a Follow Feature? I thought that was pretty damn custom… *heartbroken* lol

Something else I noticed with the Polearm system; let's say you're looking to the left and the enemy is is at your X - 1 and your Y + 1\. You can still hit the enemy even though it's not actually in front of you. Which makes sense since polearms are a WIDE swinging weapon. I kinda like that about it. Whether it was actually meant to work that way is another story. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)

EDIT: I have resolved the polearms. They no longer attack through blocked tiles.
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> Where have you seen or heard of a Follow Feature? I thought that was pretty damn custom… *heartbroken* lol

If you can make NPCs follow then making a player follow another player isn't hard but yeah, it is different ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
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> If you can make NPCs follow then making a player follow another player isn't hard but yeah, it is different ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

Ya damn right it's different lol. Because when the player moves up and your behind them, you move up, but ig you're beside the player and he/she moves up, you don't want to be walking side-by-side do you? No, when you follow someone you're behind them. So this constantly keeps you behind the player you follow. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png) Oh and polearms are now no longer able to attack through blocked tiles or resources.
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Yes I double posted and bumped…. for good reason. Does anyone else see code mixed in with my topic now? I mean having to re-space everything after every edit was bad enough... But this shit is ridiculous! I apologize, but I put a lot of work into this post for it to scramble up like that and now I have to clean it up apparently... Unless by chance someone knows a quick fix?? ![:angry:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.png)
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>! ~The Final Frontier~
>! -Review Of Progress-
>! I have spent much time making changes to an already existing base. Which just so happens to be Eclipse Mega. This base is not the most stable nor is it the most qualified, but it's what I chose because I didn't feel like doing all of the work for DX8\. And EM represents the usage of it fairly well. Along with this base are bugs as with everything. My priority is making this the most stable and bug free engine for use. 'm not only fixing that which is broken, 'm adding some things that are relatively new. Simple, but pretty cool, and as you review what 've done, please add a comment of constructive criticism that tells me what you think about what 've done, what I plan to do, and what you'd like to see. Thank you for your time. Enjoy.
>! _Working On Consistently_: **Find and fix any and all bugs/errors that I can**
>! **- Make a converter for items/npcs/quests/players**
>! **- Marriage System**
>! **- Make different chatbox sizes**
>! **- I wanna say Alchemy, because this feature is for combining items in your inventory to create ONE or TWO items.**
>! **- Fixed player target when the target logs out.**
>! **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AFTER [3/17/2013.3:47AM]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**
>! - **Made 'E' toggle through editors with nice and simple GUI (ADMIN_MODERATOR and up.)**
>! It's nicer and more useful than you may think. You'll see ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
>! - **Server Panel Option for dropping items on death.**
>! - **Created a Friends System with working private messages and GUI ('B' opens the Buddy List)**
>! > If you have a player targeted, the letter 'B' sends a buddy request.
>! > Buddy list updates upon arrival of data.
>! > Displays Online/Offline status beside name.
>! > GUI for Messaging/Editing friend status(Delete)
>! > Double Clicking Name opens panel with Friend Details such as lvls and other stats
>! > Only friends can PM each other./deactivate the system.
>! > Server panel option to activate/deactivate
>! > Limit to 5 requests per every 30 minutes
>! (Avoid stalking so to speak.)
>! (You get 1 request point back every 5 minutes.)
>! - **Fixed PM's.**
>! - **Fixed GUI occasionally still visible after logout and log back in.**
>! - **The button that opens the inventory has been switched to the letters 'V' and 'N' for whichever you prefer**
>! The letter 'B' is now being used for the Friend System
>! - **Added custom Success/Empty message colors in the resource editor**
>! **- Skill System is now easily customized Server-Side in modSkills with simple directions and easily noticable notations.**
>! - **Fixed NPC Check movement error, Subscript out of range.**
>! MapNpc(MapNpcNum).num was coming in as a 0
>! - **Fixed Index check error, Subscript out of range.**
>! Functions weren't making sure index was > 0
>! - **Darkened up the background colors of the editors a bit.**
>! I like it better this way since it's not so bright. And when you're making games all day, you're looking at these forms quite often.
>! Hard to tell a difference unless you know what you're looking for, but trust me, your eyes will thank me.
>! - **Added skill levels/exp for crafting, mining, woodcutting, and fishing.**
>! Events can give exp to any of these skills.
>! Resources can give exp to any of these skills.
>! Events can require a certain skill level.
>! Resources can require a certain skill level.
>! Items can require a certain skill level.
>! - **Fixed polearms able to attack through blocked tiles**
>! - **Fixed Quest Dialog visibility leaving when the space key is pressed, but popping up above all other dialogs**.
>! Can no longer pick up an item while the Quest Dialog is open.
>! - **Fixed little bug with event chat bubble text -Event- option not correctly setting to true when needed**.
>! - **In case of accidental Rand function misuse, this function now corrects the high and low values**
>! To MAKE SURE the high is the high and the low is the low. If they're mixed up, it simply switches them and continues.
>! - **Pressing enter after entering password on the login screen will now log you in.**
>! - **GUI hidden when in map editor**
>! Health bars and such along with chatbox and minimap)
>! - **NPC Avoid tiles now block events too.**
>! - **Just fixed un-equipping shields.**
>! Wasn't allowing it because another GUI cancelled out the sub before the For-Loop reached it.
>! **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****BEFORE** **[3/17/2013.3:47AM]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**
>! - **Fixed item (amount needed) event condition**…
>! Wasn't working for taking more than one of an item that wasn't stackable
>! - **Added HasItems(index, itemnum, itemamount) boolean function**.
>! Returns true/false
>! Used in give/take event processing
>! - **Added feature to allow resource to give more than one of an item**…
>! - **Added feature to allow spacing resource reward amount throughout the attacking/damaging process**.
>! - **Added feature for resource health to be random between user set numbers**.
>! - **Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlCool.Max AKA spell Casting time capabilities from 60 seconds to 300**
>! Which is 5 minutes
>! - **Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlCast.Max AKA spell cooldown time capabilities from 60 seconds to 300**
>! Which is 5 minutes
>! - **Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlVital to a texbox**
>! To allow numbers higher than 32767.
>! - **Changed frmEditor_Spell.lblDir caption to "Dir: Up"**
>! Because that's the default Index on startup.
>! - **Changed frmEditor_Spell.scrlDir.Max to 3**
>! Because that's all it should be. Otherwise an error occurs.
>! - **Changed NPC death exp given calculation**.
>! Random within 5, 10, or 20% of set value, options included within npc editor. (Ex. 150 = 142-158) The higher the original number, the greater the difference.
>! - **Added Random NPC Health feature**
>! Took a good bit of work.. Nothing like the resource was.
>! - **Added damage cap**
>! Will not show damage higher then the amount of hp the npc has(for players who like to know how much health the kill had)
>! Will probably make this a player option Client-Side
>! - **Removed ability to delete or edit currency type item on item 1**
>! What's the point? It's always currency lol
>! NOT a big deal though.
>! You can still edit everything else about the item just not the type of item and you can't use the delete button on it. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
>! - **Added damage boost using the combat level of the currently equipped weapon**
>! - **Added Walkthrough Toggle**
>! Command "/walkthrough"
>! Button on admin panel
>! For ADMIN_MONITOR and up
>! To allow/disallow above average players to walk through objects
>! - **Changed heal button on admin panel to heal self when no name is entered**
>! - **Add kill counter/death counter. Have not made any ways to display them yet**.
>! GetPlayerKills(Index) or GetPlayerDeaths(Index) or
>! SetPlayerKills(Index, Value, True/False) or SetPlayerDeaths(Index, Value, True/False)
>! True adds the value to the current value, False sets the current value to the value you inputted.
>! - **Fixed Spell Class not having 'None' option**.
>! - **Fixed Healing Spell with not updating HP**.
>! - **Fixed Quest copymemory error**.
>! Server/Client QuestRec's were different. Causing an improper placement of variables.
>! Quests appear to be 100% error free now.
>! - **Fixed Spell editor array data being all screwed up…**
>! Wiped all spells and started over, works fine now, something wasn't saved right
>! - **Added 'OPTION' for random currency drop, include random percent…**
>! - **Brought back ability to attack npc without a weapon**
>! Still have polearm capability(which I don't like how it's done but it works so 'll keep it)
>! - **Removed the ability to Walkthrough almost anything just because the map is a safezone**, now you'll only walk through players
>! I Plan to give player the option to walk through npc's and event's in a safezone.
>! - **Added GetItemFromEvent and GiveItemToEvent to Quest Edito**r.
>! Now quests can send you to an event to get or give an item.
>! Not just an npc.
>! - **Added dynamic colors for player's health decreasing during attack**(70%hp+ Green, 35%hp+ Yellow, 34.99%hp- BrightRed)
>! Shows Players Health before the hit and the damage done by the npc(Ex. 66 -22)
>! Not sure if it would be better to show the what the player's hp was before the hit; then damage, or show what it is after
>! and probably not show the damage.
>! - **Add follow feature. Uses the target system. Must be beside the player you want to follow**
>! Automatically corrects direction, doesn't just MOCK the other player (that would be silly ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png))
>! Stops following if more than 2 spaces away.
>! Unfortunately if your connection is slower than the player that you are following, you will be likely to fall behind
>! and stop following the player due to that. You have to be next to the player to follow them. If you want to cancel
>! following the player yourself, just move in a different direction.
>! 'll be adding the capability to move to the player, follow the player, and back and forth until canceled so you'll be
>! able to follow the player no matter the distance bewteen you. Just like NPC's do during attack but faster ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)
>! - **Added TopKill Event on the Server**
>! 1st through 5th placements are available
>! Custom exp rewards
>! Dinky/nifty server gui
>! 3rd, 4th, and 5th placements are optional
>! Custom start message
>! Custom end message
>! Custom Action Message after every kill (optional)
>! Custom Player Message after every kill (optional)
>! Custom messages have built in data inserts:
>! (1) #1stname# will automatically be replaced with the name of the player who was in first place.
>! (2) #2ndname# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place.
>! (3) #3rdname# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place.
>! (4) #4thname# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place.
>! (5) #5thname# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place.
>! (6) #1stkills# will automatically be replaced with the amount of kills first place had.
>! (7) #2ndkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place ^
>! (8) #3rddkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place ^
>! (9) #4thkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place ^
>! (10) #5thkills# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place ^
>! (11) #1stexp# will automatically be replaced with the amount of exp awarded to first place.
>! (12) #2ndexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ second place.
>! (13) #3rdexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ third place.
>! (14) #4thexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fourth place.
>! (15) #5thexp# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fifth place.
>! (16) #totalkills# will be replaced with all of the kills added up.
>! (17) #getkills# will be replaced with the amount of kills needed to end the game.
>! (18) #placement# will be replaced with the player's current placement (only for action/player message settings)
>! (19) #playerkills# will be replaced with the player's current kills (only for action/player message settings)
>! Custom Msg Colors. All ingame colors available
>! Built with default Messages (Just leave the message box's blank)
>! At some point this might have the capability to give away more than exp, idk yet. I like experiece ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
>! I like the idea of an option to play an animation on the character after each kill, during the attacking process,
>! and/or when the game ends. Thinking about it. Won't be hard I think, just not sure if I want to release it to the public. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)
>! –-------------------------------------------------------
>! -----------Resource Random Feature------------
>! ---------------------------------------------------------
>! Pro's:
>! -Allows for random health. You set the high and the low. This way the amount of 'hits' it will take to chop down is unknown.
>! -Like runescape skilling, resources can give more than one of an item.
>! -Allows for random item loot. You set the high and the low. You'll get a random amount of the item you have chosen.
>! -Finally, my favorite, loot can be distributed while attacking, not just when the resource is destroyed… That's just
>! saying that you will get the specified amount of items given to you one by one throughout the health of the resource.
>! So with random health, random amount of items given, and the distribution option, resources are now more realistic
>! in effect and create a more enjoyable aspect in the game.
>! Con's:
>! -If the distribution option is activated, the damage of the tool needs to coincide relatively evenly with the health of the
>! resource, meaning if your resource's health is 10 and you want to give 5 items throughout the health, you'll want
>! your weapon to do NO more than 1 or 2 damage. The reason for this is because of the algorithm. The code
>! divides the amount of health by the amount of items. So if the health is 10, it will be divided by 5\. As you should
>! already know, the result is 2\. So for every 2 health points taken away, you will be given an item. If your weapon does
>! 10 damage in one hit, you'll only be awarded the final item and not the other 4\. So with a little bit of math, you'll
>! be able to figure out how to set up your tools and resources appropriately. Sorry about this but honestly, if you
>! don't like it, change it. It's fully functional as is so I don't care. ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
>! –-------------------------------------------------------
>! -------------------Release Info----------------------
>! ---------------------------------------------------------
>! (Eclipse - The Final Frontier) symbolizes singularity among many. What sticks out in a crowd. 'm running through
>! every little nook and cranny and getting out any bug/error there is while adding some rather pleasant and beloved
>! features for game makers everywhere. Features that'll bring regular RPG's to the online world.
>! 'll hopefully be releasing what I believe to be the most stable version of eclipse around July.
>! I know it seems like a long way from now but it'll be worth it. In the meantime. Stick around to see what's being done.

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Thank you much kindly for that sir. I was quite upset. Anyway, I posted an Alpha release of the source. AFAIK it is fully functional. I'm only one person so I can't test EVERYTHING as fully as I'd like, but that's okay because this community should have no problem telling me what I did wrong lol

Check it out everyone. You love it, don't lie.
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> Very well written out.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

> sooo much is unexplained XD…. the engine needs a guide ;P

Are you referring to this engine in particular or all of them? Maybe I'll make a universal guide for eo based engines. Tell me what you need to know that isn't already self explanatory. I will admit, it took me like 5 minutes to figure out how to pick up items in EM lol, And I had to ask someone because I never thought it would be the space key.

What do you ladies and gentlemen think of the 'E' editor run-through feature? I created it spontaneously with the idea that it would make editing much simpler and easier for those who are constantly using the editors. It has for me, but I'd appreciate some feedback on the usefulness and effectiveness of it for others please and thank you ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
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@escfoe2: for yours in general we had it in the servers for years but some one didnt deem it useful…. >.>with it you could see what the engines features worked , controls to the engine(hotkeys aswell). how to use the editors and explain the small stuff, this did help solve questions that people that didnt know much understand. if i didnt play around i wouldnt know there was hot keys to bring up stuff. your "recipe" system. i couldnt find it or it must be mixed in with something else. some things should be explained on how it works after all you might know but some others wont.

its a small add to put in a folder and have you click topic in server and read on a text box, and for some people this will clear up confusion for the stuff that isnt plain to figure out.

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> . your "recipe" system. i couldnt find it or it must be mixed in with something else

Oh lmao, sorry. I plan on adding a recipe system. I forgot to take that out in the news. I didn't actually build one yet, I just had that there for when I did. Again I apologize to everyone that was confused by this. And as for your Built-In-Tutorial. I'll create a simple text file that simply explains how to make yourself an admin, how to open the editors, and what the properties of the editors are and what they do.
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