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ER 1.8.0 Release!

Mohenjo Daro

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It's been in the works for months now (many months) but it is finally done! ER 1.8.0 is finally out and bringing new systems to it and a few new systems to Eclipse!

Download: [http://www.mediafire.com/file/ittqm5sv1na8bvi/Eclipse+Renewal+1.8.0.rar](http://www.mediafire.com/file/ittqm5sv1na8bvi/Eclipse+Renewal+1.8.0.rar)

There are 3 big new systems with this update:

- **Weather Patterns**: there is a new editor for these and a new map property as well. All maps with the same weather pattern will have the same weather, so there is no more going from the farm to the village in the next map to see a different weather. Weather can also change so a map's weather won't get boring, it keeps changing!

- **The Dev Panel**: there is a new development panel (thank you Officer Johnson) that makes going between editors a lot faster and easier. You no longer need 3 editors open at once, you can quickly change the tab you're on to go back and forth. Bugs still happen with it so save often! I did fix a lot of bugs while creating the tutorial to help you learn the new systems, so it will be more stable than it was.

- **NPC Level System**: a new NPC system has been added. NPCs are now level 0 in the editor (so make them accordingly) and you will choose the level when placing them on the map. Once you have chosen the level and saved the map, the NPC's stats will be automatically calculated and balanced for you (this system took a lot of work but is **still new and needs feedback about if the NPCs are balanced or not!**). This system was made to get rid of duplicate NPCs in the NPC editor. It is very tiresome making the same NPC multiple times and balancing each one. **Also note: changing NPC formulas will not require you to remake all of your NPCs, you just have to save each map again (the formulas are in the server code)**.

For a complete change log, head over here: [https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-Eclipse-Renewal-1-8-Update-Log](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-Eclipse-Renewal-1-8-Update-Log)

This update is still lacking features that were meant to be added, so expect more updates in the future, but we wanted to get the engine out so that people could start making their games. **Future updates won't break your games and will provide converters for any system that is changed**.

DOWNLOAD: [http://www.mediafire.com/file/ittqm5sv1na8bvi/Eclipse+Renewal+1.8.0.rar](http://www.mediafire.com/file/ittqm5sv1na8bvi/Eclipse+Renewal+1.8.0.rar)
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