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Portfolio Projects?


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This is geared more towards bud since he is in the field it seems like, but I'll take recommendations from anyone. It's gotten to the point of my college years where I need to start building up my portfolio. I don't just want my school projects in it. I think it would look cheesy.

So what would you suggest the types of projects to be? I'm working on a personal Inventory/POS system that I'm going to attempt to get my current boss at my liquor store to use when he finally decides to upgrade to better tech. So that is one thing that will go in.

I would like to stay away from games. Games is not my area of programming, it is more Windows Applications.

Also do you have any suggestions on how to have the portfolio set up? CD/DVD, Website or anything else? Also all projects in the portfolio will be opensource and be located at code plex.
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I'm not in the field. You should look into ASP.NET data management solutions; market for them is huge and there's tons of freelance work out there for web development in general. Getting involved with an open source project as a contributor wouldn't be a bad thing either. If you've done any freelance work use that. If you're applying for jobs filling up a portfolio is good, but make sure its relevant to the job you're applying for.P.S. I think a POS system wold be a great business oriented project to showcase; those things are pretty complex and if you do it right you can extend it later for various types of businesses usng fifo or filo, product ordering and tacking, all of that good stuff.
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Try to aim the projects at the field you are trying to get into. Make as many programs as you can while using the industry standard for compilers abd tools like SVN etc. Also try to use more then 1 library spread out a bit and get out of your comfort zone. Websites are definitely the best portfolio now a days. Buy a website that has your name on it and distribute that. No one is going to take the time to put your cd in the drive and check out your demos when they have 100 applicants. Not to mention a website can be accessed from anywhere.
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Well bud for not being in the field you are very knowledgeable about .NET. All self taught?

Anywho thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm really focused on this POS system for my liquor store. Though I'm trying to keep it to the point of being able to be for any type of retail. Making it the best i can to be used for different things. I'm working on making multiple keypad/touchscreen layouts by making custom user controls…

Taking a break from the custom controls/layout.. Working on a retail MathLib. It will handle tax calculations, and anything else math related when I finishe figuring out what other math calculations I will need.

Yes I'm sure there already have things like this made out there, but i want to make them myself and learn even more when i get stuck on a part.

Here is what I have for the Tax portion of the MathLib.



* Notes: Tax Formula

* Actual Tax - Tax Percent * SubTotal

* Grand Total - Actual Tax + subTotal


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace Crzy_Math


public class Tax


#region Tax Fields

private double subTotal;

private double grandTotal;

private double taxAmount;

private double[] amounts;


#region Tax Properties

public double SubTotal


get { return subTotal; }

set { subTotal = value; }


public double GrandTotal


get { return grandTotal; }

set { grandTotal = value; }


public double TaxAmount


get { return taxAmount; }

set { taxAmount = value; }



#region Tax Methods

public void AddAmount(double amountToAdd)


//TODO: Add amountToAdd to array amounts


public double CalculateSubTotal()


//TODO: Add all amounts from amounts array to subTotal

return 0.0;


public double CalcualateTax()


//TODO: Calculate taxAmount from subTotal

return 0.0;


public double CalulateGrandTotal()


//TODO: Add taxAmount and subTotal together to get grandTotal;

return 0.0;





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  • 3 weeks later...
Honestly, I don't think you need to write any type of specific application. Just write one that shows off your skills and how you can be of service to any company looking for a software engineer.

I've been applying to jobs outside of gaming for a week using all of my game projects as my portfolio, almost all of them have moved onto an interview with me.

So again, focus on your SKILLS, not what they do.
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