gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 yo guys i need help, if i press turn scripts off, then they will work, but then my game crashes, please help me.```':: Access ::'ADMIN_MONITER = 1'ADMIN_MAPPER = 2'ADMIN_DEVELOPER = 3'ADMIN_CREATOR = 4':: Text Color Code ::'Black = 0'Blue = 1'Green = 2'Cyan = 3'Red = 4'Magenta = 5'Brown = 6'Grey = 7'DarkGrey = 8'BrightBlue = 9'BrightGreen = 10'BrightCyan = 11'BrightRed = 12'Pink = 13'Yellow = 14'White = 15Sub JoinGame(index)Dim GameNameDim MOTDIf GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") = "" ThenCall PutVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName", GetPlayerName(Index))End IfCall SetPlayerName(Index, GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") & " [" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) & "]")GameName = Trim(GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName"))MOTD = GetVar("motd.ini", "MOTD", "Msg")' Send a global message that he/she joinedIf GetPlayerAccess(index) <= ADMIN_MONITER ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", 7)ElseCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", 15)End If' Send them welcomeCall PlayerMsg(index, "Welcome to " & GameName & "!", 15)' Send motdIf Trim(MOTD) <> "" ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "MOTD: " & MOTD, 11)End IfEnd SubIf GetPlayerLevel(index) = 1 ThenIf GetPlayerExp(index) = 0 ThenNUM = 1'change the 30 to number of flags you want per playerDo While NUM <= 30 Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&NUM, 0)NUM = NUM+1Loop Call SetPlayerExp(index, 1)End If Exit SubCall playermsg(index, msg, 15) End SubSub SetFlag(index, flagnum, height)Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, 0) Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, GetVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum)+height) 'Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, height) End Sub Sub GiveItem(index, item, value)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, item)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT)+value)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)SLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1LoopEnd Sub Sub TakeItem(index, item)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = item Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)SLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1LoopEnd Sub Sub TakeCurrency(index, item, value)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = item ThenAMOUNT = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT)TAKE = Int(AMOUNT-value)If TAKE <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)End If If TAKE > 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, item)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, TAKE)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)End IfSLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1Loop End Sub Function FindItemSlot(index, item)slot = 1Do While slot <= 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Slot) = item ThenFindItemSlot = slot slot = 24ElseFindItemSlot = 0End Ifslot = slot + 1Loop End Function'****************************SERVER DATE STUFF*****************************Dim DayDim MonthDim Year 'Call adminmsg(Hours & ":" & Minutes & ":" & Seconds, 15) If Hours = 24 Then 'Seasons/Date Tracking If Trim(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = "" Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 1) Call OnDayUp() ElseIf Int(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = 0 Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 1) Call OnDayUp() End If ElseIf Hours = 1 Then 'Seasons/Date Tracking If Int(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = 1 Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 0) End If End If ' If Hours = SunSetHour() Then 'SunRise/SunSet ' If Minutes = SunSetMinute() Then' Call MakeNight()' End If' ElseIf Hours = SunRiseHour() Then 'SunRise/SunSet' If Minutes = SunRiseMinute() Then ' Call MakeDay()' End If' End If Day= GetDay() 'The Current Day Month= GetMonth() 'The Current Month Year= GetYear() 'The Current Year '*****************************END SERVER DATE STUFF****************************Sub LeftGame(index)Dim GameNameDim nemptyslot = 0 'signifys that emptyslot was not founditem1slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not founditem2slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not foundi = 1Do While i <=24x = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i)If x = 0 ThenIf emptyslot = 0 Thenemptyslot = iEnd IfEnd IfIf x = item1 ThenIf item1slot = 0 Thenitem1slot = iEnd IfEnd IfIf x = item2 ThenIf item2slot = 0 Thenitem2slot = iEnd IfEnd Ifi=i+1Loop' this section checks to make sure the player has the required items and space.If emptyslot <> 0 ThenIf item1slot <> 0 ThenIf item2slot <> 0 ThenIf GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot) >= value1 And GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot) >= value2 ThenDICE1=(Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))If DICE1 <= chance Theni = 1Do While i <= 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = reward ThenSTACKREWARD = 0If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) >= 1 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Value is " &GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i), 14)rewardslot = iSTACKREWARD = 1i = 25 End IfEnd Ifi=i+1LoopIf value1 = 0 Thenvalue1 = 1End IfIf value2 = 0 Thenvalue2 = 1End Ifvalue1 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot)-value1value2 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot)-value2Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully created a new item.", 14)If value1 <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item1slot, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, 0)ElseCall SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, value1)End IfIf value2 <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item2slot, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, 0)ElseCall SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, value2)End If If stackable = "True" ThenIf STACKREWARD = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)Else Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot)+1) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, rewardslot)End IfElseCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability) Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)End If ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You failed to create a new item.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12) End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Your inventory is full!", 12)End If GameName = Trim(GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName"))' Check for boot mapIf GetBootMap(index) > 0 ThenCall SetPlayerX(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootX)Call SetPlayerY(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootY)Call SetPlayerMap(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootMap)End If' Send a global message that he/she leftIf GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", 7)ElseCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", 15)End IfEnd SubSub PlayerLevelUp(index)Dim I Dim DDim CCall SetPlayerName(Index, GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") & " [" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) & "]")C = 0Do While GetPlayerExp(index) => GetPlayerNextLevel(index) D = GetPlayerExp(index) - GetPlayerNextLevel(index)Call SetPlayerLevel(index, GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1)I = Int(GetPlayerSPEED(index) / 10)If I < 1 Then I = 1If I > 3 Then I = 3Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) + I)Call SetPlayerExp(index, D) C = C + 1LoopIf C > 1 Then 'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained " & C & " levels!", 6)Else'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained a level!", 6) End If Call BattleMsg(index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(index) & " stat points.", 9, 0) End SubSub UsingStatPoints(index, PointType)Select Case PointTypeCase 0'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your strength!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerSTR(index, GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more strength!", 15, 0)Case 1'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your defence!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerDEF(index, GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more defense!", 15, 0)Case 2'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your magic!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerMAGI(index, GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more magic abilities!", 15, 0)Case 3'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your speed!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerSPEED(index, GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more speed!", 15, 0)End SelectCall SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) - 1)End SubSub ScriptedTile(index, Script)Select Case ScriptCase 0If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerAccess(index, 4)Call SendPlayerData(index) End IfCase 1Call Prompt(index, "Should it be Yes or No?", 1)End SelectEnd SubCase 0If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "quest message", 10) Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1) End If If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "not done message", 10) End If If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "reward message", 10) If FindItemSlot(index, 0) = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "inventory full message", 12) Else Call GiveItem(index, 1, 1) Call PlayerMsg(index, "recieve messege", 14) Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1) End If End If Case 1If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "quest trigger message", 10) Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1) End IfSub PlayerPrompt(index, Prompt, Value)If Prompt = 6 ThenSelect Case ValueCase 0Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a Yes answer!", 3)Case 1Call GlobalMsg("This is case 1?", 3)End SelectElseSelect Case ValueCase 0Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a No answer!", 4)Case 1Call GlobalMsg("This is no case 1?", 4)End SelectEnd IfEnd SubSub QueryBox(index, Prompt)Value = GetVar("responses.ini","Responses",Cstr(index))End SubSub OnAttack(index)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT1(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 1!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT2(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 2!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT3(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 3!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT4(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 4!",14)End SubSub ScriptedItem(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "Itemz Work", 15) End Select End Sub Sub ScriptedSpell(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "Spellz Work", 15) End Select End Sub Sub ScriptedNPC(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "NPCz Work", 15) End Select End SubSub Commands(index)On Error Resume Next Dim PortalDim mapnumDim xDim yDim iDim TextSayDim nDim mDim C m = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS")TextSay = GetVar("Scripts\Command.ini", "TEMP", "Text" & index) Portal = GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index)i = 1C = 0If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 5)) = "/wish" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 6 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 6, Len(TextSay) - 5) Do While C = 0If GetVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i) <> "" Theni = i + 1ElseCall PutVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i, Trim(TextSay))Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thank You For Wishing!", 6)C = 1End If LoopEnd IfExit SubEnd If loop call playermsg(index, "you don't have this person in your friendlist", 1) End If Exit Sub End IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warpmeto" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 10 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9)' Prevent hackingIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd If' The playern = FindPlayer(TextSay)If n <> index ThenIf n > 0 ThenCall PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(n), GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n))Call PlayerMsg(n, GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to you.", 6)Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ".", 6)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ", map #" & GetPlayerMap(n) & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp to yourself!", 15)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warptome" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 10 ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd Ifn = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9)n = FindPlayer(n)If n <> index ThenIf n > 0 ThenCall PlayerWarp(n, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index))Call PlayerMsg(n, "You have been summoned by " & GetPlayerName(index) & ".", 9)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(n) & " has been summoned.", 9)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped " & GetPlayerName(n) & " to self, map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp yourself to yourself!", 15)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 7)) = "/warpto" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 8 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 8, Len(TextSay) - 7)n = TextSayIf n > 0 And n <= m ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd IfCall SpellAnim(2, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index)-1) Call PlayerWarp(index, n, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index))Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index)-1)Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to map #" & n, 9)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " warped to map #" & n & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Invalid map number.", 4)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd If If LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/help" ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Social Commands:", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "'msghere = Broadcast Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "-msghere = Emote Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "!namehere msghere = Player Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "Available Commands: /help, /info, /who, /fps, /inv, /stats, /train, /party, /join, /leave, /refresh", 15)Exit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/calladmins" ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " needs an admin!", 10)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You are an admin!", 10)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/admin" ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Social Commands:", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, """msghere = Global Admin Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "=msghere = Private Admin Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "Available Commands: /admin, /loc, /mapeditor, /warpmeto, /warptome, /warpto, /setsprite, /mapreport, /kick, /ban, /edititem, /respawn, /editnpc, /motd, /editshop, /ban, /editspell", 15)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 4)) = "/bio" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 5 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 5, Len(TextSay) - 4) Call PUtvar("bio.ini", "Bio", Getplayername(index), Trim(Textsay))Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have changed your bio!", 6)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 8)) = "/readbio" ThenDim bioIf Len(TextSay) > 9 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 9, Len(TextSay) - 8) bio = Getvar("bio.ini", "Bio", Trim(Textsay))Call PlayerMsg(index, Trim(Textsay)&": " & bio, 6)End IfExit SubEnd If Select Case LCase(Trim(TextSay))Case "/change" 'Script by Neo Daniel'CAN BE USED FOR ADMINS WITH THIS SCRIPT-> If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 ThenIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(Index,"Mensaje Cambiado!", 11)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 1)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index))Call SetPlayerName(index, GetPlayerName(index) & GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Msg"))Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 1 ThenCall SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName"))Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mensaje vuelto a la normalidad!", 11)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 0)Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubEnd If Case "/away"'If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 ThenIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 0 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " is now away.", 14)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 1)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index))Call SetPlayerName(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " - Away")Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 1 ThenCall SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName"))Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has returned from being away.", 14)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 0)Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubEnd If'End IfCase "/setportal"If Portal > 0 ThenIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You have created a portal opening at this spot! You may now return to this spot at any time by typing /portal", 1)Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map", GetPlayerMap(index))Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x", GetPlayerX(index))Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y", GetPlayerY(index))ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4)End IfExit SubEnd IfCase "/portal"If Portal > 0 Thenmapnum = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map")y = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y")x = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x")If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 ThenCall PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4)End IfExit SubEnd If Case "/bell"Call SetTile(1,3,11,1,1,1,8)Call GlobalMsg("*dingy* *diny* *ding*", 7)Call SendMap(1)Exit SubCase "/killall"Call SpellAnim(1,1,1,6)Exit SubCase "/blah"Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileX(1,0,16,8), 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileY(1,0,16,8), 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileSet(1,0,16,8), 15)Case "/block"Call SetAttribute(1,GetPlayerX(index),GetPlayerY(index),1,0,0,0,"","","")Case "/bleh"Call PlayerQueryBox(index, "Hello?", 3)Case "/bloop"Call SetPlayerWeaponSlot(index,1)Call SendWornEquipment(index)Call SendIndexWornEquipment(index)Exit SubCase "/blip"Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 15)Exit SubCase "/save"Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "EXP" , GetPlayerExp(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Class" , GetPlayerClass(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Sprite" , GetPlayerSprite(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "ArmorSlot" , GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "WeaponSlot" , GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "HelmetSlot" , GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "ShieldSlot" , GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Level" , GetPlayerLevel(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "HP" , GetPlayerHP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "MP" , GetPlayerMP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "SP" , GetPlayerSP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "STR" , GetPlayerSTR(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "DEF" , GetPlayerDEF(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "SPEED" , GetPlayerSPEED(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "MAGI" , GetPlayerMAGI(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "POINTS" , GetPlayerPOINTS(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Map" , GetPlayerMap(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "X" , GetPlayerX(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Y" , GetPlayerY(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 1, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 2, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 3, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 4, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 5, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 6, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 7, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 8, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 9, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 10, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 11, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 12, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 13, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 14, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 15, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 16, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 17, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 18, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 19, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 20, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 20))Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Character Stats & Inventory Saved", 14)Exit SubEnd Select Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thats not a valid command!", 12)End SubSub DropItems(index)If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerArmorSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerShieldSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(index), 0)End IfEnd SubSub OnDeath(index)Call PlayerWarp(index ,4,5,9)End SubSub SetBlock(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,1,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetWarp(map, X, Y, warpmap, warpx, warpy)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,2,warpmap,warpx,warpy,"","","")End SubSub SetHeal(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,7,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKill(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,8,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetItem(map, X, Y, item, value)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,3,item,value,0,"","","")End SubSub SetNPCAvoid(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,4,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKey(map, X, Y, key, take)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,5,key,take,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKeyOpen(map, X, Y, keyx, keyy, message)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,6,keyx,keyy,0,message,"","")End SubSub SetShop(map, X, Y,shop)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,9,shop,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetClassBlock(map, X, Y,allow1,allow2,allow3)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,10,allow,allow2,allow3,"","","")End SubSub SetArena(map, X, Y,amap,ax,ay)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,11,amap,ax,ay,"","","")End SubSub SetSound(map, X, Y,filename)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,12,0,0,0,filename,"","")End SubSub SetSpriteChange(map, X, Y,sprite,item,cost)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,13,sprite,item,cost,"","","")End SubSub SetSign(map, X, Y,line1,line2,line3)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,14,0,0,0,line1,line2,line3)End SubSub SetDoor(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,15,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetNotice(map, X, Y, title, text, filename)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,16,0,0,0,title,text,filename)End SubSub SetChest(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,17,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetScripted(map, X, Y, script)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,18,script,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetBank(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,23,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetHouse(map, X, Y,item,cost)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,21,item,cost,0,"","","")End SubSub Fishing(Index, fishitem, fishlevel, fishname, weapname, weapitem) Dim c Dim weapon Dim n n = 1 weapon = Int(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index)) weapon2= Int(GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon)) If GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= fishlevel Then 'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Testing", 2) c = Int(Rnd * Int(Int(fishlevel + 1) - GetPlayerLevel(Index))) If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem Then If c < 2 Then Do If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, fishitem) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_raven Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, n) Exit Do End If n = n + 1 Loop Until n > 24 Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " caught a " & fishname & "!", 15) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found nothing!", 15) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15) End If Else If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem Then Do If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, fishitem) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_raven Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, n) Exit Do End If n = n + 1 Loop Until n > 24 Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " caught a " & fishname & "!", 15) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15) End If End If End Sub Sub Mining(index, oreitem, orelevel, orename, weapname, weapitem) Dim c Dim weapon Dim n n = 1 weapon = Int(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index)) weapon2= Int(GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon)) If GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= orelevel Then 'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Testing", 2) c = Int(Rnd * Int(Int(orelevel + 1) - GetPlayerLevel(Index))) If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem Then If c < 2 Then Do If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, oreitem) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_raven Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, n) Exit Do End If n = n + 1 Loop Until n > 24 Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found some " & orename & "!", 15) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found nothing!", 15) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15) End If Else If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem Then Do If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 Then Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, oreitem) Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_raven Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, n) Exit Do End If n = n + 1 Loop Until n > 24 Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found some " & orename & "!", 15) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15) End If End If End Sub'emptyslot = 0 'signifys that emptyslot was not found'item1slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found'item2slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found'i = 1'Do While i <=24'x = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i)'If x = 0 Then'If emptyslot = 0 Then'emptyslot = i'End If'End If'If x = item1 Then'If item1slot = 0 Then'item1slot = i'End If'End If'If x = item2 Then'If item2slot = 0 Then'item2slot = i'End If'End If'i=i+1'Loop''If emptyslot <> 0 Then'If item1slot <> 0 Then'If item2slot <> 0 Then'If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot) >= value1 And GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot) >= value2 Then'DICE1=(Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))'If DICE1 <= chance Then'i = 1'Do While i <= 24'If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = reward Then'STACKREWARD = 0'If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) >= 1 Then'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Value is " &GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i), 14)'rewardslot = i'STACKREWARD = 1'i = 25 'End If'End If'i=i+1'Loop'If value1 = 0 Then'value1 = 1'End If'If value2 = 0 Then'value2 = 1'End If'value1 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot)-value1'value2 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot)-value2'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully created a new item.", 14)'If value1 <= 0 Then'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item1slot, 0)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, 0)'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, value1)'End If'If value2 <= 0 Then'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item2slot, 0)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, 0)'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, value2)'End If 'If stackable = "True" Then'If STACKREWARD = 0 Then 'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward) 'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)'Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability) 'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)'Else 'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot)+1) 'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, rewardslot)'End If'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward) 'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)'Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability) 'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)'End If 'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You failed to create a new item.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12) 'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your inventory is full!", 12)'End If 'End SubSub BlockPlayer(index)playerdir = GetPlayerDir(index)Select Case playerdirCase 0Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)+1) Case 1Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)-1) Case 2Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index)) Case 3Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)-1, GetPlayerY(index)) End SelectEnd Sub Call BlockPlayer(index)If getplayerlevel(indes) < 10 ThenCall blockPlayer(index)End if'*****************************'* Server Dates/Seasons v1.0 *'* By Munro & *'* The_Best_Flash *'*****************************'Edit these functions so that they will run your desired scripts'************************TIMER SETION*******************************'The only section that needs changed in here is the 'WeekDayTimers' section.Sub TimerIncrease(kind) 'Case 1 = Day Timers | Case 2= WeekDay Timers | Case 3= Week Timers | Case 4= Month Timers | Case 5= Year Timers Dim i Dim cur Select Case Int(kind) Case 1 'Day Timers IncreasePlayerTimers() For i=1 To Int(GetVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAY", "Tot")) cur= Int(GetVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAYCOUNT", Int(i) & "C")) cur= cur + 1 If Int(cur) = Int(GetVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAYCOUNT", Int(i) & "R")) Then Call OnTimerRun(1, Trim(GetVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAY", Int(i)))) Call PutVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAYCOUNT", Int(i) & "C", 0) Else Call PutVar("PlayerTimers\Timers.ini", "DAYCOUNT", Int(i) & "C", Int(Cur)) End If Next Exit Sub Case 2 'WeekDayTimers **This will need to go from 1 to the total number of week days** Select Case Int(GetWeekDay()) Case 1 'What happens every Monday (or whatever you called the first week day) Case 2 &nbs``` Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenton Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 So it doesn't work if you turn your scripts on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 i forgot THE or i forgot what ? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 i post my whole main please w8':: Access ::'ADMIN_MONITER = 1'ADMIN_MAPPER = 2'ADMIN_DEVELOPER = 3'ADMIN_CREATOR = 4':: Text Color Code ::'Black = 0'Blue = 1'Green = 2'Cyan = 3'Red = 4'Magenta = 5'Brown = 6'Grey = 7'DarkGrey = 8'BrightBlue = 9'BrightGreen = 10'BrightCyan = 11'BrightRed = 12'Pink = 13'Yellow = 14'White = 15Sub JoinGame(index)Dim GameNameDim MOTDIf GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") = "" ThenCall PutVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName", GetPlayerName(Index))End IfCall SetPlayerName(Index, GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") & " [" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) & "]")GameName = Trim(GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName"))MOTD = GetVar("motd.ini", "MOTD", "Msg")' Send a global message that he/she joinedIf GetPlayerAccess(index) <= ADMIN_MONITER ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", 7)ElseCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", 15)End If' Send them welcomeCall PlayerMsg(index, "Welcome to " & GameName & "!", 15)' Send motdIf Trim(MOTD) <> "" ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "MOTD: " & MOTD, 11)End IfEnd SubIf GetPlayerLevel(index) = 1 ThenIf GetPlayerExp(index) = 0 ThenNUM = 1'change the 30 to number of flags you want per playerDo While NUM <= 30Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&NUM, 0)NUM = NUM+1LoopCall SetPlayerExp(index, 1)End If Exit SubCall playermsg(index, msg, 15)End SubSub SetFlag(index, flagnum, height)Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, 0)Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, GetVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum)+height)'Call PutVar("FLAGS.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "Flag"&flagnum, height)End SubSub GiveItem(index, item, value)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, item)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT)+value)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)SLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1LoopEnd SubSub TakeItem(index, item)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = item ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)SLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1LoopEnd SubSub TakeCurrency(index, item, value)SLOT = 1Do While SLOT < 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT) = item ThenAMOUNT = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT)TAKE = Int(AMOUNT-value)If TAKE <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)End IfIf TAKE > 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, SLOT, item)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, SLOT, TAKE)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, SLOT)End IfSLOT = 24End IfSLOT = SLOT+1LoopEnd SubFunction FindItemSlot(index, item)slot = 1Do While slot <= 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Slot) = item ThenFindItemSlot = slotslot = 24ElseFindItemSlot = 0End Ifslot = slot + 1LoopEnd Function'****************************SERVER DATE STUFF*****************************Dim DayDim MonthDim Year 'Call adminmsg(Hours & ":" & Minutes & ":" & Seconds, 15) If Hours = 24 Then 'Seasons/Date Tracking If Trim(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = "" Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 1) Call OnDayUp() ElseIf Int(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = 0 Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 1) Call OnDayUp() End If ElseIf Hours = 1 Then 'Seasons/Date Tracking If Int(GetVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay")) = 1 Then Call PutVar("ServerDate.ini", "TIME", "HasBeenDay", 0) End If End If ' If Hours = SunSetHour() Then 'SunRise/SunSet' If Minutes = SunSetMinute() Then' Call MakeNight()' End If' ElseIf Hours = SunRiseHour() Then 'SunRise/SunSet' If Minutes = SunRiseMinute() Then ' Call MakeDay()' End If' End If Day= GetDay() 'The Current Day Month= GetMonth() 'The Current Month Year= GetYear() 'The Current Year '*****************************END SERVER DATE STUFF****************************Sub LeftGame(index)Dim GameNameDim nemptyslot = 0 'signifys that emptyslot was not founditem1slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not founditem2slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not foundi = 1Do While i <=24x = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i)If x = 0 ThenIf emptyslot = 0 Thenemptyslot = iEnd IfEnd IfIf x = item1 ThenIf item1slot = 0 Thenitem1slot = iEnd IfEnd IfIf x = item2 ThenIf item2slot = 0 Thenitem2slot = iEnd IfEnd Ifi=i+1Loop' this section checks to make sure the player has the required items and space.If emptyslot <> 0 ThenIf item1slot <> 0 ThenIf item2slot <> 0 ThenIf GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot) >= value1 And GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot) >= value2 ThenDICE1=(Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))If DICE1 <= chance Theni = 1Do While i <= 24If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = reward ThenSTACKREWARD = 0If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) >= 1 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Value is " &GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i), 14)rewardslot = iSTACKREWARD = 1i = 25End IfEnd Ifi=i+1LoopIf value1 = 0 Thenvalue1 = 1End IfIf value2 = 0 Thenvalue2 = 1End Ifvalue1 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot)-value1value2 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot)-value2Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully created a new item.", 14)If value1 <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item1slot, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, 0)ElseCall SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, value1)End IfIf value2 <= 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item2slot, 0)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, 0)ElseCall SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, value2)End IfIf stackable = "True" ThenIf STACKREWARD = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)ElseCall SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot)+1)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, rewardslot)End IfElseCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You failed to create a new item.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Your inventory is full!", 12)End IfGameName = Trim(GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName"))' Check for boot mapIf GetBootMap(index) > 0 ThenCall SetPlayerX(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootX)Call SetPlayerY(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootY)Call SetPlayerMap(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).BootMap)End If' Send a global message that he/she leftIf GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", 7)ElseCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", 15)End IfEnd SubSub PlayerLevelUp(index)Dim IDim DDim CCall SetPlayerName(Index, GetVar("accounts" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "RealName") & " [" & GetPlayerLevel(Index) & "]")C = 0Do While GetPlayerExp(index) => GetPlayerNextLevel(index)D = GetPlayerExp(index) - GetPlayerNextLevel(index)Call SetPlayerLevel(index, GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1)I = Int(GetPlayerSPEED(index) / 10)If I < 1 Then I = 1If I > 3 Then I = 3Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) + I)Call SetPlayerExp(index, D)C = C + 1LoopIf C > 1 Then'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained " & C & " levels!", 6)Else'Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has gained a level!", 6)End IfCall BattleMsg(index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(index) & " stat points.", 9, 0)End SubSub UsingStatPoints(index, PointType)Select Case PointTypeCase 0'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your strength!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerSTR(index, GetPlayerSTR(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more strength!", 15, 0)Case 1'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your defence!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerDEF(index, GetPlayerDEF(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more defense!", 15, 0)Case 2'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your magic!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerMAGI(index, GetPlayerMAGI(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more magic abilities!", 15, 0)Case 3'Gives you a set maxIf GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1 > 1000 ThenCall BattleMsg(index, "You have maxed your speed!", 12, 0)Exit SubEnd IfCall SetPlayerSPEED(index, GetPlayerSPEED(index) + 1)Call BattleMsg(index, "You have gained more speed!", 15, 0)End SelectCall SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index) - 1)End SubSub ScriptedTile(index, Script)Select Case ScriptCase 0If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerAccess(index, 4)Call SendPlayerData(index)End IfCase 1Call Prompt(index, "Should it be Yes or No?", 1)End SelectEnd SubCase 0If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "quest message", 10)Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1)End IfIf GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 1 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "not done message", 10)End IfIf GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "reward message", 10)If FindItemSlot(index, 0) = 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "inventory full message", 12)ElseCall GiveItem(index, 1, 1)Call PlayerMsg(index, "recieve messege", 14)Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1)End IfEnd IfCase 1If GetFlagHeight(index, 1) = 1 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "quest trigger message", 10)Call RaiseFlag(index, 1, 1)End IfSub PlayerPrompt(index, Prompt, Value)If Prompt = 6 ThenSelect Case ValueCase 0Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a Yes answer!", 3)Case 1Call GlobalMsg("This is case 1?", 3)End SelectElseSelect Case ValueCase 0Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a No answer!", 4)Case 1Call GlobalMsg("This is no case 1?", 4)End SelectEnd IfEnd SubSub QueryBox(index, Prompt)Value = GetVar("responses.ini","Responses",Cstr(index))End SubSub OnAttack(index)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT1(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 1!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT2(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 2!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT3(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 3!",14)End SubSub HOTSCRIPT4(index)Call Playermsg(index,"script 4!",14)End SubSub ScriptedItem(index, Script)Select Case ScriptCase 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "Itemz Work", 15)End SelectEnd SubSub ScriptedSpell(index, Script)Select Case ScriptCase 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "Spellz Work", 15)End SelectEnd SubSub ScriptedNPC(index, Script)Select Case ScriptCase 0Call PlayerMsg(index, "NPCz Work", 15)End SelectEnd SubSub Commands(index)On Error Resume NextDim PortalDim mapnumDim xDim yDim iDim TextSayDim nDim mDim Cm = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS")TextSay = GetVar("Scripts\Command.ini", "TEMP", "Text" & index)Portal = GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index)i = 1C = 0If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 5)) = "/wish" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 6 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 6, Len(TextSay) - 5)Do While C = 0If GetVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i) <> "" Theni = i + 1ElseCall PutVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i, Trim(TextSay))Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thank You For Wishing!", 6)C = 1End IfLoopEnd IfExit SubEnd Ifloopcall playermsg(index, "you don't have this person in your friendlist", 1) End If Exit Sub End IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warpmeto" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 10 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9)' Prevent hackingIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd If' The playern = FindPlayer(TextSay)If n <> index ThenIf n > 0 ThenCall PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(n), GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n))Call PlayerMsg(n, GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to you.", 6)Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ".", 6)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ", map #" & GetPlayerMap(n) & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp to yourself!", 15)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warptome" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 10 ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd Ifn = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9)n = FindPlayer(n)If n <> index ThenIf n > 0 ThenCall PlayerWarp(n, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index))Call PlayerMsg(n, "You have been summoned by " & GetPlayerName(index) & ".", 9)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(n) & " has been summoned.", 9)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped " & GetPlayerName(n) & " to self, map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp yourself to yourself!", 15)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 7)) = "/warpto" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 8 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 8, Len(TextSay) - 7)n = TextSayIf n > 0 And n <= m ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 4)Exit SubEnd IfCall SpellAnim(2, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index)-1)Call PlayerWarp(index, n, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index))Call SpellAnim(1, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index)-1)Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to map #" & n, 9)Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " warped to map #" & n & ".", ADMIN_LOG)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "Invalid map number.", 4)End IfEnd IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/help" ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Social Commands:", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "'msghere = Broadcast Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "-msghere = Emote Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "!namehere msghere = Player Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "Available Commands: /help, /info, /who, /fps, /inv, /stats, /train, /party, /join, /leave, /refresh", 15)Exit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/calladmins" ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " needs an admin!", 10)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You are an admin!", 10)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Trim(TextSay)) = "/admin" ThenIf GetPlayerAccess(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "Social Commands:", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, """msghere = Global Admin Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "=msghere = Private Admin Message", 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, "Available Commands: /admin, /loc, /mapeditor, /warpmeto, /warptome, /warpto, /setsprite, /mapreport, /kick, /ban, /edititem, /respawn, /editnpc, /motd, /editshop, /ban, /editspell", 15)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 4)) = "/bio" ThenIf Len(TextSay) > 5 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 5, Len(TextSay) - 4)Call PUtvar("bio.ini", "Bio", Getplayername(index), Trim(Textsay))Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have changed your bio!", 6)End IfExit SubEnd IfIf LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 8)) = "/readbio" ThenDim bioIf Len(TextSay) > 9 ThenTextSay = Mid(TextSay, 9, Len(TextSay) - 8)bio = Getvar("bio.ini", "Bio", Trim(Textsay))Call PlayerMsg(index, Trim(Textsay)&": " & bio, 6)End IfExit SubEnd IfSelect Case LCase(Trim(TextSay))Case "/change" 'Script by Neo Daniel'CAN BE USED FOR ADMINS WITH THIS SCRIPT-> If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 ThenIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 0 ThenCall PlayerMsg(Index,"Mensaje Cambiado!", 11)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 1)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index))Call SetPlayerName(index, GetPlayerName(index) & GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Msg"))Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 1 ThenCall SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName"))Call PlayerMsg(Index,"Mensaje vuelto a la normalidad!", 11)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 0)Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubEnd IfCase "/away"'If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 ThenIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 0 ThenCall GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " is now away.", 14)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 1)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName", GetPlayerName(index))Call SetPlayerName(index, GetPlayerName(index) & " - Away")Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubElseIf GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status") = 1 ThenCall SetPlayerName(index, GetVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "TempPlayerName"))Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has returned from being away.", 14)Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(index), "Status", 0)Call SendPlayerData(index)Exit SubEnd If'End IfCase "/setportal"If Portal > 0 ThenIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 ThenCall PlayerMsg(index, "You have created a portal opening at this spot! You may now return to this spot at any time by typing /portal", 1)Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map", GetPlayerMap(index))Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x", GetPlayerX(index))Call PutVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y", GetPlayerY(index))ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4)End IfExit SubEnd IfCase "/portal"If Portal > 0 Thenmapnum = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "map")y = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "y")x = GetVar("Stats.ini", GetPlayerName(index), "x")If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, Portal) = 18 ThenCall PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y)ElseCall PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 4)End IfExit SubEnd IfCase "/bell"Call SetTile(1,3,11,1,1,1,8)Call GlobalMsg("*dingy* *diny* *ding*", 7)Call SendMap(1)Exit SubCase "/killall"Call SpellAnim(1,1,1,6)Exit SubCase "/blah"Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileX(1,0,16,8), 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileY(1,0,16,8), 15)Call PlayerMsg(index, GetTileSet(1,0,16,8), 15)Case "/block"Call SetAttribute(1,GetPlayerX(index),GetPlayerY(index),1,0,0,0,"","","")Case "/bleh"Call PlayerQueryBox(index, "Hello?", 3)Case "/bloop"Call SetPlayerWeaponSlot(index,1)Call SendWornEquipment(index)Call SendIndexWornEquipment(index)Exit SubCase "/blip"Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 15)Exit SubCase "/save"Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "EXP" , GetPlayerExp(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Class" , GetPlayerClass(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Sprite" , GetPlayerSprite(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "ArmorSlot" , GetPlayerArmorSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "WeaponSlot" , GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "HelmetSlot" , GetPlayerHelmetSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "ShieldSlot" , GetPlayerShieldSlot(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Level" , GetPlayerLevel(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "HP" , GetPlayerHP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "MP" , GetPlayerMP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "SP" , GetPlayerSP(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "STR" , GetPlayerSTR(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "DEF" , GetPlayerDEF(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "SPEED" , GetPlayerSPEED(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "MAGI" , GetPlayerMAGI(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "POINTS" , GetPlayerPOINTS(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Map" , GetPlayerMap(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "X" , GetPlayerX(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini " , "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index) , "Y" , GetPlayerY(Index))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 1, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 2, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 3, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 4, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 5, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 6, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 7, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 8, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 9, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 10, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 11, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 12, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 13, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 14, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 15, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 16, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 17, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 18, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 19, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 20, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 20))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 21, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 21))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 22, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 22))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 23, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 23))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemNum" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemVal" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "InvItemDur" & 24, GetPlayerInvItemDur(Index, 24))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 1, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 1))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 2, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 2))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 3, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 3))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 4, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 4))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 5, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 5))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 6, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 6))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 7, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 7))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 8, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 8))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 9, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 9))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 10, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 10))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 11, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 11))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 12, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 12))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 13, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 13))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 14, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 14))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 15, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 15))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 16, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 16))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 17, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 17))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 18, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 18))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 19, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 19))Call PutVar("accounts\" & GetPlayerLogin(index) & ".ini ", "CHAR" & GetPlayerCharNum(Index), "Spell" & 20, GetPlayerSpell(Index, 20))Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Character Stats & Inventory Saved", 14)Exit SubEnd SelectCall PlayerMsg(index, "Thats not a valid command!", 12)End SubSub DropItems(index)If GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerWeaponSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerArmorSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerArmorSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerHelmetSlot(index), 0)End IfIf GetPlayerShieldSlot(index) > 0 ThenCall PlayerMapDropItem(index, GetPlayerShieldSlot(index), 0)End IfEnd SubSub OnDeath(index)Call PlayerWarp(index ,4,5,9)End SubSub SetBlock(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,1,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetWarp(map, X, Y, warpmap, warpx, warpy)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,2,warpmap,warpx,warpy,"","","")End SubSub SetHeal(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,7,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKill(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,8,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetItem(map, X, Y, item, value)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,3,item,value,0,"","","")End SubSub SetNPCAvoid(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,4,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKey(map, X, Y, key, take)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,5,key,take,0,"","","")End SubSub SetKeyOpen(map, X, Y, keyx, keyy, message)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,6,keyx,keyy,0,message,"","")End SubSub SetShop(map, X, Y,shop)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,9,shop,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetClassBlock(map, X, Y,allow1,allow2,allow3)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,10,allow,allow2,allow3,"","","")End SubSub SetArena(map, X, Y,amap,ax,ay)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,11,amap,ax,ay,"","","")End SubSub SetSound(map, X, Y,filename)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,12,0,0,0,filename,"","")End SubSub SetSpriteChange(map, X, Y,sprite,item,cost)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,13,sprite,item,cost,"","","")End SubSub SetSign(map, X, Y,line1,line2,line3)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,14,0,0,0,line1,line2,line3)End SubSub SetDoor(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,15,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetNotice(map, X, Y, title, text, filename)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,16,0,0,0,title,text,filename)End SubSub SetChest(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,17,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetScripted(map, X, Y, script)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,18,script,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetBank(map, X, Y)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,23,0,0,0,"","","")End SubSub SetHouse(map, X, Y,item,cost)Call SetAttribute(map,X,Y,21,item,cost,0,"","","")End SubSub Fishing(Index, fishitem, fishlevel, fishname, weapname, weapitem)Dim cDim weaponDim nn = 1weapon = Int(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))weapon2= Int(GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon))If GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= fishlevel Then'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Testing", 2)c = Int(Rnd * Int(Int(fishlevel + 1) - GetPlayerLevel(Index)))If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem ThenIf c < 2 ThenDoIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, fishitem)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_ravenCall SendInventoryUpdate(index, n)Exit DoEnd Ifn = n + 1Loop Until n > 24Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " caught a " & fishname & "!", 15)ElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found nothing!", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15)End IfElseIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem ThenDoIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, fishitem)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_ravenCall SendInventoryUpdate(index, n)Exit DoEnd Ifn = n + 1Loop Until n > 24Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " caught a " & fishname & "!", 15)ElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15)End IfEnd IfEnd SubSub Mining(index, oreitem, orelevel, orename, weapname, weapitem)Dim cDim weaponDim nn = 1weapon = Int(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(Index))weapon2= Int(GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon))If GetPlayerLevel(Index) <= orelevel Then'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Testing", 2)c = Int(Rnd * Int(Int(orelevel + 1) - GetPlayerLevel(Index)))If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem ThenIf c < 2 ThenDoIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, oreitem)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_ravenCall SendInventoryUpdate(index, n)Exit DoEnd Ifn = n + 1Loop Until n > 24Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found some " & orename & "!", 15)ElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found nothing!", 15)End IfElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15)End IfElseIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, weapon) = weapitem ThenDoIf GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n) = 0 ThenCall SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, n, oreitem)Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, n)+1) 'added by unknown_ravenCall SendInventoryUpdate(index, n)Exit DoEnd Ifn = n + 1Loop Until n > 24Call PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " found some " & orename & "!", 15)ElseCall PlayerMsg(Index, GetPlayerName(Index) & " must equip a " & weapname & "!", 15)End IfEnd IfEnd Sub'emptyslot = 0 'signifys that emptyslot was not found'item1slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found'item2slot = 0 'signifys that the item was not found'i = 1'Do While i <=24'x = GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i)'If x = 0 Then'If emptyslot = 0 Then'emptyslot = i'End If'End If'If x = item1 Then'If item1slot = 0 Then'item1slot = i'End If'End If'If x = item2 Then'If item2slot = 0 Then'item2slot = i'End If'End If'i=i+1'Loop''If emptyslot <> 0 Then'If item1slot <> 0 Then'If item2slot <> 0 Then'If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot) >= value1 And GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot) >= value2 Then'DICE1=(Int((100 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))'If DICE1 <= chance Then'i = 1'Do While i <= 24'If GetPlayerInvItemNum(index, i) = reward Then'STACKREWARD = 0'If GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i) >= 1 Then'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Value is " &GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, i), 14)'rewardslot = i'STACKREWARD = 1'i = 25'End If'End If'i=i+1'Loop'If value1 = 0 Then'value1 = 1'End If'If value2 = 0 Then'value2 = 1'End If'value1 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot)-value1'value2 = GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot)-value2'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You successfully created a new item.", 14)'If value1 <= 0 Then'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item1slot, 0)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, 0)'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item1slot, value1)'End If'If value2 <= 0 Then'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, item2slot, 0)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, 0)'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, item2slot, value2)'End If'If stackable = "True" Then'If STACKREWARD = 0 Then'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)'Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot, GetPlayerInvItemValue(index, rewardslot)+1)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, rewardslot)'End If'Else'Call SetPlayerInvItemNum(index, emptyslot, reward)'Call SetPlayerInvItemValue(index, emptyslot, 1)'Call SetPlayerInvItemDur(index, emptyslot, durability)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item1slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, item2slot)'Call SendInventoryUpdate(index, emptyslot)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You failed to create a new item.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have the valid resources to fuse.", 12)'End If'Else'Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your inventory is full!", 12)'End If'End SubSub BlockPlayer(index)playerdir = GetPlayerDir(index)Select Case playerdirCase 0Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)+1)Case 1Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)-1)Case 2Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)+1, GetPlayerY(index))Case 3Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index)-1, GetPlayerY(index))End SelectEnd SubCall BlockPlayer(index)If getplayerlevel(indes) < 10 ThenCall blockPlayer(index)End ifEnd Sub 'This will run every so often, you set how often when you set up the timer.'Insert the name of the timer and say what will happen'Timer names **MUST** be lowercase, when you name the timers uppercase letters are fine, just not here Sub OnTimerRun(kind, name) Select Case Int(kind) Case 1 'IS A Day Timer Select Case LCase(Trim(name)) Case "birdsmove" Exit Sub Case "storeclose" Exit Sub Case "dooropen" Exit Sub End Select Case 2 'Is a Week Timer Select Case LCase(Trim(name)) Case "newmoon" Exit Sub Case "inventoryrenewed" Exit Sub Case "dooropens" Exit Sub End Select Case 3 'Is a Month Timer Select Case LCase(Trim(name)) Case "merchantcome" Exit Sub Case "thishappens" Exit Sub End Select Case 4 'Is a Year Timer Select Case LCase(Trim(name)) Case "senate" Exit Sub Case "elections" Exit Sub Case "magicyear" &n Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 PLEASE HELP ME I NEEED HELP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
REDSOXROX Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Maybe you are missing some library files?Or did you put some custom scripts in there? Try turning scripts on, or checking your custom scripts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 idk for costum scripts could some one check that please bcoz i just installled scripts that where working and idk wich script fucked my main i need help (i got all library files)first all my scripts where working, seconnd it doesnt so i need help please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
REDSOXROX Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Try closing your server and client and restarting it.Could you give a screenshot of the error message? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenton Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Where abouts did you add the custom scripts and how many? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 there is no error message, its just if i type /help or /calladmin it doesnt do an ything! an yes i turned on m y scripts! if i turn them off i get: not avaible or so please help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenton Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 If you haven't really done much to your main.txt apart from mess it up, you might as wel replace it with main2.txt. (a main.txt backup) If you still get the problem then that has canceled out the scripting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 welll main 2 same problem i need help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 ok these are my problems:first: if i die, i wont spawn to an other place, i just stand where i am. ( before this weird shit happend, when i died i was sent to the graveyard!)second: if i type : /calladmins it wont work, it wont say anything!third: my msg system doesnt work anymore i need help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
REDSOXROX Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 o.0 Maybe you should re-download Eclipse, that sounds like there's some serious bugs man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenton Posted July 30, 2008 Share Posted July 30, 2008 Then your scripts must be disabled… Enable your scripts again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted July 30, 2008 Author Share Posted July 30, 2008 i been in config and turned scripts to 1 but still doesnt wana respawn when i die Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregnator Posted August 1, 2008 Author Share Posted August 1, 2008 ok guys i finnaly discoverd but yet not discoverd altough discoverd a lil bit….l.ok this is what i discoverd: if i turn off my script ( press turn off at server) all my scripts work! but then after a while my game crashes... i dont know how to fix this problem, so i am asking for your help!ok i give some examples.Scripts on: if i die i wont be teleported to graveyard.Scripts off: i will die and i will be teleported to graveyard. but my game crashes after a while bcoz my scripts are turned off!help me i beg u Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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