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Lore/Story/Quest Writer


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Hey guys! Sooo a few of you may know a that I write exceptional stories and quests. I seem to have this innate ability to create a world within my imagination and bring it to life through my writing. I can write anything from item descriptions, quests, npc conversations, and full blown stories. As far as I know (though I didn't look that hard) I'm one of the only people offering writing. And when I look around the Eclipse Projects boards, some people poorly need it.

My system works like this:

You reply to this thread using the template and tell me about what your story is loosely based upon. I will give you a template below.

Anything with a * is not needed.

Name: Game/Story Name (if you don't have one it's fine)

Era/Time: A general feel for the time. (Future, Dark Ages, ect.)

Summary: A loose summary of what you want your story to be like)


Setting: The setting in which the story takes place.

Based on whether or not you accept the story, we can devise a price or credit system or what not. Any price at all, no matter how much I wrote, would never exceed $10.00

Well, if I can help you guys in any way, just let me know. I'll try to get some examples of my work up here soon.


Example of some of my work

>! (Just a little example of some of my work)
>! *Extracted from 'The World Past'* (Not really, just adds to the effect of the story)
>! ~ 3rd of Rustleaf
>! The world as we knew it is gone. Nothing is as it was… Jen died last night. I couldnt even say good-bye. The earth collapsed beneath her, it was all I could do not to jump after her. I have others to consider... This place we're in tonight... it's not safe... I can here the floorboards groaning. When that meteor hit the planet, everyone was so scared, but I think the fear is gone now. It's been replaced by a cold numbness. A NEED for survival... It's not human, but then again, with some of the things I've seen the last couple of days... I don't think 'human' exists anymore...
>! ~ 17th of Rustleaf
>! We're losing. Life in this forsaken place is a constant struggle... and we're losing. I can't remember the last time I had a half-decent meal. Strange things are starting to happen here. Giant chunks of earth are starting to float. I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen it. We all have... or what's left of us. There are seven of us left... or did Kyle die last night?
>! Six. There are six of us left. I've been sending broadcasts on the radio but there have been no responses. That's why I'm writing this down on paper. If the human race is going the way I think it is, the radio will never help us again. 
>! ~ 19th of Rustleaf
>! Things are getting worse. We're trapped on one of the floating 'islands'. What's even more terrifying is that one of our own has gone missing. Jim says he heard what sounded like a gunshot on the edge of the island... There was lots of blood, but no body. I have to tell the others what I suspect has happened. Andrew saw no way out, so he made one...
>! ~ 28th of Rustleaf
>! Three. Out of the near thirty people that came with me and Jen, there are three left. That's includes myself... Why did this happen? A meteor doesnt just shatter Earth like that... I was listening to the radio while the meteor was falling. It came out of nothing. Nowhere. This, in my mind, was an attack. By who or what is what I want to find out. I've been looking down from the edge of the island. There is nothing below us... It's gone. There is, however, another island not to far away from ours. The air current is so strong... Maybe it will blow the other island out towards us. Food is running drastically low, even for three people...
>! ~ 3rd of Bare Tree 
>! We're slowly starving to death. As I speak we're making a raft... with big sail. If we can right the wind currents on to the other island, we can eat. We have to try this soon too, I'm afraid. Jim is looking at his knife in a scary way. I think he's gonna try to make a way out of this just like Andrew did...
>! ~ 7th of Bare Tree
>! Wherever Jim is right now, be it in the Heavens or a black room sleeping, he's out of hell now. Myself and Kirk made it to the other island, and there was a very small supply of food here. For two people however, we could feast everyday for a week. Our 'sky raft' worked more or less like I thought it would. The air currents are so strong you can ride them like waves. Kirk is sick. He know's it too... He told me to bury him by the (what appears to be tear stains have rendered the following unreadable)
>! ~ 15th of Bare Tree
>! I'm looking for answers. I've modified the Sky Raft. I can see an island in the distance. I'm going to try to reach it tommorrow. Kirk loved you Lauren... Wherever you are...
>! ~ 16th of Bare Tree
>! The island is the most hospitable place I've seen since this whole disaster began. I'm only on the 'shore' but even here, it's bountiful enough to feed me. Going inland tomorrow.
>! ~ 21st of Bare Tree
>! There are others here! I was captured by them on my way inland. After it was revealed how I got here, they started building copies of my Sky-Raft. Evidently, some of their group was split off from the group when this section of Earth shattered. If their people are still alive, they'll be on the smaller neighboring islands. This island is HUGE. 
>! The have set me free, and I am grateful for their hospitality. The old men here were saying strange things about terrible creatures roaming the night lately. 
>! I think I'm getting closer to those answers...
>! ~ 2nd of Whitefall
>! They found their people. I'm happy for them. They have accepted me into the group as well. Ursan, the leader, has started building a fortress out of stone. He says that to live in these hard times, you must adapt. After what I saw the other night, I agree....
>! A terrible creature, not of the Old World. Of that I'm certain. It took all of the island's remaining three-hundred rounds and didnt even wince. It carried off three of Ursan's men. 
>! ~ 1st of Whitefall
>! It's been thirty hard years. I had lost my book in one of the attacks. It seems I wasn't the only one to discover the air currents...
>! I will try to catch up to the times.
>! Firearms and all other technonlogy are all but gone. They use swords and bows now. The Dark Ages all over again... The fortress has been finished for near ten years. Ursan has passed away. Peacefully, thank the Spirit. The people have taken to calling this glorious place Ursanan, after their wise and brave leader. His son resides amoung us. I like him.
>! The answers I have searched so long for are still not mine. However.... I found this cave on one of the other islands... Into the cave I took ten men. Only I came out. There were lights, screeching, and a spike in my mind that made me cry out in pain. Something in that cave did not want us there... 
>! There are magicians in the world now as well. Shaman's blessed with terrible powers that is most likely related to the thing I found in the cave. Some of them, led by a wicked man named Nyroc have departed on Airships towards the south. I have no wish to see what Nyroc has in mind for those poor magicians, but we've been seeing large reports of terrible things arising from the south...
>! Oh Jen, I wish you could have been with me. To see these wonders and meet these peoples. But then I remember... I trudged through hell itself and back just so these people could know peace... 
>! I'm coming Jen...
>! Creation Story for Veridian
>! Extracted from 'The Siblings of Chaos' written by Halfar.
>! Back when the world was dominated by chaos, when no balance existed, two entities came unto power…
>! Valenessa, a humble and cheerful being that found happiness in others joy.
>! There was also Dagan. Dagan was the noble and pround brother of Valenessa, and together, they sought to put an end to the endless madness of the world.
>! Dagan proposed to his sister that they create two great kingdoms and guide their people as they saw fit. It would put an end to evil and lead the people to order, Dagan had said.
>! Seeing no wrong in her brother's proposal, Valenessa asccepted. The kingdoms were established, borders put down, and laws created. 
>! Many years passed, and Valenessa, missing her dear brother, crossed the border to pay him a visit. In her travels, however, she saw that Dagan and his people had become unclean, rueful, and selfish. Monuments and statues devoted to Dagan had planted a sickness in his mind. He was a god, he had said.
>! Valenessa, knowing that this was not true, (because while the siblings had great power, they were not gods) confronted Dagan. 
>! The battle that soon followed was catostrophic. The peoples of the land fought and killed. Monsters born of the ash and waste from weilders of magic and strange sciences attacked helpless women and children. Dagan and Valenessa nearly killed each other.
>! To avoid further destruction of the land and people, Dagan and Valenessa agreed to carry the fight into the Underworld. There they waged a war so terrible that the surface of the earth shook with violent quakes.
>! On and on they fought, and further down the battle carried them. It was not long before they found a stone unlike anything they have ever seen before. 
>! Valenessa called for a cease in the fight to observe this strange object. When Dagan agreed, they inched their way closer and closer to the glowing stone.
>! Suddenly the glowing intensified, and two beams that resembled lightning shot out from the core and struck the two siblings. 
>! When they awoke, they felt different. Surges of great power pulsed through the brother and sister like the life blood that flows through veins.
>! It was not long before Dagan screamed. Dagan had solved what Valenessa would have if given more time. They had been both blessed and cursed. They were indeed gods amoung men now, but they were forever seperated. For the noble loyal Dagan had been proclaimed God of the Dead, and his sister The Goddess of Light. 
>! So horrible was their seperation that Dagan once again struck out at the Valenessa, his new-found power easily disabling the un-prepared goddess. While Valenessa waited for death at the hand of her own brother, Dagan said this;
>! 'I will forever rule the dead and the evil, just as you will always rule the living and the good. It is natural then, dear sister, that we seperate forever. May the kingdoms we have created perish. New kingdoms will be born of course, but never will they obtain the glory of the First Kingdoms. I bid thee farewell Sister... I'm sorry.'
>! With tears in his eyes the mighty Dagan released his sister and fled into the deepest corner of darkness. He raised creatures of evil and horrors as he went.
>! Valenessa, also weeping, returned to the surface, and once again began to constuct a life for the peoples of the world.
>! ~Halfar, first seeker of Valenessa.
>! Story for 'The Kingdom of Algaseth'
>! Once, long ago in a land where magic and destiny controlled the laws of the world, three mighty forces began to take shape. The Warriors, lordly people who had great skill with weapons and words alike. The Wizards, beings of powerful magics and uncontainable knowledge. And the Whisperers, the people's of faith and harmony.
>! Shortly after the formation of the forces, seven royal brothers were born into the world. The brothers trained in their factions, and in the end, their were two Warriors, two Wizards, and two Whisperers. Algaseth, the last brother remaining, was talented in all forces. In this light, Algaseth was made ruler of the greatest kingdom the world has ever seen. 
>! After several years of a gracious rule, Algaseth has vanished. Rumours of assassination and worse rose from the chaos, and the great forces that had once protected the peoples under Algaseth's rule have turned on each other. Elric, the ruler of the Warrior forces, has proclaimed Algaseth dead and himself the next in line for the throne. This caused a monstrous war between the forces. 
>! This is where you come in! Can you fight the forces, defeat the usurping brothers, and locate the missing Algaseth?
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An example of my work. I just did this in under a half hour. A little backstory for Skywardens.

>! (Just a little example of some of my work)
>! 2013-06-27
>! *Extracted from 'The World Past'* (Not really, just adds to the effect of the story)
>! ~ 3rd of Rustleaf
>! The world as we knew it is gone. Nothing is as it was… Jen died last night. I couldnt even say good-bye. The earth collapsed beneath her, it was all I could do not to jump after her. I have others to consider... This place we're in tonight... it's not safe... I can here the floorboards groaning. When that meteor hit the planet, everyone was so scared, but I think the fear is gone now. It's been replaced by a cold numbness. A NEED for survival... It's not human, but then again, with some of the things I've seen the last couple of days... I don't think 'human' exists anymore...
>! ~ 17th of Rustleaf
>! We're losing. Life in this forsaken place is a constant struggle... and we're losing. I can't remember the last time I had a half-decent meal. Strange things are starting to happen here. Giant chunks of earth are starting to float. I know it sounds crazy, but I've seen it. We all have... or what's left of us. There are seven of us left... or did Kyle die last night?
>! Six. There are six of us left. I've been sending broadcasts on the radio but there have been no responses. That's why I'm writing this down on paper. If the human race is going the way I think it is, the radio will never help us again. 
>! ~ 19th of Rustleaf
>! Things are getting worse. We're trapped on one of the floating 'islands'. What's even more terrifying is that one of our own has gone missing. Jim says he heard what sounded like a gunshot on the edge of the island... There was lots of blood, but no body. I have to tell the others what I suspect has happened. Andrew saw no way out, so he made one...
>! ~ 28th of Rustleaf
>! Three. Out of the near thirty people that came with me and Jen, there are three left. That's includes myself... Why did this happen? A meteor doesnt just shatter Earth like that... I was listening to the radio while the meteor was falling. It came out of nothing. Nowhere. This, in my mind, was an attack. By who or what is what I want to find out. I've been looking down from the edge of the island. There is nothing below us... It's gone. There is, however, another island not to far away from ours. The air current is so strong... Maybe it will blow the other island out towards us. Food is running drastically low, even for three people...
>! ~ 3rd of Bare Tree 
>! We're slowly starving to death. As I speak we're making a raft... with big sail. If we can right the wind currents on to the other island, we can eat. We have to try this soon too, I'm afraid. Jim is looking at his knife in a scary way. I think he's gonna try to make a way out of this just like Andrew did...
>! ~ 7th of Bare Tree
>! Wherever Jim is right now, be it in the Heavens or a black room sleeping, he's out of hell now. Myself and Kirk made it to the other island, and there was a very small supply of food here. For two people however, we could feast everyday for a week. Our 'sky raft' worked more or less like I thought it would. The air currents are so strong you can ride them like waves. Kirk is sick. He know's it too... He told me to bury him by the (what appears to be tear stains have rendered the following unreadable)
>! ~ 15th of Bare Tree
>! I'm looking for answers. I've modified the Sky Raft. I can see an island in the distance. I'm going to try to reach it tommorrow. Kirk loved you Lauren... Wherever you are...
>! ~ 16th of Bare Tree
>! The island is the most hospitable place I've seen since this whole disaster began. I'm only on the 'shore' but even here, it's bountiful enough to feed me. Going inland tomorrow.
>! ~ 21st of Bare Tree
>! There are others here! I was captured by them on my way inland. After it was revealed how I got here, they started building copies of my Sky-Raft. Evidently, some of their group was split off from the group when this section of Earth shattered. If their people are still alive, they'll be on the smaller neighboring islands. This island is HUGE. 
>! The have set me free, and I am grateful for their hospitality. The old men here were saying strange things about terrible creatures roaming the night lately. 
>! I think I'm getting closer to those answers...
>! ~ 2nd of Whitefall
>! They found their people. I'm happy for them. They have accepted me into the group as well. Ursan, the leader, has started building a fortress out of stone. He says that to live in these hard times, you must adapt. After what I saw the other night, I agree....
>! A terrible creature, not of the Old World. Of that I'm certain. It took all of the island's remaining three-hundred rounds and didnt even wince. It carried off three of Ursan's men. 
>! ~ 1st of Whitefall
>! It's been thirty hard years. I had lost my book in one of the attacks. It seems I wasn't the only one to discover the air currents...
>! I will try to catch up to the times.
>! Firearms and all other technonlogy are all but gone. They use swords and bows now. The Dark Ages all over again... The fortress has been finished for near ten years. Ursan has passed away. Peacefully, thank the Spirit. The people have taken to calling this glorious place Ursanan, after their wise and brave leader. His son resides amoung us. I like him.
>! The answers I have searched so long for are still not mine. However.... I found this cave on one of the other islands... Into the cave I took ten men. Only I came out. There were lights, screeching, and a spike in my mind that made me cry out in pain. Something in that cave did not want us there... 
>! There are magicians in the world now as well. Shaman's blessed with terrible powers that is most likely related to the thing I found in the cave. Some of them, led by a wicked man named Nyroc have departed on Airships towards the south. I have no wish to see what Nyroc has in mind for those poor magicians, but we've been seeing large reports of terrible things arising from the south...
>! Oh Jen, I wish you could have been with me. To see these wonders and meet these peoples. But then I remember... I trudged through hell itself and back just so these people could know peace... 
>! I'm coming Jen...
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