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Hypothetical Question


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If you had a friend that had a crippling phobia and they finally learned to "live" with the phobia, even if its not realing "living" in other peoples eyes, what would you do?
The person avoided all contact with said objects that cause the phobia, even going to extreme lengths to avoid it. Would you encourage the person to try to get better or just accept it as they have?
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Support them with their problem, and try to push them a little in a controlled environment. Maybe invite a calm, quiet, shy friend over to meet them?

Reminds me of a story… "The Stone and the Flute". In the story, a boy gets turned into a half-faun, half-human (Somehow, i'v forgotten what theyre called >_< ). He has a terrible fear of open-skies, so he stays in the forests. He loses something in the process, and it's in a village on the other side of the open-skied meadow... but the fear is too great, so he loses the lost object that meant so much to him, forever.
He turns back, and lives as a half-faun in the forest, able to speak to animals and such.

Sounds like a metaphor to me. :)
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I think you should do everything you can to change the problem, try just doing small trips outside. Just walk around the block then go back in. Tiny steps. I would go find a specialist to help with the problem. You can beat it and overcome it.
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Take your friend to a mall or something, find a plaza with benches, and just sit there watching people. Most of the time people are too busy to care or want to deal with anyone they don't have to. Don't shop, don't deal with employees, just relax and watch people.

Add: I got over my arachnophobia by watching spiders. I'll still jump if they surprise attack me but I don't collapse into a useless heap at the sight of one anymore!
;) :P
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I would accept it and while doing that, I'll try and help them little by little.
When they know I'm trying to accept their condition, they would trust me.
So while I have their trust, I would try and help them.
But this can sometime lead to a very bad point.
They would hate you and never trust you again if they don't get better.

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I'm glad you got over your arachnophobia A nna. The watching people is a good suggestion.

Rithy I would say your safe in the assumption it would be possible to lose that person trust if everything went ill, but it's a good plan.

Keebler how do you suggest bringing the outside to them?
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I was actually well on my way to becoming like this, stuck in my house with no human contact; self-inflicted to be sure, but still. It's not nice after a while.

I recently went to London to do work with my uncle? It was amazing. The buildings are huge, there was Tower bridge and everything - i'v changed so much, so much self-confidence and everything, that i'v started planning to do an internet café… Getting out is worth more than it sounds like. :)
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In reference on how to bring the outside to them.

Maby start with tryign to brign them something they used to like and enjoy but you cant get at home. Such as a friend they never see or if they like animals maby get them a dog or a cat (if thats to much even a fish). Make them realize that theres things out there they might miss. But dont make it to easy. Say they like baseball. Try and get them to go to a game with you. Make it worth while to go out.

(if all else fails then you have to just be a a** hole and force them to go outside. They may hate you but atleast in the long run they will get some human interaction)
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