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EC Engine and Game List

Mohenjo Daro

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Name: Eclipse Renewal endName
DisplayName: False endDisplayName
About: Eclipse Renewal is an engine made in VB6 based off of Eclipse Origins. It's main purpose is to offer many options to help you make a unique game. endAbout
Config: http://drive.google.com/uc?export=open&id=0B8Vr5bLe8QyHN2NMRTRfVWl0MDA endConfig
Picture: https://s26.postimg.org/mt1siuezd/Eclipse_Renewal.png endPicture
Color: SteelBlue endColor
WebPage: https://www.eclipseorigins.com/category/156/eclipse-renewal endWebPage
Featured: Yes endFeatured


Name: Andur Engine endName
DisplayName: False endDisplayName
About: Andur Engine is a modified version of Resbak and Eclipse origins with a lot of features for creating a perfect 2D MMORPG! This engine I believe has everything a new developer would want in his/her engine! This engine is also being used to create Andur Online! endAbout
Config: http://drive.google.com/uc?export=open&id=0B8Vr5bLe8QyHeENSMzFiNTMzOGM endConfig
Picture: https://s26.postimg.org/lns0ro3mh/Andur_Engine.png endPicture
Color: Linen endColor
WebPage: https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86164/andur-engine-easy-to-use-mmorpg-engine endWebPage
Featured: Yes endFeatured


Name: Realm of Faith endName
DisplayName: True endDisplayName
About: This is a 2D mmo being created using Eclipse Renewal. This game will be based entirely off the Holy Bible and will be a christian game. Mostly a hangout and meeting place for christians. There will be fishing, crafting and fighting off the wild beasts that will be prevalent throughout the lands. A great feature for this game is the ability for paying members to win real life cash and prizes as monster drops and as randomly found items that will be placed throughout the worlds. endAbout
Config: None endConfig
Picture: None endPicture
Color: White endColor
WebPage: https://www.eclipseorigins.com/category/154/realm-of-faith endWebPage
Featured: No endFeatured


Name: Isolated Paradise endName
DisplayName: False endDisplayName
About: They say that once, this land was peaceful and prosperous. That peace was had, and that even the merest village was like a palace. Such prosperity could not last, however. They say a man with no name but Wicked unleashed a curse of ruination. The land rotted, millions died, and the gods themselves were struck down, falling from the heavens. Death had swept the world, leaving few untouched.
As humans are wont to do, the survivors fought over the scraps that were left. Friend fought friend, and brother fought brother, as the remnants of kingdoms that were firm allies turned against each other in their plight. The dead themselves roamed the lands, so great was the catastrophe that even those forsaken gates to the lands of the unwanted dead were flung open. This once prosperous land, already ruined once, threatened to destroy itself over again.
But not all had lost their senses. Not all sought to become a king over the ashes. An institute, famed for training some of the greatest heroes ever known, took a stand. In a world gone mad, these few heroes left opened their doors. They took in the hopeless, the desperate, the forgotten, and they turned them into heroes. Heroes with no loyalties but to humanity as a whole, no purpose but the protection of all, and no aspiration but to die fighting the terrors out there in the world. Are they enough? Tell me, can a candle hope to illuminate the night? But they continue to try, in the hopes that one day, they will be enough. endAbout
Config: None endConfig
Picture: https://s26.postimg.org/vcs46r1w9/Isolated_Paradise.png endPicture
Color: IndianRed endColor
WebPage: endWebPage
Featured: No endFeatured


Name: DungeonJob endName
DisplayName: False endDisplayName
About: endAbout
Config: None endConfig https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8Vr5bLe8QyHNy16WXdFWUpXNms
Picture: http://i.imgur.com/8KzEjHf.png endPicture
Color: Red endColor
WebPage: http://andur.shivtr.com/ endWebPage
Featured: Yes endFeatured


Name: ApocoCity endName
DisplayName: True endDisplayName
About: A Small online game where you fight zombies and gain back control from the end of the world. While doing this you can live life on a special facility island. endAbout
Config: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8Vr5bLe8QyHWFNaY3loalFsekU endConfig
Picture: None endPicture
Color: Red endColor
WebPage: https://randoyes.itch.io/apoco-online endWebPage
Featured: No endFeatured
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