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LTGUpdater ~ MD5 MMO Auto Updater [console based]


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> **Hello after a long **journey **about 3 years? I am back and learned more then I was told XD**
> **Eclipse has always said to its newbs that they should learn to code before making a game**
> **Its true really.. I thank eclipse for my inspirations to code xD**
> **I have created many things the past years in many different languages**
> **Batch, Shell, The Visual Basic's, C#, C++, C-Objective, Java, JavaScript, Action Script 3 Ect. You get it..**
> **?The one thing i didnt learn was English so bear with me my friends ~ (Dun dun dun)**
> **(Enjoying my new IPad mini school gave to me for creating apps for them :D)**
> **SO I give back to my community with a small project named…**


**MD5 Based muti-purp autoupdater**

Manifest built with


LTG is a auto updater that I just created in an hour or so

It uses ini configurations I created also with MD5 checking

LTG is better then most updater because it works like MMO's do

ONLY fetching files that have changed!?!? Yes only the ones that are missing or changed (Amazed yet?)

Downside is i never did a GUI its in a console format no reason to hate though! Works like it should

Fetching a file on your web server named "checksums.md5" <- Manifest file

Hash-check creates this file when hashing files you selected they go in the root of where you change the URL in your ini

Want to get to it?

I suck at explaining things some one else who picks this up give me a better tut please!

Lets take this in steps!

**DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL [http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/](http://code.kliu.org/hashcheck/)**

Hashing / Generateing a checksums.md5 / Webserver stuff

1. Select your projects build folder example:
..\GameName\GameName.exe <- Should be in some folder ok? With all the other files to it

2. Right click the top most folder IE: As above GameName will be this folder. Click "Create Checksum File…" For the name, name it checksums.md5 always ok?
3. Now your directory structure should look something like this (You must regenerate your checksums.md5 when you change a file on the host)
..\Gamename\All your graphics and files

4. Upload load to your web-server and place it some where on your site (duh…) ie: [http://localhost/dl/](http://localhost/dl/)
5. Download the LTGUpdater place in a separate folder unzip it should give out 2 items a .exe and a .ini
6. Open the .ini with a text editor explained in this code slot
Title=Test Game <- Your games name shows up in the updater
URL=http://localhost/dl/ <- Where the md5 is located and the files
GAME=Game.exe <- The exe to where your game is in the tut it would be GameName\GameName.exe
Debug=True <- Outputs some extra text
KeepAlive=False <- Keep the updater open until the game exits out

7. After you set it to what you need you will be able to run LTGUpdater.exe and it will start your update! after its done if you delete some files you will see that it will re-download it on the next launch!

Any suggestions just comment! Or if you have a question!

This is free for you to use and distribute! Credit would be nice XD

Any errors are caused by blank .md5 or incorrect .ini!

anything wrong with the program is probably me not putting in error handling xD do the config correct and it will work

Wrong EXE = program to stop working

(File didnt upload i dont think? Media fire)

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