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Runescape - A tedious game??


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  Hello everybody.
  After about 1 year of playing Runescape. plus some months TRYING to play Runescape again, and now I leave an account to inactivity… Why have I done that?

  First, Runescape have one of the worst communities in the MMORPG world! This because Jagex wants Runescape to be a crappy, childish game and so, 90% of the players don't even have 10 years of life.
  Second, Runescape graphics are annoying. Over the years, they got a lot better, but I think they could still do better than that.
  Third, everyone looks the same. Jagex could get a lot of more armour - for warriors, archers and wizards...
  Fourth, the game is paid. Yeah, some say "n00b ith iz F2P!". What?? You can do nothing in a "F2P" world compared with a retail one!Jagex made de game (100%), then 1% for F2P players and 99% for members! Ridiculous! I would never pay for Runescape lol! I would pay WoW, which is far bettr than Runescape. But yet, I don't pay for WoW because it is kind of expensive... (Once played in Private Server..)
  Fifth, no skills... you select which monster you want to kill, you click on some food and congratulations! You killed a goblin!
  Sixth, only one playable race...
  Seventh, too much lag...

  These are the reasons I think Runescape really sucks. Oh I forgot, Pk now is stupid...

  Remember, I am not insulting anyone! You are free to play it and free to like it! I just posted my personal opinion.

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Runescape is there so 10 year olds can play an MMO without all the skill needed like WoW.

Can an 8 year old press a bunch of action buttons to kill another player? Probably not very good. But they can click a player and watch the fight.

Its ment for younger players. The only reason they call each other noobs is because they are 10.
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> Runescape is there so 10 year olds can play an MMO without all the skill needed like WoW.
> Can an 8 year old press a bunch of action buttons to kill another player? Probably not very good. But they can click a player and watch the fight.
> Its ment for younger players. The only reason they call each other noobs is because they are 10.

I have a brother who played WoW with 8 years old…
Of course Runescape is meant for people with 8-11 years, but there are some games who are meant for players with that age (8-11) and older people can still play them, and it is fun.
How can a game for 8-11 years old kids have membership system? Stupid! They are making kids going nerds who spend all their money (or dad's money) on Runescape membership! Absolutely ridiculous! It doesn't teach the child in any good way! So, is Jagex dumb or not?
  I am sorry for any english gramatical error... regards
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> They are making kids going nerds who spend all their money (or dad's money) on Runescape membership! Absolutely Radicchio! It doesn't teach the child in any good way! So, is Jagex dumb or not?
>   I am sorry for any english gramatical error… regards

Oh, wait! Haha! So your saying runescape turns kids into nerds but you would go play WoW? Seriously, make up your mind.
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> Oh, wait! Haha! So your saying runescape turns kids into nerds but you would go play WoW? Seriously, make up your mind.

He has a point, RuneScape is generally the introduction into online gaming for most people now. So they play this game thinking it is godly not having played another game. Sometimes it gets to the point where they play this game so much that they refuse to even admit other games exist and dedicate their poor lives to RuneScape while shunning the world.

(And if you say that's impossible, no one would do that. Think again, I know someone in real life who has done this, and he calls people by their runescape usernames in real life …)
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> Oh, wait! Haha! So your saying runescape turns kids into nerds but you would go play WoW? Seriously, make up your mind.

At least I would spend my money well… and you don't get addicted with a 15 day trial. In Runescape, you have that "F2P" option, you can reach level 40, for example... it will take some months, when you reach it you will want more. So you will pay a crappy game. Oh, you can't pay WoW by phone... and WoW has its private servers, it is an alternative option so dads don't need to pay so their childs can play. And I have read that private server are not illegal, since you have an original copy of the game (of course most of the users download the game to play in PV). Now for you, make up your mind before speaking like that - to anyone.
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> He has a point, RuneScape is generally the introduction into online gaming for most people now. So they play this game thinking it is godly not having played another game. Sometimes it gets to the point where they play this game so much that they refuse to even admit other games exist and dedicate their poor lives to RuneScape while shunning the world.
> (And if you say that's impossible, no one would do that. Think again, I know someone in real life who has done this, and he calls people by their runescape usernames in real life …)

Well thats the opposite here where i live, everyone plays WoW and everyone is ducking addicted to it, up to the point where they stay up a whole week just playing that game. At least here, the cases of addicted people are more in the WoW side than in the Runescape side.


> At least I would spend my money well… and you don't get addicted with a 15 day trial. In Runescape, you have that "F2P" option, you can reach level 40, for example... it will take some months, when you reach it you will want more. So you will pay a crappy game. Oh, you can't pay WoW by phone... and WoW has its private servers, it is an alternative option so dads don't need to pay so their childs can play. And I have read that private server are not illegal, since you have an original copy of the game (of course most of the users download the game to play in PV). Now for you, make up your mind before speaking like that - to anyone.
> Regards

This has to be the most hypocrital piece of text you could have ever written. First if your limited to a 15 day tiral, when the trial ends you will WANT MORE, than what you would want with Runescape's F2P Option. Because Runescapes F2P option never ends and you can still play it and enjoy it (As i've seen). When the 10-15 day trial ends, if you liked the game, your gonna go buy it because you can't do further testing.

Second, what does paying by phone have anything to do with this? If you think paying by phone is the way most kids pay then your very missinformed. You can go pick up WoW at any game store. Third, Private Servers. Please dont make me laugh.

I quote you "It is an alternative option so dads don't need to pay so their childs can play. And i have read that private servers are not illegal, since you have an original copy of the game"

So you gotta have the original CD, but your saying its an alternative to not having your dad paying, but YOU ARE paying? Strange huh? Of course you can download the game illegaly to play private servers! I believe Runescape has illegal servers too so "you don't need to get your dad to pay for you"

Please, just….bah, why am i even trying.
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> Well thats the opposite here where i live, everyone plays WoW and everyone is ducking addicted to it, up to the point where they stay up a whole week just playing that game. At least here, the cases of addicted people are more in the WoW side than in the Runescape side.

Same here, it's just that ONE guy. He's so addicted it overshadows all the WoWheads (as I call them).
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> Well thats the opposite here where i live, everyone plays WoW and everyone is ducking addicted to it, up to the point where they stay up a whole week just playing that game. At least here, the cases of addicted people are more in the WoW side than in the Runescape side.

Here I see both addicted in Runescape and WoW, even if Runescape is "winning". The fault is of some dads (when I mean dads, I mean moms too), of letting childs so much time in the front of the screen, playing games. There is no problem in playing, but playing too much isn't healthy, for the child and for the "home's economy" xD
There are limits, but when games are monthly paid, childs have that monster in mind saying "I got to play! My dad spent money this month I got to enjoy what he paid!". That's why playing in private servers is less unhealthy… I played in both WoW Retail and Private, I know the differences.
The truth is that some people play so much this games that they start to lose their lives - friends, girlfriends,etc..

Now let's try to stop talking about WoW, we all know how addictive it is as well, but we are on Runescape section with a Runescape topic.

P.S: World of Warcraft is rated for Teens. This means people with 13 years or older. Of course this group of people is more mature...
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> P.S: World of Warcraft is rated for Teens. This means people with 13 years or older. Of course this group of people is more mature…

Runescape is Too. If you noticed, if you select that your age is under 13 it wont let you join. But most lie, just like in WoW. What im trying to say is that no game is a Kid-Game or Mature-Game. Both Runescape and WoW have a varied range of audiences playing - from kids to adults. I even seen a 76 year old man playing Runescape.
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We CAN all agree that F2P RuneScape is boring and pointless though right?

(Lmao, I was bored so I just went on my old account. Was using the Easter Holiday item from years back to transform into eggs infront of people.)
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> Runescape is Too. If you noticed, if you select that your age is under 13 it wont let you join. But most lie, just like in WoW. What im trying to say is that no game is a Kid-Game or Mature-Game. Both Runescape and WoW have a varied range of audiences playing - from kids to adults. I even seen a 76 year old man playing Runescape.

But because of the fact that WoW askes a monthly fee an runescape is free, it is normal the age of the average runescape player is much younger than the average WoW player…

Ow, and people, plz do not compare WoW with Runescape! It's like comparing the universe with the tip of my little toe!
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> But because of the fact that WoW askes a monthly fee an runescape is free, it is normal the age of the average runescape player is much younger than the average WoW player…
> Ow, and people, plz do not compare WoW with Runescape! It's like comparing the universe with the tip of my little toe!

You know…Runescape has a monthly fee too. The only difference between those games are their free versions. Wow's is just a 10 day limited trial and Runescape's is just a limited Space but no trial.
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> This has to be the most hypocrital piece of text you could have ever written. First if your limited to a 15 day tiral, when the trial ends you will WANT MORE, than what you would want with Runescape's F2P Option. Because Runescapes F2P option never ends and you can still play it and enjoy it (As i've seen). When the 10-15 day trial ends, if you liked the game, your gonna go buy it because you can't do further testing.
> Second, what does paying by phone have anything to do with this? If you think paying by phone is the way most kids pay then your very missinformed. You can go pick up WoW at any game store. Third, Private Servers. Please dont make me laugh.
> I quote you "It is an alternative option so dads don't need to pay so their childs can play. And i have read that private servers are not illegal, since you have an original copy of the game"
> So you gotta have the original CD, but your saying its an alternative to not having your dad paying, but YOU ARE paying? Strange huh? Of course you can download the game illegaly to play private servers! I believe Runescape has illegal servers too so "you don't need to get your dad to pay for you"
> Please, just….bah, why am i even trying.

First, how can you enjoy an endless game, but without endless quests? It gets boring! Nobody does that! Here you got two options:
-You quit the game.
-You pay the membership.

Those who reached this far (I mean, all quests completed, etc...), it is probably those will TRY to pay membership.

-WoW and his trial... you complete the trial, if you liked, you can buy or download the game. So, if you can't buy, you will probably download. If you got enough money, you will buy for sure. And yes, WoW's monthly fees are used to maintain the servers... so, private servers are legal. People don't use Blizzard's servers, so they don't have to pay monthly for it.
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Even though I play rs atm, I can agree with most of what you say.


> First, Runescape have one of the worst communities in the MMORPG world! This because Jagex wants Runescape to be a crappy, childish game and so, 90% of the players don't even have 10 years of life.

Since the game audience is somewhere around 12 years, I would say this is predictable, but anoying.


> Second, Runescape graphics are annoying. Over the years, they got a lot better, but I think they could still do better than that.

How can graphics be annoying? Imo, when gameplay is good, graphics don't need to be good.


> Third, everyone looks the same. Jagex could get a lot of more armour - for warriors, archers and wizards…

Correction: People higher then level 40 on F2P look the same.
Members have a MUCH bigger variety of items to choose from. And the level 40+ thing? Well, by that time (very rough estimate) most people on F2P have full rune which will indeed look the same on everyone.


> Fourth, the game is paid. Yeah, some say "n00b ith iz F2P!". What?? You can do nothing in a "F2P" world compared with a retail one!Jagex made de game (100%), then 1% for F2P players and 99% for members! Radicchio! I would never pay for Runescape lol! I would pay WoW, which is far bettr than Runescape. But yet, I don't pay for WoW because it is kind of expensive… (Once played in Private Server..)

What do you want em to do? Focus more on F2P and lose P2P members because they don't get new content. Face it: F2P people (like you and me) can whine as much as they want, but if they quit, they don't hurt Jagex' wallet.


> Fifth, no skills… you select which monster you want to kill, you click on some food and congratulations! You killed a goblin!
>   Sixth, only one playable race...

How about magic? and special attacks?


> Seventh, too much lag…

Agree. Since the new graphics, servers have been lagging horribly.


> These are the reasons I think Runescape really sucks. Oh I forgot, Pk now is stupid…


Please, don't take anything I said as an insult or a flame, just saying my oppinion
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> Im not doubting the fact that they do make alot of money. The game is a pop-culture icon at school. Everyone knows what it is but your a loser if you play it.

Thats your oppinion now. but 3-4 years ago, everyone played it, and it was cool to do so.
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