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Rubber Egg Experiment


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I want everyone that has any type of camera to try this out with me :D First of all you need an egg of course and the last ingredient…vinegar. You supposedly put an egg in a cup...pour vinegar into the cup submerging the egg...and you let it sit for...I don't know, two days? Then it should be an egg with no hard casing on it, a rubber egg :) Now from what I have heard the egg can bust if handled roughly cause there is still yolk inside I believe but it looks so cool and could totally be used for pranking people. Oh and as for why this happens the vinegar is supposed to break down the calcium and leave the egg in its original state...just without...the shell...And I have a second experiment on the side turning chicken bones into rubber bones, they're small though  :rolleyes:

Prank e.g: Put one half of the egg in vinegar so you can do some whacked out scheme to psyche people out

Okay I started this experiment about more than an hour ago I believe, and this is how it looks now...
I'll just throw in the bone picture, I'll update pics of the egg way more than the bones.
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bonus prank: exploding egg
take your rubber egg and place it in corn syrup
wait a few days
take your rubber egg and place it in water. It should be shriveled or something
wait a few days

it should smell like shit, thats good. It will also be bloated. Now if you throw it, it should explode on contact.
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