varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 Adds Arena fixes to the spells, such as if one player is not on an arena tile while the other one is, or vice versa.Adds guilds to the sub (for SUB-Spells of course)Owners are excluded from all the checks (Perk I like, it can be removed)The Area of Effect passes over targets not allowed to be hit, instead of ending the sub.Damaging yourself is out, although not too difficult to put back in.Healing monsters is out, but again can be put back in.MP costs is an initial MP cost, then like 10% of the original cost for any target after #1 for Area of Effect.I made this sub for me, I apologize if you liked some of the features i took out, you can change whatever though.```Sub CastSpell(ByVal index As Long, ByVal SpellSlot As Long) Dim SpellNum As Long, I As Long, n As Long, Damage As Long Dim Casted As Boolean Casted = False ' Prevent player from using spells if they have been script locked If Player(index).LockedSpells = True Then Exit Sub End If ' Prevent subscript out of range If SpellSlot <= 0 Or SpellSlot > MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS Then Exit Sub End If SpellNum = GetPlayerSpell(index, SpellSlot) ' Make sure player has the spell If Not HasSpell(index, SpellNum) Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You do not have this spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If I = GetSpellReqLevel(SpellNum) ' Check if they have enough MP If GetPlayerMP(index) < Spell(SpellNum).MPCost Then Call BattleMsg(index, "Not enough mana!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If ' Make sure they are the right level If I > GetPlayerLevel(index) Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You need to be " & I & "to cast this spell.", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If ' Check if timer is ok If GetTickCount < Player(index).AttackTimer + 1000 Then Exit Sub End If ' Check if the spell is scripted and do that instead of a stat modification If Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_SCRIPTED Then MyScript.ExecuteStatement "Scripts\Main.ess", "ScriptedSpell " & index & "," & Spell(SpellNum).Data1 Exit Sub End If Dim x As Long, y As Long Dim affected As String If Spell(SpellNum).AE = 1 Then For y = GetPlayerY(index) - Spell(SpellNum).Range To GetPlayerY(index) + Spell(SpellNum).Range For x = GetPlayerX(index) - Spell(SpellNum).Range To GetPlayerX(index) + Spell(SpellNum).Range n = -1 For I = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If IsPlaying(I) = True Then If GetPlayerMap(index) = GetPlayerMap(I) Then If GetPlayerX(I) = x And GetPlayerY(I) = y Then If I = index Then If Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Or Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Or Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target End If Else If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerHP(I) > 0 Then If (GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) <= 1) Or (GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) > 1) Then If GetPlayerAccess(n) <> 5 Then If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If Else Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target End If ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerHP(I) > 0 Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Or Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NO_PENALTY Or GetPlayerPK(n) = YES Then If (GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) <= 1) Or (GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) > 1) Then If GetPlayerLevel(index) >= 5 Then If GetPlayerLevel(I) >= 5 Then If GetPlayerAccess(I) <> 5 Then If LenB(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> 0 Then If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(I)) Then If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If Else If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If Else Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If End If End If Next I For I = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS If MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num > 0 Then If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then If MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).x = x And MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).y = y Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If Next I Casted = False If n > 0 Then If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If IsPlaying(n) Then If n = index Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True ElseIf n <> index Then Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - GetPlayerProtection(n) If Damage > 0 Then Call AttackPlayer(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & GetPlayerName(n) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True End If End If Else Call BattleMsg(index, "Could not cast spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Else Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - Int(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).DEF / 2) If Damage > 0 Then If Spell(SpellNum).Element <> 0 And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element <> 0 Then If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "A deadly mix of elements harm the " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BLUE, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 1.25) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * 1.2) End If End If If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "The " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & " absorbs much of the elemental damage!", RED, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 0.75) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * (2 / 3)) End If End If End If Call AttackNpc(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).MP = MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).MP - Spell(SpellNum).Data1 Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).SP = MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).SP - Spell(SpellNum).Data1 End Select Casted = True End If Else Call BattleMsg(index, "Could not cast spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If End If End If If Casted = True Then Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(index), "spellanim" & SEP_CHAR & SpellNum & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellTime & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellDone & SEP_CHAR & index & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).TargetType & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).Target & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).CastedSpell & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).Big & END_CHAR) Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(index), "sound" & SEP_CHAR & "magic" & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).Sound & END_CHAR) End If Next x Next y Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Else n = Player(index).Target If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If IsPlaying(n) Then Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerMap(index) <> GetPlayerMap(n) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be on the same map as your target!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If index = n Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack yourself!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerHP(n) <= 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This player is already void of life!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral <> MAP_MORAL_NONE And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral <> MAP_MORAL_NO_PENALTY And GetPlayerPK(n) <> YES Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This is a safe zone!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) <= 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) > 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack staff!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(index) < 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be above level 5 to attack players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(n) < 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your target must be above level 5!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(n) = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> vbNullString And GetPlayerGuild(n) <> vbNullString Then If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) = Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(n)) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack a guild member!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be in the Arena to attack this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub ElseIf Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your opponent must be in the Arena!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - GetPlayerProtection(n) If Damage > 0 Then Call AttackPlayer(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & GetPlayerName(n) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select ' Take away the mana points Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Casted = True ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerMap(index) <> GetPlayerMap(n) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be on the same map as your target!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerHP(n) <= 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This player is already void of life!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) <= 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) > 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal staff!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(n) = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be in the Arena too!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub ElseIf Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your opponent must be in the Arena too!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select ' Take away the mana points Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Casted = True End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Cannot cast spell!", BRIGHTRED) End If Else n = Player(index).TargetNPC If CInt(Sqr((GetPlayerX(index) - MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).x) ^ 2 + ((GetPlayerY(index) - MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).y) ^ 2))) > Spell(SpellNum).Range Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You are too far away to hit the target.", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - Int(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).DEF / 2) If Damage > 0 Then If Spell(SpellNum).Element <> 0 And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element <> 0 Then If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "A deadly mix of elements harm the " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BLUE, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 1.25) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * 1.2) End If End If If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "The " & Tr``` Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 Adds Arena fixes to the spells, such as if one player is not on an arena tile while the other one is, or vice versa.Adds guilds to the sub (for SUB-Spells of course)Owners are excluded from all the checks (Perk I like, it can be removed)The Area of Effect passes over targets not allowed to be hit, instead of ending the sub.Damaging yourself is out, although not too difficult to put back in.Healing monsters is out, but again can be put back in.MP costs is an initial MP cost, then like 10% of the original cost for any target after #1 for Area of Effect.I made this sub for me, I apologize if you liked some of the features i took out, you can change whatever though.```Sub CastSpell(ByVal index As Long, ByVal SpellSlot As Long) Dim SpellNum As Long, I As Long, n As Long, Damage As Long Dim Casted As Boolean Casted = False ' Prevent player from using spells if they have been script locked If Player(index).LockedSpells = True Then Exit Sub End If ' Prevent subscript out of range If SpellSlot <= 0 Or SpellSlot > MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS Then Exit Sub End If SpellNum = GetPlayerSpell(index, SpellSlot) ' Make sure player has the spell If Not HasSpell(index, SpellNum) Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You do not have this spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If I = GetSpellReqLevel(SpellNum) ' Check if they have enough MP If GetPlayerMP(index) < Spell(SpellNum).MPCost Then Call BattleMsg(index, "Not enough mana!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If ' Make sure they are the right level If I > GetPlayerLevel(index) Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You need to be " & I & "to cast this spell.", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If ' Check if timer is ok If GetTickCount < Player(index).AttackTimer + 1000 Then Exit Sub End If ' Check if the spell is scripted and do that instead of a stat modification If Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_SCRIPTED Then MyScript.ExecuteStatement "Scripts\Main.ess", "ScriptedSpell " & index & "," & Spell(SpellNum).Data1 Exit Sub End If Dim x As Long, y As Long Dim affected As String If Spell(SpellNum).AE = 1 Then For y = GetPlayerY(index) - Spell(SpellNum).Range To GetPlayerY(index) + Spell(SpellNum).Range For x = GetPlayerX(index) - Spell(SpellNum).Range To GetPlayerX(index) + Spell(SpellNum).Range n = -1 For I = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS If IsPlaying(I) = True Then If GetPlayerMap(index) = GetPlayerMap(I) Then If GetPlayerX(I) = x And GetPlayerY(I) = y Then If I = index Then If Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Or Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Or Spell(SpellNum).Type = SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target End If Else If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerHP(I) > 0 Then If (GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) <= 1) Or (GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) > 1) Then If GetPlayerAccess(n) <> 5 Then If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If Else Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target End If ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerHP(I) > 0 Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Or Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral = MAP_MORAL_NO_PENALTY Or GetPlayerPK(n) = YES Then If (GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) <= 1) Or (GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(I) > 1) Then If GetPlayerLevel(index) >= 5 Then If GetPlayerLevel(I) >= 5 Then If GetPlayerAccess(I) <> 5 Then If LenB(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> 0 Then If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(I)) Then If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If Else If (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(I)).Tile(GetPlayerX(I), GetPlayerY(I)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA) Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If Else Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If End If End If End If Next I For I = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS If MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num > 0 Then If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then If MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).x = x And MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), I).y = y Then Player(index).Target = I Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC n = Player(index).Target Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - (Spell(SpellNum).MPCost / 10)) Call SendMP(index) End If End If End If Next I Casted = False If n > 0 Then If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If IsPlaying(n) Then If n = index Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True ElseIf n <> index Then Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - GetPlayerProtection(n) If Damage > 0 Then Call AttackPlayer(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & GetPlayerName(n) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select Casted = True End If End If Else Call BattleMsg(index, "Could not cast spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Else Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - Int(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).DEF / 2) If Damage > 0 Then If Spell(SpellNum).Element <> 0 And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element <> 0 Then If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "A deadly mix of elements harm the " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BLUE, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 1.25) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * 1.2) End If End If If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "The " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & " absorbs much of the elemental damage!", RED, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 0.75) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * (2 / 3)) End If End If End If Call AttackNpc(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).MP = MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).MP - Spell(SpellNum).Data1 Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).SP = MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).SP - Spell(SpellNum).Data1 End Select Casted = True End If Else Call BattleMsg(index, "Could not cast spell!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If End If End If If Casted = True Then Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(index), "spellanim" & SEP_CHAR & SpellNum & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellAnim & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellTime & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).SpellDone & SEP_CHAR & index & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).TargetType & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).Target & SEP_CHAR & Player(index).CastedSpell & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).Big & END_CHAR) Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(index), "sound" & SEP_CHAR & "magic" & SEP_CHAR & Spell(SpellNum).Sound & END_CHAR) End If Next x Next y Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Else n = Player(index).Target If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then If IsPlaying(n) Then Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER If Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerMap(index) <> GetPlayerMap(n) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be on the same map as your target!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If index = n Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack yourself!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerHP(n) <= 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This player is already void of life!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral <> MAP_MORAL_NONE And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Moral <> MAP_MORAL_NO_PENALTY And GetPlayerPK(n) <> YES Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This is a safe zone!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) <= 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) > 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack staff!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(index) < 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be above level 5 to attack players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerLevel(n) < 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your target must be above level 5!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(n) = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) <> vbNullString And GetPlayerGuild(n) <> vbNullString Then If Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(index)) = Trim$(GetPlayerGuild(n)) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot attack a guild member!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be in the Arena to attack this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub ElseIf Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your opponent must be in the Arena!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - GetPlayerProtection(n) If Damage > 0 Then Call AttackPlayer(index, n, Damage) Else Call BattleMsg(index, "The spell was to weak to hurt " & GetPlayerName(n) & "!", BRIGHTRED, 0) End If Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) - Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select ' Take away the mana points Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Casted = True ElseIf Spell(SpellNum).Type >= SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP And Spell(SpellNum).Type <= SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 5 Then If GetPlayerMap(index) <> GetPlayerMap(n) Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be on the same map as your target!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerHP(n) <= 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "This player is already void of life!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) > 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) <= 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal players!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) <= 1 And GetPlayerAccess(n) > 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal staff!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If GetPlayerAccess(n) = 5 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot heal this person!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If If Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be in the Arena too!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub ElseIf Map(GetPlayerMap(n)).Tile(GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)).Type <> TILE_TYPE_ARENA And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_ARENA Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your opponent must be in the Arena too!", BRIGHTRED) Exit Sub End If End If Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDHP Call SetPlayerHP(n, GetPlayerHP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendHP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDMP Call SetPlayerMP(n, GetPlayerMP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendMP(n) Case SPELL_TYPE_ADDSP Call SetPlayerSP(n, GetPlayerSP(n) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) Call SendSP(n) End Select ' Take away the mana points Call SetPlayerMP(index, GetPlayerMP(index) - Spell(SpellNum).MPCost) Call SendMP(index) Casted = True End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Cannot cast spell!", BRIGHTRED) End If Else n = Player(index).TargetNPC If CInt(Sqr((GetPlayerX(index) - MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).x) ^ 2 + ((GetPlayerY(index) - MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).y) ^ 2))) > Spell(SpellNum).Range Then Call BattleMsg(index, "You are too far away to hit the target.", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Player(index).TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_NPC If NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_FRIENDLY And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Behavior <> NPC_BEHAVIOR_SHOPKEEPER Then Select Case Spell(SpellNum).Type Case SPELL_TYPE_SUBHP Damage = (Int(GetPlayerMAGI(index) / 4) + Spell(SpellNum).Data1) - Int(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).DEF / 2) If Damage > 0 Then If Spell(SpellNum).Element <> 0 And NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element <> 0 Then If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "A deadly mix of elements harm the " & Trim$(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Name) & "!", BLUE, 0) Damage = Int(Damage * 1.25) If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Strong = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element And Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Weak = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Damage = Int(Damage * 1.2) End If End If If Element(Spell(SpellNum).Element).Weak = NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element Or Element(NPC(MapNPC(GetPlayerMap(index), n).num).Element).Strong = Spell(SpellNum).Element Then Call BattleMsg(index, "The " & Tr``` Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 I would change the "You can't attack staff" check to 1, that way moderators don't get an advantage.But this is really cool, thanks for releasing it :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 I would change the "You can't attack staff" check to 1, that way moderators don't get an advantage.But this is really cool, thanks for releasing it :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 @[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562742#msg562742 date=1256163893]> I would change the "You can't attack staff" check to 1, that way moderators don't get an advantage.> > But this is really cool, thanks for releasing it :).o.0 it's set to "access > 0" , which would include 1.Oh, I'd also like to point out the Void of life may have a "glitch" for some of you. I used it as an event, to use items to allow players to reach Hp of 0, which wouldn't make them die, thus while having 0 you cannot be attacked by magic. It was a zombie event, but that can be changed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 @[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562742#msg562742 date=1256163893]> I would change the "You can't attack staff" check to 1, that way moderators don't get an advantage.> > But this is really cool, thanks for releasing it :).o.0 it's set to "access > 0" , which would include 1.Oh, I'd also like to point out the Void of life may have a "glitch" for some of you. I used it as an event, to use items to allow players to reach Hp of 0, which wouldn't make them die, thus while having 0 you cannot be attacked by magic. It was a zombie event, but that can be changed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Moderators will get an unfair advantage against other players. The point of the mod status is too have a rank that can kick players but allows them to play the game normally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Moderators will get an unfair advantage against other players. The point of the mod status is too have a rank that can kick players but allows them to play the game normally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 oh@[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562760#msg562760 date=1256165053]> Moderators will get an unfair advantage against other players. The point of the mod status is too have a rank that can kick players but allows them to play the game normally.ooohez, so you're saying they "should" be able to attack other players? If not, I'm confused, lol.Right now it's set so that Mods can attack other Staff, and not players, as well as players cannot attack mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 oh@[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562760#msg562760 date=1256165053]> Moderators will get an unfair advantage against other players. The point of the mod status is too have a rank that can kick players but allows them to play the game normally.ooohez, so you're saying they "should" be able to attack other players? If not, I'm confused, lol.Right now it's set so that Mods can attack other Staff, and not players, as well as players cannot attack mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Yeah, Mods should be able to attack players. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruins of Hell Posted October 21, 2009 Share Posted October 21, 2009 Yeah, Mods should be able to attack players. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 @[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562766#msg562766 date=1256165630]> Yeah, Mods should be able to attack players.Ohhh okay then. o.0; My poor mods… I'll fix that right now. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
varinyc Posted October 21, 2009 Author Share Posted October 21, 2009 @[SB:> The Soul Numb link=topic=53130.msg562766#msg562766 date=1256165630]> Yeah, Mods should be able to attack players.Ohhh okay then. o.0; My poor mods… I'll fix that right now. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xelander Posted October 24, 2009 Share Posted October 24, 2009 And players attack mods also, lol.This is indeed verry cool.Wishing my VB worked. :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xelander Posted October 24, 2009 Share Posted October 24, 2009 And players attack mods also, lol.This is indeed verry cool.Wishing my VB worked. :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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