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Rendering Line Segments with a width in DX8


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Hi guys, 

I was brainstorming to find a way to render a line in DX8 for a various purposes and I found that DX8 didn't have a method to render a line with a width. It'll always have a width of I think 1 pixel. So I googled and found the only way this was possible is by rendering a Quadrilateral with a length and a width. So here is my function for this: 

Public Sub RenderLine(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, width As Long, ByVal length As Long, ByVal Colour As Long, Optional ByVal Horizontal As Boolean = True)
Dim linev(0 To 3) As TLVERTEX, i As Long

For i = 0 To 3
linev(i).color = dx8Colour(colour, -1)
linev(i).RHW = 1

If Horizontal Then
linev(0).x = x
linev(0).y = y

linev(1).x = x + width
linev(1).y = y

linev(2).x = x
linev(2).y = y + length

linev(3).x = x + width
linev(3).y = y + length
linev(0).x = x
linev(0).y = y

linev(1).x = x + length
linev(1).y = y

linev(2).x = x
linev(2).y = y + width

linev(3).x = x + length
linev(3).y = y + width
End If
Call D3DDevice8.DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, linev(0), FVF_Size)
End Sub

This accepts a x and y coordinate as the start position of the "line" and a length for the line and it's width. A color can also be given. The last variable is for determining how to render the line. Along the x axis or the y axis. 

One problem to this that you can't (or I don't think you can) render a line diagonally. 

If you can't understand a specific part of the above code post below and I'll be glad to help.
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linev(0).x = x
linev(0).y = y

linev(1).x = x + width
linev(1).y = y - width

linev(2).x = x + length
linev(2).y = y + length

linev(3).x = linev(1).x + length
linev(3).y = linev(1).y + length

Now all you have to do is tell it which way to go (this goes from left to right), but this is the basics.
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  • 6 months later...
Private buffer As Direct3DVertexBuffer8

Public Sub DrawPolyLine(Vertices() As typUDVertex, lPointCount As Integer)
Dim VertexSize As Long
VertexSize = Len(Vertices(0))

Set buffer = d_D3DDevice.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, fvfUDVertex, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT)
Call D3DVertexBuffer8SetData(buffer, 0, VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, Vertices(0))
d_D3DDevice.SetStreamSource 0, buffer, VertexSize
d_D3DDevice.SetVertexShader fvfUDVertex
d_D3DDevice.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, lPointCount - 1
End Sub 
Nope, isn´t that big crap that it cannot handle basic shapes. With this f.e. you can draw basic polyline using DX8:
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> Dx8 is not the one in the wrong right now, it's your code. for one, you'd want to use D3DPT_LINESTRIP instead of a trianglestrip. linestrip uses 2 points, instead of what YOU are doing, which is 4 points…

Using a line strip or a triangle strip doesn't matter. The rendered image won't show up. I never could figure out why. 

> ```
> Private buffer As Direct3DVertexBuffer8
> Public Sub DrawPolyLine(Vertices() As typUDVertex, lPointCount As Integer)
> Dim VertexSize As Long
> VertexSize = Len(Vertices(0))
> Set buffer = d_D3DDevice.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, fvfUDVertex, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT)
> Call D3DVertexBuffer8SetData(buffer, 0, VertexSize * lPointCount, 0, Vertices(0))
> d_D3DDevice.SetStreamSource 0, buffer, VertexSize
> d_D3DDevice.SetVertexShader fvfUDVertex
> d_D3DDevice.DrawPrimitive D3DPT_LINESTRIP, 0, lPointCount - 1
> End Sub 
> ```
> Nope, isn´t that big crap that it cannot handle basic shapes. With this f.e. you can draw basic polyline using DX8:

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