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[DP] - File Updater (Vs. 1.0) [Also known as Auto-updater]


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File Updater
(No screen shot of it in action, because it downloaded to fast to take a screen shot.)

I have seen many people looking for an 'updater' which worked without errors and such, both on EE forums and other game forums. Well, your search is now over ^^. I made a similar updater, but I deleted the source… by mistake, so I re-done it with customizable features now, but a bit more buggy than my original source.

It downloads the files which you want to update, and overwrites the current one. It does not only updates the files on the same folder, but the files on sub folders and so on. After the download and updates are complete, it runs a file if defined, for example: your game client. Else if the software is already complete updated, it runs the client. This updater downloads the files from a defined URL from you.

- Update and Stop button;
- Update any file without a problem;
- It does not re-download files or update them if they already have been updated;
- If the updates are interrupted, until where it updated, its saved so when it runs again, it just updates what has not been updated yet;
- Unlimited number of files to update;
- Can update files on sub directories;
- Create directories if they already do not exist;
- GUI can be customized.

[[color=#FF4000]How to use it]
1- Download the file and place it on a selected folder (if you have EE clients, its recommended you place them on it).
2- Run the application to create the configuration file and close it off.
3- To configure go to the 'config.ini', leave empty the values for default ('URL' and the files to update are required to fill):
–- Title: Changes the title bar's name and the biggest label of the program;
--- TitleColor: Change the color of the biggest label of the program (Format: RGB);
--- lblProgressColor: Change color of the label uder the text area (Format: RGB);
--- BGColor: Change the background color of the program (Format: RGB);
--- BGImage: Change the background of the program with an image (Format: path to the image [][color=#FF0000]Not Tested);
–- TxtBoxColor: Change the color of the text in the text area (Format: RGB);
--- TxtBoxBGColor: Change the background color of the text area (Format: RGB);
--- **URL**: Full path to the 'data.ini' file (Format: Add 'http://' at the start, do not add 'data.ini', and add '/' at the end) [[b]Note: Your files will be downloaded from this same folder];
–- RunFile: Path to your program to run (If empty, runs nothing);
--- X: Don't have to add the number of the versions, you just have to add it on the data.ini as we will explain.
RGB Note: Do not place spaces between the ','.
4- Upload your files to the folder mentioned on 'URL' and configure your 'data.ini' then upload it:

```–- Total=total files;
--- The numbers, are the files
--- The numbers under the 'Files', are the name of the files
--- Path = path
In shorter explanation: File '2' has version '5' and it is called 'b.txt'. There is no 'path' defined for file '2', so it goes to the same folder as the updater.
Note: For some unknown reason, the file can't read the first line so jump one file before writing the file.
5- Run the updater and click update.
6- Done


1- Upload file "a.txt" and "b.txt" to your website;
2- Upload 'data.ini' with this settings:

```3- Use this 'config.ini'
```And replace http://www.pizza.com/ for you url.
4- Update<-
5- Done. If you check closely the 'config.ini', it was added 2 extra lines on it:

```and 'a.txt' was uploaded on 'data' folder and 'b.txt' on the root folder.

- There are no bugs known on this application other then if you enter incorrect data, it will crash right away… If you use it correctly as it was intended to and demonstrated, you probably won't find any errors. This software does not cause data loss to any file on the root (or sub folders and so on), which are not related to the config.ini and it does not cause any data loss on the files on your website, so if any data was corrupted by your internet going down during a download, you can just re-run the updater after your internet gets back on.
**Note (I don't have to mention this, since is kinda of obvious): Don't run it on your main 'client folder', because if you have an more updater version of a file and you run the updater, it will replace your file by the one on the website. This was meant to be distributed with a copy of your client folder, not run it on the folder which it has your source and main image files, etc…**

[[color=#FF4000]Supported Operation System]:
- Windows XP;
- Windows Vista;
- Other operation systems have not been tested.

Get it here:

From: _Zananok_
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> Good to see some more functioning updaters :), should help alot of people.

Yes, I hope it does ^^.

> Nice ;-d

Thanks ^^.

Oh and I forgot to post the 'width/height' of the BG image, I will be back soon with it.
Width: 360px
Height: 345px

From: Zananok
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  • 2 weeks later...
*Double post*
Well I just noticed that this updater fails to update even small files… they have to be like 1kb to update.. and I didnt notice and now i am like: what the heck!?
Well, give me some time to own this updater by features and by fixing this lame error.

I apologize for releasing such a horrible lame program and yes... I am ashamed for releasing such 'thing'.

From: Zananok
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