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[EO] Tile Engine Conversion


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I'm sure it's not 'just' what I'm about to explain, as I haven't looked at anything involving what you're saying, but I think a good start would be to actually ctrl+f and search the number 32 throughout the project, and change it to 16 (this goes for mostly the client, possibly the server as well) where applicable (i.e. when it is to handle the size of the tiles and such).
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> Knowing Robin that's probably not going to be easy. :D

Nonsense. If you can adjust the size of the game screen in 2 minutes, I'm sure there's support for 16x16 easily. I'm certain Robin might have even mentioned how in a post somewhere. Don't remember where, though.
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Actually, Robin was nice and made it quite easy.
' Tile size constants
Public Const PIC_X As Integer = 32
Public Const PIC_Y As Integer = 32
Of course, you have to change a lot of other 32's if you want to change the game fully to 16 bit. But just the tiles, this is about it (don't  quote me though). You'd probably want to edit the map editor to change from taking 32x32 tiles normally to 16x16.
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> I have done what you said and the tiles are 16x16\. Though they are zoomed in 200% so they look 32x32\. There's a few other problems but I am fixing them. Thanks for the help.

Double these two values and it'll render them at a 100% size in the default screen Origins comes with.. These two values determine how many tiles are rendered on-screen. :)
Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 14
Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 11
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Everyone knows Robin loves 16bit tiles, so it is only natural that he would include them. Thanks for the info though, I need to play around with EO more.

- Adulese

EDIT: Check the number of tiles and make sure that the pixel length in the X and Y direction are the same size as your game screen. What I think is happening is that you didn't change the size of the game screen, so it is just drawing those numbers of tiles. Just a thought.
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> Thanks Robin.
> Just fixed the problem that a 16 x 16 sprite would show in the middle of two tiles instead of centred on one tile. I think you learn a lot more than getting help and doing it yourself than someone just giving you the whole code.

In a lot of cases, yes, that is true. In some cases it is just easier to give someone, at the very least, the base code for what they need to do.
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It's only worth giving the base code if it's a self contained system.

Changing something so intimately woven into the engine requires scooting around changing all kinds of stuff. It'd take you less time to do it yourself than it would for me to find, post and change every piece of code you had to change.
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I fixed it!

It was pretty easy.

TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight) + 16
Had to be this:
TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight)
Now I just need to fix the problem of everything looking resized horribly.
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> I have finally fixed the problem of it all looking resized horribly. I just need help on one last problem. There is a one tile border along the bottom and right sides that I can not change. It just stays black.

I'm no coder or programmer, but couldn't that be because the map size ends there? Try making the map size bigger, then try to fill the black spaces. Sorry if this sounds like a stupid idea :P
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