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Should I speak at a JS event?


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So, there's this local event here in Houston, TX, and I'm considering submitting a proposal to go and speak.


So, I feel like I'm not exactly qualified to speak on javascript. I might speak like I know what I'm doing, but I'm still pretty new to programming in general; however I am really passionate about it, and that's what they're looking for it seems.

I wanna get some thoughts from you guys on what you think I should talk about, should I get the chance. Some of my ideas are:

* Creating a simple app (maybe a to-do app) using node.js/sails framework
* The very basics of using the canvas for game dev
* ???

Yeah, I guess I only have 2 ideas at the moment. Please help me figure this out! It'd be a huge opportunity to get to do this.
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If your new talk about your experience getting into the industry or common hiccups with the language. I am guessing that people attending a conference like this are probably pretty good programmers already, or at the very least know the basics. At least if you talk about your experience you can help people trying to get into the industry.

Really its all good in the end though. Could be a great experience!
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I think talking about the basics of game dev on the canvas element would be really cool, but I think It'd be better to do something about Node.js. Although most everyone there will more than likely already know a good bit about javascript, Node.js still isn't used as often as I'd like.

So, I think I'll do something about using node and the sails framework to create an MVC, api-centric app (yeah, dem buzzwords… lol).

I think the easiest one that I could tackle is a simple to-do application. Anyone else have some simple app ideas?
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My personal opinion would be that people go to these conferences in order to discuss technical aspects of languages as well as fringe/niche topics.  Something as common as MVC, Sails, and Node I'd find pretty boring at the worst and redundant at best since there's an enormous accumulation of information on the web regarding those topics; MVC especially since it's a design pattern and has nothing to do with JS.
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