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NON - Free 2D Lua and MoonScript Game Engine


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Thanks for kind words guys. And @JC, I think it is prrmitted to create posts when I mwoe updates to project, I am not posting random things to bump thread, only important updates. Talking about that, here is new update:

* Removed GWT for for n0w, because GWT do not supports reflection and it will take me a lot of time to rewrite Rhino and Luaj to use some workarounds for reflection for GWT.

* Started working on rewriting launcher, maybe I will add support for similar packages asnin Love2D for simplier project source sharing and building.

* Posted NON to IndieDB, so here is link with more info and screenies: [http://www.indiedb.com/engines/no-nonsense](http://www.indiedb.com/engines/no-nonsense)
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Updated some things and created new quickstart tutorial:

cd Your/Working/Dir
git clone [email protected]:codeindie/non.git
javac src/launcher/Main.java
jar cf non.jar -C src .
non gen:javascript
non desktop:update
non desktop:run


Above script will:

1\. Opens "Your/Working/Dir" - change to anything you want

2\. Clones NON to that directory

3\. Compiles "Main.java" class used for NON launcher

4\. Packs content of "src/" directory to "non.jar" file

5\. Generates "Hello World!" sample in JavaScript

6\. Updates "desktop" project with "Hello World!" sample data

7\. Runs desktop project (you can replace this step by desktop:dist and it will create "non-1.0.0.jar" in "dist/desktop" folder what you can simply double-click and run).
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Thanks. Working on VERY large update, hopefully today I will finish it. In meantime, I wrote some tutorials on how to use NON:

* Audio tutorial: [https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Playing-audio](https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Playing-audio)

* Graphics tutorial: [https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Drawing-images-and-text](https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Drawing-images-and-text)

* Main script tutorial and explaination: [https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Main-script](https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Main-script)

* Building NON project: [https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Building-game-from-command-line](https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Building-game-from-command-line)
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New official release.

non 2.0.0

[Download here](http://www.indiedb.com/engines/no-nonsense/downloads/non-200)

# about

Non is a cross-platform game and visualization development engine. It currently supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS as target platforms.

Non allows you to write your code once and deploy it to multiple platforms without modification. Instead of waiting for your latest modifications to be deployed to your device, you can benefit from an extremely fast iteration cycle by coding your application mainly in a desktop environment. You can choose your favorite scripting language from supported ones to be as productive as you can be.

Non lets you go as low-level as you want, using our plugin system you can use full power of Java and Libgdx, giving you direct access to file systems, input devices, audio devices and OpenGL. Also, Non don't force you to use his pre-built features, as they are all simply plugins, so you can replace, change or remove them without any errors.

Non is something between engine and framework, as it looks like library but Non provides it's own CLI and packager. Only thing required when using Non is to have operating system and Java installed. Non will take care of rest. Isn't that awesome?

# release notes

In this release I fixed all bugs in Non. Also list of what I did in last

few and this release:

* Added asynchromous resource loading (use non.load(assets) event) along with super sexy loading screen what is display during loading them.
* Removed TILED support (sorry, I wasn´t able to make it work with normal coordinate system).
* Totally revamped graphics, audio and input plugin.
* Added some new events for handling input.
* Removed need of entire res/ folder for new projects.
* Fixed major bug with Lua integration what I do not noticed before.
* Added non.exit method what will quit current game
* Added option for changing display mode for desktop from non.cfg

# media

GIF of loading screen in action:

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Thanks guys :)

New release
non 3.0.0

Pong sample (with multitouch support on phones, use non gen:pong to generate this sample from Non CLI)


Download: [http://www.indiedb.com/engines/no-nonsense/downloads/non-300](http://www.indiedb.com/engines/no-nonsense/downloads/non-300)

New tutorial: [https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Loading-assets](https://github.com/codeindie/non/wiki/Loading-assets)

- added drawing of various shapes to graphics plugin

- added new method to graphics plugin for drawing formatted text (printf)

- added new method to graphics plugin for drawing texture quad (drawq)

- added 2 new examples to gen task: Hello World and Pong

- added line and quad to math plugin

- added support for custom scripting languages

- changed non.cfg "main" to "language" and changed its functionality

- removed input.keyboard.isKeyJustPressed

- removed input.touch.isJustTouched

- removed input.mouse.isJustClicked

- renamed graphics.texture to graphics.imageLoader

- renamed graphics.font to graphics.fontLoader

- renamed audio.sound to audio.soundLoader

- renamed audio.music to audio.musicLoader

- renamed graphics.newTexture to graphics.image

- renamed graphics.newFont to graphics.color

- renamed graphics.newShader to graphics.shader

- renamed graphics.newColor to graphics.color

- renamed graphics.setBackground to graphics.clear

- renamed graphics.setColor to graphics.tint

- renamed input.keyboard.isKeyPressed to input.keyboard.isDown

- renamed input.touch.isTouched to input.touch.isDown

- renamed input.mouse.isClicked to input.mouse.isDown

- renamed math.newVector to math.vector

- renamed math.newRectangle to math.rectangle

- renamed math.newCircle to math.circle

- renamed math.newPolygon to math.polygon

- renamed math.newPolyline to math.polyline

- renamed network.newServer and network.newClient to network.server and network.client

- renamed physics.newShape to physics.shape

- removed need for using graphics.begin and graphics.display when drawing anything

- fixed graphics.translate and graphics.rotate

- fixed calling of resize event
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Okay so, what's the point of this? 

You've taken LibGDX, renamed some functions and said "look guys I made this!". Lib already has your entire list of features. Lib already allows you to work in JS and your Lua support is, I'm assuming, the first result on Google when looking up "Lua in LibGDX". You haven't simplified anything and even if you've tried to you've just added a stupid amount of extra bloat onto an already bloated engine.

inb4 I get banned for not saying "wow this is so amazing! i love how u update it all the time omg!".
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Lol Sekaru you do not even looked at code and complaining. I assume you do not know anything about LibGDX as u are using Slick, nor about cross-platform development and integrating Lua and JS scripting support. You are so pathetic. Yes LibGDX allows you to work in JS but with totally different method as I am using. GDX method is browser JavaScript and GWT, in mine engine you can write in JS on all platforms (same th Lua). So stfu please, you are not that smart as you thinks. You know what is constructive criticism? No? Google it.
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"I assume you do not know anything about LibGDX"…..I'm asumming that you will not finish this project like the other 10 you have on "your" site. You never finish them and practically all of them are not original or usefull. Half the shit in your projects are replicas and or copied and pasted from other peoples work. Stop making useless, copied shit, or make somthing original and usefull.
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So what you're saying is because you prefer oranges you don't know anything about apples? I'm glad you've read my entire biography to find out that I've never used LibGDX before (sarcasm, by the way). You also ignored my question meaning that your code has, unbelievably (sarcasm again), come from somewhere else… but where're the credits? Oh look, there are none! What a surprise! (I'm not even gonna point it out anymore). You can write in JS and Lua for all platforms? ...Y'know that's the point whole point right?

It really sucks that I'm the only person here who could even point out the fact that ole Thomas is up to his ole tricks. You lost the right to receive constructive criticism a long time ago.
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> So what you're saying is because you prefer oranges you don't know anything about apples? I'm glad you've read my entire biography to find out that I've never used LibGDX before (sarcasm, by the way). You also ignored my question meaning that your code has, unbelievably (sarcasm again), come from somewhere else… but where're the credits? Oh look, there are none! What a surprise! (I'm not even gonna point it out anymore). You can write in JS and Lua for all platforms? ...Y'know that's the point whole point right?
> It really sucks that I'm the only person here who could even point out the fact that ole Thomas is up to his ole tricks. You lost the right to receive constructive criticism a long time ago.

What code? Post here example, all code in Non is my own. You are saying that using external libraries is not using my code? Wut.
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> Lol Sekaru you do not even looked at code and complaining. I assume you do not know anything about LibGDX as u are using Slick, nor about cross-platform development and integrating Lua and JS scripting support. You are so pathetic. Yes LibGDX allows you to work in JS but with totally different method as I am using. GDX method is browser JavaScript and GWT, in mine engine you can write in JS on all platforms (same th Lua). So stfu please, you are not that smart as you thinks. You know what is constructive criticism? No? Google it.

Sekaru may not use Lib much (he's used it for a few projects from what I've seen), but I'm a very avid user of LibGDX and I barely looked at this and knew you used it. And, taking from what you've done in the past, it's no shock that you wouldn't credit the engine, the tutorials you've used, etc.


This is LibGDX exclusive for Android. Hmm, still not using Lib, Thomas?


Oh. A file that's deep into folders. That right there says "com.**badlogic**.gdx.Gdx;" Kinda funny cause Badlogic made LibGDX. (in case you didn't know)


Oh, and now we get to files that would be looked at. They all say "com.**badlogic**.gdx.Gdx;". You still not using LibGDX?! (wrong screenshot but still proves a point.)

I don't know why you lie, this engine woulda been a lot better if you hadn't gone and said it's all your source code. Tisk tisk.

You're a phony developer taking other peoples credit, good job.
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Oh strange, I've looked at that before when you first posted it and it was never there.


You're so mad, for such a little thing. Calling me stupid because you can't credit sources?

You even leaned towards the "i didn't use libgdx" stance in these posts. Lmao.

> Lol Sekaru you do not even looked at code and complaining. I assume you do not know anything about LibGDX as u are using Slick, nor about cross-platform development and integrating Lua and JS scripting support. You are so pathetic. Yes LibGDX allows you to work in JS but with totally different method as I am using. GDX method is browser JavaScript and GWT, in mine engine you can write in JS on all platforms (same th Lua). So stfu please, you are not that smart as you thinks. You know what is constructive criticism? No? Google it.

> What code? Post here example, all code in Non is my own. You are saying that using external libraries is not using my code? Wut.
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Who are you trying to kid? It literally says the time you updated it. You only had "Lua" (nothing specific, just the Lua language logo) and LibGDX before the latest update. Good job hiding the revisions though, least you're somewhat decent at hiding some things.
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> Who are you trying to kid? It literally says the time you updated it. You only had "Lua" (nothing specific, just the Lua language logo) and LibGDX before the latest update. Good job hiding the revisions though, least you're somewhat decent at hiding some things.

I had there Rhino, LibGDX and LuaJava, but some time ago I changed it to LuaJ, and now I added also Gradle and zt-zip. You cannot even read Git commit? Lol. And Richy, can you clean that flame? As I proven that their speculations are wrong.
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> At least credit the tutorials and sources you used.

I really do not used any tutorials, I only used gdx-setup. Really, do you see anything there what can be from tutorial? Most of my code are just LibGDX functions wrapped to be easily used in JavaScript and Lua. And, to be honest, I do not found any tutorial for Rhino and LuaJ how to invoke methods of objects, what is actually major thing of my JS and Lua implemntation so this can prove you that I wrote them on my own. Idk why you guys are so angry at me, this is first project I am taking totally serious and spending all my time on it because I can see that it have future. And it makes me angry when people like Sekaru are calling my hard work s h i t. My only source code knowledge is entire libgdx source code what I am browsing through when I am working on Non to look at what is in each package and if it is interesting, wrap it in Non.
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> At least credit the tutorials and sources you used.

I really do not used any tutorials, I only used gdx-setup. Really, do you see anything there what can be from tutorial? Most of my code are just LibGDX functions wrapped to be easily used in JavaScript and Lua. And, to be honest, I do not found any tutorial for Rhino and LuaJ how to invoke methods of objects, what is actually major thing of my JS and Lua implemntation so this can prove you that I wrote them on my own. Idk why you guys are so angry at me, this is first project I am taking totally serious and spending all my time on it because I can see that it have future. And it makes me angry when people like Sekaru are calling my hard work s h i t. My only source code knowledge is entire libgdx source code what I am browsing through when I am working on Non to look at what is in each package and if it is interesting, wrap it in Non.
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