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Gay Rights Speech, due tomorrow, can anyone help me improve it?


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The entire thing seems to just be explaining what gay people _are_. Personally I think you should emphasis the legal part of it, rather than just telling people what they already know about the LGBT community. I wrote up a couple of paragraphs. Might write up the other three, just got bored. ;D

> Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand before you today to talk to you about an issue which, although prominent in the media, still isn’t being handled in the mature and unbiased way it should be. I am, of course, talking about the rights of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender citizens of the United States of America. Although it’s very easy for us all to let our judgements and opinions on LGBT rights be controlled by our own personal feelings, I think it’s very important that we all learn that the law is not a tool we can use to silence those we don’t agree with. Saying this, I ask each and every one of you to cut off any pre-conceived opinions or prejudice surrounding this matter. It is up to you to form your own personal opinions, but these should not be used when deciding on the basic rights of a community of people.
> It is now widely known that having a non-heterosexual relationship is a perfectly normal and healthy variation in sexual orientation. Indeed, there are reports of homosexuality going back to the earliest of human societies. Anthropologists report that homosexuals have been a part of every single culture. One study of non-western cultures reported that 64% of the respondents considered homosexuality as "normal and socially acceptable". It's also a well-known fact that same sex behaviour is perfectly natural between animals of all species. You may not see how this affects the rights of the LGBT community, but it shatters the out-dated idea that being a member of this community is simply a choice which the individual has made. This is far from the truth, and it’s with this idea as a foundation than the legal prejudice against LGBT persons was created. It is up to us to realise the mistakes of previous generations and put right the mistakes of the past.
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Glad to see I could be of some help too… >.>

I don't recommend using all of Thorn's rewrite but I do encourage you to incorporate some of it. It's good, solid work, but it's not yours. It doesn't carry your voice or your writing style and that brings into question ethics as well as how well your teacher knows you and your writing.
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If you really wanna get down and dirty you might talk about how that intolerant religion plays a major role in influencing prejudice against homosexuals. But religion is a touchy subject for anyone who in the audience who might think you're saying their beliefs are wrong.. Still, take for example certain times in history when it was completely accepted, like in the Roman Empire it was quite common and accepted. That's because they didn't see any one religion as the way, and accepted a plethora of beliefs.

Here's a quote from The Times newspaper 07':

"Homosexuals deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both, an Iranian leader told British MPs during a private meeting at a peace conference, The Times has learnt.

Mohsen Yahyavi is the highest-ranked politician to admit that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality after a spate of reports that gay youths were being hanged."

Intolerant religion is the cause of this belief..
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> Woooo! Good to hear, I'm glad we were able to help!
> I hope you didn't get much crap from the other students?

Man, I had to fight off christianity, everyone in their but the teacher was a fucking douche bag…  :rolleyes:
Never the less, I had the statistics.  :rolleyes:
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> See, I have a hard time even relating to that. The grade schools that I went to, you basically didn't talk about being religious if you didn't want people to laugh at you. Was kinda hard growing up a churchgoer.

Yeah, lol.


(I had to put some of my crap in their or the teacher would think I'm to awesome, even though it wasn't my work.)
Anyways, here is the final version of the speech I used:

>! Gay Rights
>! "All men are created equal."
Not just some religious rhetoric, but a direct quote from the American constitution. It has been used in a number of great speeches, including the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King. His argument stated that the founding fathers left a promise that all men, including African-Americans, would be guaranteed unalienable "Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. For these rights to not be extended to the gay community as well is a slap in the face of the basic moral character of America.
>! There are plenty of reasons to support gay rights, three of my main reasons are that sexual orientation is not something people can always control, it’s Biology, how a persons made. Another reason is that they too are Americans, so they are guaranteed unalienable "Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Lastly, when all is said and done, they’re people too, just like you and I.
>! Most studies through Biology show that people’s genetics, hormones, brain structure, and environmental influences, all affect a person’s sexual orientation. This means that not all LGBT people choose to be the way they are, so it's not always their fault, and they should never feel bad about that, that's just how their made.
>!     America guarantees certain rights to its citizens. The right of Life, a right for which the gay community has been challenged many times, even as recently as former Arkansas school board member Clint McCance calling on more gays to kill themselves. The right of Liberty, something that again many members of the gay community are denied. They do not have the liberty of holding the hand of the person they love in public without fear of persecution, nor do they have the liberty of marriage, something that straight people take for granted. Finally, the right to the Pursuit of Happiness. They have fought for their rights with a bravery that should be praised, not spit upon. People have tried to silence them, and many face their lives being ruined if it got out that they liked someone of their own gender. By the basic terms laid out in the constitution, in the simplest of language, the gay community deserves better treatment than what they have been receiving.

    The very fact that gays are being prosecuted is embarrassing on a national scale. America is supposed to be the land of the free, where anyone can make it if they work hard. How can we make that claim, though, when we deny our own citizens basic human rights? How can America stand as an ideal, or even as something worth fighting for, when we fight among ourselves over such petty things as they style in which one chooses to love? There is no persecution against the BDSM crowd, and many of the far stranger and more unsettling acts of lust are completely ignored as long as it's between a man and a woman. Are two men who love each other so much more disgusting than the truly depraved acts of male and female sadomasochists? What must we look like to other countries, calling for the death of the former while ignoring the latter?
>! Try for a moment to put your selves in their shoes. Try to imagine having all your rights, your freedoms, and even your sense of safety taken away from you. This is the world that we are forcing the gay community to live in. This is the world that we can try to change. This is the America that we can try to improve. This is the time for us to bring an end to the persecution of gays.
Oh, I also made MANY changes to the speech, that you can't see here. I had my old english teacher(my fav english teacher) read over it and give me some tips, and I went back and re-handwrote it. One of the biggest changes when I re-wrote it, was the "Biology" part. My first version(the one you see) had absolutely no statistics, so I went and researched a bunch of crap to fix that.
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> @Kusy:
> > Wut! Another gay propaganda thread.
> It's okay, my Polish friend. You don't need to hide in the closet around us. <3

You know I love you Robin.

Anyhow Shawny… don't you think when talking about "something you are pasionate about" your teacher ment some kind of hobby? Not being gay? Just wondering... I would make a speach about how awesome Zelda is or vidya gaems in general... not my sexual orientation.
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> @Robin:
> > @Kusy:
> >
> > > Wut! Another gay propaganda thread.
> >
> > It's okay, my Polish friend. You don't need to hide in the closet around us. <3
> You know I love you Robin.
> Anyhow Shawny… don't you think when talking about "something you are pasionate about" your teacher ment some kind of hobby? Not being gay? Just wondering... I would make a speach about how awesome Zelda is or vidya gaems in general... not my sexual orientation.

Didn't write about me being gay, I wrote about gay rights, which is a major issue in today's society.
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Are you passionate about gay rights?

And being more serious about it. What sources confirm that homosexuality has anything to do with biology or genetics alltogether. What are "many other" rights the homosexuals don't have? What is this bullshit about healthcare? How the duck you can be charged more at the hospital because you are gay? Gay people have "IM GAY" tatooed on their foreheads so the healthcare can see they should charge them more? Or is "what's your sexual orientation" the first question doctors ask to their patients in united states of america?

Your speach is a hell of a exaggeration… you make it sound like queers are made to wear collars, forced to do slave labour and don't have the right to vote. The only things they are actualy NOT ALLOWED TO is mariage which is something absolutely unimportant and to have kids which in my opinion is a mighty good and reasonable restriction. You pushed the selfkill problem in there out of the blue without any kind of introduction - make a decision, are you talking about gay rights or about gay kids discrimination and bullying, because if you are bringing up the issue of depressed teenagers who think they might be gay and decide to end their life - it doesn't have much to do with the whole "rights" thingy... teenagers have no rights anyways. Not to mention that percentage of teen suiciders amongst gay minority is most likely smaller than amongs heterosexual teens.

Overall - you made it sound like gays are the only people who suffer, only gay teens think about suicide and only gay kids are bullied... which is total bullshit because daily there most likely are fuckloads more teens trying to kill themselves - probobly more than the ammount of EXISTING gay teens - more people who are denied the right to have children - naturaly or adoption - and more bullied, hated and discriminated people among the heterosexual "cruel society" you put against all the poor, opressed and righless gay community hiding in the sewers.

tl;dr - life's ducking harsh for everyone equaly.
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> @Kusy:
> > I would make a speach about how awesome Zelda is or vidya gaems in general… not my sexual orientation.
> You're passionate about that one Zelda game they've constantly been re-making since 1987? :|

Am I passionate about it? More or less.
More passionate than about gay rights? Defenetly.

and edited the previous post to make it more insulting to everyone interested ;D
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