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Obtaining Variables [VB 2010]


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I have been working on some stuff with visual basics 2010 and I was making an auto updater for my own game engine for my new game knights of lunar crescent when I stumbled upon a problem I never actually looked into. I need to know how to read parts of text and not just the whole thing. For example Ini files read string of text and I need to do that with vb 2010 I tried converting it from vb6 to 2010 and couldn't understand it I looked at other examples so how do I do this?
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> FileGetObject(file#, Var)
> Input(file#, var)

so basically I write it like this?
my.computer.network.downloadfile("http://xx.xxx.x.x/updates/updates.ini", curdir() + "\updates\update.ini")

FileGetObject(CurDir() & "\updates\update.ini", 2)

and this will return me with the 12 if I say
2=12 in the ini file?
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filename = App_Path() & "data\text.txt"
F = FreeFile()
FileOpen(F, filename, OpenMode.Input)
FileGetObject(F, Phrase) 'or Input(F, Phrase)
but if your doing ini you ill need to either add in the getline functions or check out this [INIAccess](http://www.codeguru.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-189920.html)
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> ```
> filename = App_Path() & "data\text.txt"
> F = FreeFile()
> FileOpen(F, filename, OpenMode.Input)
> FileGetObject(F, Phrase) 'or Input(F, Phrase)
> FileClose(F)
> ```
> but if your doing ini you ill need to either add in the getline functions or check out this [INIAccess](http://www.codeguru.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-189920.html)

okay thank you now I can use these for my login system I had found another way to work my updater by downloading strings from my ftp i couldn't use robin's updater because of how my client is going to be running so sorry robin XD
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